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Posts posted by Harry1984a

  1. Because of a short TV clip in the news yesterday, i want you to read some lines

    from an essay i wrote some years ago. It is a short report of torture in connection

    with NGOs, etc.


    Like my other articles (=topics) in this board, I want to make you think in some

    way... think about themes which are not cool/easy/great/funny...



    General information about the organisations in connection with torture...




    NGOs are non-governmental organisations that are impartial, independent and

    global. They fight against all kind of injustice, such as oppression, segregation,

    corrupt governments, ⦠The best-known organisations are Amnesty International

    and the International Committee of the Red Cross.


    Amnesty International:


    Amnesty is a worldwide movement, which is independent of any government,

    political party, economic interest or religious belief. The members of Amnesty

    International are volunteers and this organisation is the largest, because there

    are now over one million members in more than 160 countries. Its aims are...


    1.They want to achieve the release of all prisoners of conscience. These are men

    and women imprisoned for their political beliefs, religion and race.


    2. Amnesty International fights for the enforcement of human rights.


    3. Amnesty International demands fair and early trials for all prisoners and it

    wants to prevent these people from torture and executions.


    4. Furthermore they also want the governments to improve the conditions in the



    Amnesty International achieves these goals with its letter-writing-campaigns.

    Thousands of letters are posted by the members to put an involved party or

    country under pressure. This organisation was founded in 1960, after a British

    lawyer, Peter Benenson, read an article about two Portuguese students, who had

    been arrested, because they drink a toast to freedom. So he started a campaign

    and soon there was an enormous response to his initiative. The symbol of

    Amnesty International is a burning candle surrounded by barbed wire.



    Torture itself...


    Types of torture:


    Torture has been practised with different level of brutality for many centuries. It is

    a world-wide problem and is often practised by governments or military

    dictatorships to intimidate the population or the opposition. There are two types of

    torture â¦


    Physical Torture

    This means that people are âre-educatedâ through hard labour, and poor food.

    Very often corporal punishment is used, such as hanging by legs & arms, electric

    shocks, severe beatings, ... . In general people who resist against a âruleâ are

    punished with ill-treatment.


    Mental Torture

    For example being prevented from sleeping, can be even more painful than

    physical torture and it doesnât leave marks on the prisoners body. Furthermore

    subjecting to a high-pitched noise is a quite common form of torture.



    The Milgramâs Experiment:


    An American scientist, Stanley Milgram, carried out an experiment in which one

    person was ordered to hurt another person more and more. He wanted to find out

    when persons would refuse to obey. The âteachersâ were to punish the âlearnersâ

    with an electric shock. At the beginning of the experiment most of the âteachersâ

    said that they would never hurt the âlearnersâ, but most of them changed their

    opinions during the experiment. So Mr Milgram found out that it is more important

    for the âteachersâ to obey the experimenters than to avoid hurting the âlearnersâ.


    Article 5 of the UNâs Declaration of Human Rights:

    âNo one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment!â



    information/links about the theme:


    Amnesty international on Wikipedia



    Logo of Amnesty International




    HQ of Amnesty INternational and Official-Site





  2. Hi at all!


    I have got the following question about my graphic-card:


    In my current system, there is a Powercolor Radeon 9800 XT

    (265MB Ram) installed. You know... this card supports the shader

    2.1 model from ATI.


    And now my question:


    Is it possible to install an emulator or an emulation graphics driver

    which emulates the shader 3.0 model... of corse in a "soft" (=software

    emulated) way?


    Some time ago there was such a emulator for Matrox graphic boards...

    these boards (so far as i know) only supported DirectX an no OpenGL.

    With a special driver, OpenGL was emulated in the CPU and (slow) gaming

    in an OpenGL environment was possible...



    Thanks for your time &

    Greetings from Austria


  3. Because of todays news http://www.pravdareport.com/news/russia/27-08-2002/16738-0/

    I want to give you a insight to the topic of violence...

    [sources from different papers, books and school stuff]




    -One theory says that violence is an instinct, which we all have, because it’s

    necessary for survival. It’s always with us and therefore we have to find harmless

    ways of acting out this strong emotional overcome. Sports competitions help to

    get rid of it.


    -Secondly violence is something that we learn from other people or from the

    media. This learning process can be stopped.


    -Violence is the result of frustration. When people don’t get what they want, they

    become frustrated and this strong emotional overcome might lead to aggressive



    -All people want to let off steam. In general, this is a normal and natural reaction,

    such as slamming the door. However there are people who do this in a cruel and

    brutal way.





    On the one hand horror movies, action films and thrillers offer aggressive

    entertainment. Lots of people believe that these movies cause more violence on

    the street, in urban and rural areas, in schools and at work. Experts are of the

    opinion that the audience identifies with the aggressor and with his cruel acts, such

    as murder, robbery or rape. So they suppose that the viewer of these movies

    might imitate the brutal acts. Some specialists believe that especially children and

    teenagers might be influenced in a bad way.


    Statistics prove that non-violent films are more popular, although Hollywood

    claims that these movies are merely produced, because the vast majority of our

    society wants to watch them. Moreover opponents of screen violence complain

    that these movies cause “cultural pollution” and that there is no escape from it.


    On the other hand fans of horror films claim that screen violence is just good fun

    and that it merely offers innocent pleasure. The supporters of these movies are of

    the opinion that freedom is limited in ordinary life. They are convinced that violent

    scenes are liberating and that they help the viewer to let off steam in a non-

    violent way. Furthermore they are sure that just crazy people imitate the acts that

    are shown on TV and that there is nothing that can be done against them anyway.

    Also Hollywood regards these films as harmless entertainment. In film-makers

    opinion there are absolutely no effects of the brutal scenes.


    What can be done against this “cultural pollution”? Horror movies should be

    censored or forbidden. However, some experts believe that censorship isn’t

    effective enough. Therefore they want the audience to be more critical. Above all,

    film-producers should be made responsible for the pollution they have caused?



    Schools and Violence


    Public schools’ problems have changed dramatically in the cause of history. In the

    40s the most severe problems were talking out of turn, chewing gum, running in

    halls and littering. Today the difficulties have changed significantly.


    In recent years the most serious problems are drug & alcohol abuse, pregnancy,

    rape, assault and robbery. Experts believe that gang activity must be made

    responsible for the developments. They are concerned that many students believe

    that murder by a gang is no real crime. The only crime is to disobey a gang order.

    In Detroit, for example, attacks on teachers and school employees jumped an

    astounding 900 per cent in five years.



    Violent Kids


    No one is shocked of atrocities committed by mobsters, drug pushers or

    psychopaths. However, there is a new development that scares everybody. More

    and more teenagers, who should be the most “innocent”, are running amuck and

    kill, beat and rape others. Adolescence is often a troubled time of rebellion and

    rage like in the West Side Story. But juvenile crime appears to be the most brutal

    one, because young criminals very often don’t show any remorse or conscience.


    Teen crime includes all races, classes and life-styles, although the offenders are

    overwhelmingly male. There are several reasons for this behaviour. Experts

    believe that physiological, psychological abnormalities, gang movements and

    cultural and family decay may contribute to this tendency. Some specialists are of

    the opinion that aggression is biologically rooted. The roots of this reason can be

    found in the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone, which makes

    young teenagers aggressive.


    Others are convinced that beatings by parents or others, alcohol or drug

    consumption influence the youngsters in a negative way. Overburdened parents

    with demanding jobs can’t supervise their children all the time and so kids often

    feel neglected. Therefore the lack of parental supervision is a decisive factor for

    juvenile violence. Also verbal attacks, sexual abuse by parents or relatives make

    kids more violent.


    Teenagers often adopt the values of their peer rather than those of parents and

    teachers. Surveys show that group influence is the most important factor. In some

    gangs the committal of something “brave and powerful“, like killing or raping

    somebody, can give the child a great status and reputation in the group.


    Apart of these factors also the entertainment media plays a curtail role in juvenile

    crime. Stats show that the vast majority of youngsters witnessed thousands of

    murder and crime on TV. Some of the teenagers believe that they have to imitate

    the acts. Also the music industry contains of some aggressive, brutal, satanic and

    sexual themes in album covers, videos and lyrics.


    In some cases poverty plays the most important role. On the one hand ghetto

    residents, teenagers of ethnic minorities are more likely to commit a crime than

    others. However on the other hand also children, who have got everything, kill

    and do violent things. These kids believe that they are entitled to anything,

    because of their better financial situation.


    Solutions are difficult to find, but society calls for stronger laws and punishment.

    Furthermore the access to guns, alcohol and drugs must be made more difficult.

    Others are of the opinion that the parents of violent kids should be made

    responsible for the criminal activity of their children. Governments should offer

    more rehabilitative treatment in form of individual and group therapy for the

    young offenders. Moreover political parties should increase their battles against

    drugs, poverty and racism at all levels.


    So... don't fight.. talk...





  4. Hi @ all!


    Some days ago I registered at http://www.apple.com/at/itunes/ (iTunes Austria) to download music

    from Apple's great iTunes music store.


    At first everything looks really good and fine... the design of the shop, the iTunes

    software and everything round it/them is amazin... typically for MAC.


    But when I bought my first song form the music service (3 Doors Down -

    Kryptonite *g*) I realized that the quality of the file is only about 128 Kilobits (!?)


    I was really angry because I thougt that Apple represents "high quality" so that

    everything from this company really is "really high quality". The 128 Kilobits are

    not bad but they are not really high fidelity...


    Because of my little problem with iTunes I searched through the internet and

    asked some smart people about the issue... and I found a pleasent solution:


    The files offered at iTunes are not MP3 encoded. They have got a special standard

    called MPEG-4 AAC (Advanced Audio Coding).


    The difference between MP3 and AAC is that a file encoded with AAC at 128

    Kilobits is equal to a file encoded with MP3 at 160 to 192 Kilobits (depends on

    the song, etc. )


    So the AAC standard is cleverer than the MP3... same size, better quality.


    An short excerpt of the AAC wikipedia article explains the differences

    ( Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_audio_coding )


    AAC's improvements over MP3

    Some of its advances:


    Sample frequencies from 8 Hz to 96 kHz (official MP3: 16 Hz to 48 kHz)

    Up to 48 channels

    Higher efficiency and simpler filterbank (hybrid → pure MDCT)

    Higher coding efficiency for stationary signals (blocksize: 576 → 1024 samples)

    Higher coding efficiency for transient signals (blocksize: 192 → 128 samples)

    Much better handling of frequencies above 16 kHz

    More flexible joint stereo (separate for every scale band)


    What this all means to the listener is better and more stable quality than MP3 at

    equivalent or slightly lower bitrates.



    I hope that I could bring some light into this iTunes secret :-) so that no one

    will wonder anymore about the 128 Kilbits in his/her music.


    For more information about the differences of the music standards or some

    other information visit the following websites:



    (Official Apple Support Site)



    (Wikipedia Information Site)



    Greetings & Have fun with your great iTunes music @ high quality :-)


  5. I wrote this article for my English course some time ago... Because it is a very,

    very controversial theme, which is very present in the media today, I want to

    provide an introduction to this topic.


    I hope the "Whats News" section is the right place for it... because it is a new

    theme in our sociecty... and I think that everyone should cope with it...



    Definition of death?


    Death: In former days, a person was regarded as “dead”, when his or her heart

    stopped beating. But with the course of time, and with all the modern technology

    and medicine, it is possible to keep the heart beating. So there is a new definition

    for death: A person is dead, when there is no more any electrical activity in the brain.



    What is euthanasia?


    Generally, it means gentle and easy death for usually terminal ill people. Other

    expressions for this term are mercy killing, or relief people from unbearable suffering.



    Facts about euthanasia?


    In most of the world’s countries mercy killing is forbidden and illegal, but most of

    the people, living in those states, support the idea of euthanasia. More and more

    patients (mostly terminal ill ones) have the wish to die with dignity and without

    pain and suffering. So, it’s a moral and legal question for the state. The reason,

    which makes this problem actual, is, that the people all around the world live

    longer because of better health care. So there are more elderly people in our





    Generally there are 2 opinions:


    • Terminally ill people must be given the “right to die” when they want to end their

    lives. No one else should be allowed to make the decision if a patient should go on

    living or should be killed, only the ill people themselves. “The right to die with

    dignity” is the main phrase in this controversial topic. The patients should choose if

    life-prolonging machines should keep them alive or not. Generally the patient

    should have a “comfortable” death, which means, that they should be released

    from great pain and unless suffering.


    • Letting patients die is the same like killing them. All human life has the same

    value, no matter what life it is. So nobody should be allowed to practise passive

    or active euthanasia.



    Types of euthanasia:


    a) Active euthanasia


    Active euthanasia is illegal in nearly every state on earth. The Netherlands want to

    make certain types of active mercy killing legal, which means that doctors will not

    be punished anymore when the help a person to die. Of course the patients must

    have the clear wish to die, so that the medicals are able to inject lethal injections

    in their bodies. In Germany the families of terminally ill persons may buy poison

    for them, which can be taken by the patient. But active euthanasia is still forbidden.


    :D Passive euthanasia


    Passive euthanasia means, to stop the medical treatment of a patient, when it is

    the only way to keep him/her alive and when there are no other forms of cure. To

    turn of this live prolonging measures is the most accepted “style” of mercy killing.


    But the biggest problem of this topic is, that nobody can be 100% sure, that a

    patient wants to die. For example mentally ill or paralysed people are not able to

    make a right decision. So what will happen to them and who should decide it?



    Excerpt anf comment to the article "The right to die"

    (Spotlight article, December 1995)


    A father killed his terminally ill and disabled daughter, because he thought it was


    the best way to help her. The law said: “…to treat such a child as a person of

    lesser status or dignity than others is a heavily defence of the human right!” The

    father was sentenced to prison. This case was a victory for all the disabled all

    around the world. These say, that for the first time in history, the interest of

    disabled people were followed. In questions like “euthanasia yes or no” only

    the “ordinary” people are asked, not the disabled. The groups which support the

    handicapped people fear, that times like the nazi regime will come back, when

    only the physically and mental healthy were allowed to live.

    Opponents of euthanasia support the idea of the “hospice movement”. A hospice is

    similar to a hospital nut there are some basic differences.


    A hospice provides:


    • Support systems for terminally ill patients and their families.

    • Furthermore it regards dying as a normal process

    • The people who work there try to relief the patients from any kind of pain

    • It helps the sick people to live as actively as possible until their death

    • And a hospice helps the family of the patient to cope with the difficult situation


    In a hospice the people are informed about death and dying and also about going

    on living. Information about death is very important, because most of the patients

    who want to die are not informed enough to make the right decision to live or to



    In Oregon in the year 1994 the “death with dignity law”, which allowed doctors to

    give lethal injections, was introduced, bud it quickly disappeared in 1995. It was

    against the constitution of the United States.


    In some cases assisted suicide isn’t very successfully and effective because in

    some cases the “quick death” didn’t work. The patients had a hard and painful



    In Britain more than 90% of the total population are in favour of allowing doctors

    to end the lives of terminally ill people, but (of course) the people must have the

    wish to die.


    In the Netherlands the situation looks something different. There the law permits

    active euthanasia under strict controlled conditions. The medicals have to follow a

    28-point checklist and the ill person has to tell the doctor the wish to die under

    presence of witnesses.


    When patients are in a coma, it’s very difficult to make a decision. They are

    unable to say what they want. So the “Right to die” could become the duty to die!

    During the 2nd World war the disabled had no rights and their duty was to die.


    Generally the patient him or herself, the family and the doctors have to decide if

    the patient should go on living or not.



    Euthanasia – What to you think?


    Generally euthanasia means “good death”, but has become to mean a “hastened”

    or “assisted” death.


    Public opinion is behind euthanasia and nearly 70% say, that doctors should be

    allowed to end the lives of terminally ill people. At the one hand, the law says, that

    active euthanasia is a crime and because of that forbidden. At the other hand,

    passive mercy dead, which means that all life-prolonging measures should be

    turned off, is not an offence. But a distinction between those two kinds of

    euthanasia is very difficult to make. The right distinction will not always be made

    by the law, the judge or the patient himself. Death is something very personal and

    should be respected by society.



    I really dont know for myself whats the "right" way... everybody has do decide

    it for him/or herself...but..


    ..the danger of "murder" exists...and it is really a danger...


    Greetings from Austria


  6. Is the X1600 series only a tiny "scream" from ATI for the christmasbusiness?2 month ago everybody said.. "wow" the best chip on the planet *g*..the 1600 series will win the compitition of the grapic cards. But now...only 2 month later.. everything is different?The X1900 is state of the art... everything which was written in thePC magazine and so on is nonsense?So...It seems to me, that the X1600 is only a joke-series.. to provide a betterstart for the X1900 series...Am I right? Or are the things different?Greetings from AustriaHarry1984

  7. I have collected some material about "Sleep-Science" (handouts, my old school

    books, some articles, listenings etc.) to provide you a small insight into the topic. I

    tried to use the latest scientific Information towards this topic to provide an

    inventional insight. So the section "What is new" should be the best place for my




    People really do not know what happens when / while they are sleeping...

    are you interested or even scared *g*? Read the lines below...




    General Infos about "sleep"


    There are several reasons for sleep. One is that our bodies are like batteries

    which need to be regularly recharged.


    Another is that they need time to repair themselves, fight infections and build new

    cells. This “recovery” happens all the time, but in fact it’s much easier when the

    bodies are relaxed.


    Thirdly, people sleep, because we need to dream. Experts aren’t sure how dreams

    work, however they are necessary for mental health. An indicator for dreams is

    the ‘R.E.M.’ sleep. This means that though our eyes are closed, they move rapidly

    from side to side. Furthermore scientist have found out, that people woken

    in ‘R.E.M.’ sleep usually can remember their dreams, whereas others can’t.

    Experts are of the opinion that people who were prevented form dreaming might

    go insane.


    Some scientists have found out that people always dream in colour, but they

    cannot remember the colours. Whereas others believe that one third of the

    dreams are in black and white and the others in colour.


    Babies need more sleep than elders, approximately about 16 – 14 hours a day.

    Old people hardly sleep 6 hours. Babies’ dreams are full of impressions they gain

    through their senses, like love or hunger.





    Lots of people suffer form insomnia, which means that you have difficulty

    sleeping. In general everybody has to face sleepless nights from time to time, for

    example before an important exam. It is very annoying, however there are some

    handy tricks to avoid insomnia:


    - People should take plenty of exercise during the day to relax the muscles.

    - Don’t eat a heavy meal and never drink coffee or Red Bull after 8.00 pm.

    - Leave your bedroom window slightly open to have cool and fresh air.

    - Futhermore read for a while before you put the light out. This will help to

    relax your mind. (Or you take sleeping pills :-) )



    Creative / Famous dreams


    Quite a number of artists, writers and scientists have reported that dreams have

    been important to them in their work. Their dreams have helped them to create

    something new or inspired them to create an original work of art.


    Goethe, kept a notebook and a pencil by his bedside, because when he would

    wake up in the middle of the night with a new poem, he would jot it down



    One of the most famous images of the 19th century literature, the Frankenstein

    monster, was also the product of a dream. Mary Shelley had a terrifying

    nightmare after an evening talking about ghosts.


    The German chemist F. A. Kekulé, who discovered the molecular structure of

    benzole, said that it was revealed to him in a dream, where the atoms were

    dancing in the form of long chains before his eyes.





    The daydream is the only dream you can have without going to sleep, and

    because you’re awake, you can choose what you dream about. They are

    necessary to escape from what’s going around you. In general people have

    daydreams when they want to think about something more interesting or more fun

    than whatever it is they are supposed to be thinking about. Daydreams can

    appear at schools or on a long and boring car trip.


    Grown-ups also daydream,

    however they call it thinking or using their imagination. A number of writers,

    artists and scientist prove that these “short holidays“ can produce wonderful

    pictures or ideas.





    Basically dreams are really enjoyable, but there are dreams where terrifying

    things are happening to you. These are the so-called nightmares. These

    unpleasant dreams can be a kind of action-replay dreams, that means you dream

    about something what you have faced the day before. However there are also

    nightmares that are linked to the future, such as nightmares before examinations.



    Types of dreams


    The symbols and situations which appear in our dreams are part of a complex

    visual language. It’s a highly personal language which doesn’t always mean what

    it seems to mean. However, there are certain dreams that are fairly widespread

    and seem to have a universal meaning relating to problems and matters that

    concern all of us.



    Falling symbolises the fear of losing control over one’s feelings or over a certain

    situation (connected with money, work, school, ...) . It also has an emotional

    significance even in everyday speech, for example we talk of falling into

    temptation or of falling in love.


    running from a pursuer

    Over 70 % of people report dreaming of being chased or pursued. They also feel

    trapped and unable to escape. Such dreams are related to frustrating or worrying

    situations of real life.



    Climbing in a dream usually signifies striving to achieve something which is

    particularly important to the dreamer. However this requires a lot of effort, such

    as an unfulfilled ambition.



    The person who dreams that he is floating in the air, suffers from an inferiority

    complex. In this dream she feels superhuman and compensates his desperate life.

    your teeth falling out People who dream about this are going to face financial

    difficulties for a while.


    I hope that my article helps you with this (difficult) theme... and


    "Good night... i wish nice dreams *g*"


    Greetings from Austria



    PS: If you want more information goto amazon or something like that. There

    are a lot of books dealing with this topic.

  8. Everything is permitted in the cpanel...The privileges are set "All"... so everything should work fine...Hey... i have found the solution for my problem...If you "check" in the privileges section "ALL"... it doesnt work.If you check all the other boxes in the privilege section, so thateverything is active, it works :-)Maybe it is a kind of bug in the Cpanel? Greetings & ThanksHarry1984a

  9. I created a database called "db" in the my-sql area in thecpanel. There is an automatic perfix which adds a rockfm_to the database name so that it is called "rockfm_db"(rockfm is my domain at asatahost rockfm.astahost.com)In Wordpress you have to edit a config file to fit the names,etc.of your account... so i wrote the correct db-name, user-name, pw..into the file and uploaded it. I checked the correct spelling100red times *g* but everything should be ok... i dont knowwhat is wrong....Greetings and thank youHarry1984a-----Without Hardware, there is no Software

  10. Hy!I try to install Wordpress 1.5 on my new Xisto account,but the installation always says..."We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select therockfm_db database.Are you sure it exists? On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with yourusername, so it would be like username_wordpress. Could that bethe problem? If you don't know how to setup a database you shouldcontact your host. If all else fails you may find help at the WordPressSupport Forums."I tried to edit everything in my cpanel but without any effect..Please help me to install the blog script...Greetings & Thank YouHarry1984a

  11. Hi @ all!Maybe anyone needs a summary of the movie "Rain Man"(PS: I wrote it during my A-Levels in English 2002... i think that the wholetext is self written... if any passages of the text are similar to other summariesfrom the net.. sorry.. i did not know it)The young businessman Charlie Babbitt is being informed that his father has died, but he doesn’t care much. So he drives to his father’s house, where he remembers the time when he has lived with his father. There he sees the old Buick again and he tells her girlfriend Susanna the story how his dad has left him in prison for two days, because he has secretly borrowed the car. This caused the end of their relationship.Charlie inherits the car and the rose bushes, but the money, three million dollars, goes to an institution called Wallbrook. It’s a mental hospital for handicapped persons. There he finds an unknown man who in fact is his autistic brother Raymond. Charlie kidnapps him, because he needs his father’s money.However, he soon realizes that looking after Raymond is very difficult, because his brother can’t cope with life outside Wallbrook. Susanna leaves Charlie, because she thinks that he just uses everybody, specially Raymond. In a restaurant one of Raymond’s typical rituals is shown. He wants a special meal on a special day. On that day he also needs toothpicks. The waitress drops them on the floor and Ray counts them within seconds. Futhermore Dr Bruner calls, because he wants Raymond back, but Charlie doesn’ give up and still wants to get the money.Charlie wants to go to LA, but his brother refuses to go by plane, because of the crashes. So they go by car, however during the ride they see an accident and therefore Ray doesn’t want to use the highway. This is unbelievable for Charlie, but he cannot persuade his brother to continue using the highway. At a doctor he finds out that Ray is excellent in doing sums, but he can’t cope with money. Again something incredible for the businessman.On the road again Ray suddenly wants to watch a TV-report. So they stop at a house and ask the occupant if they may watch it. At a motel Charly finds out that Raymond has been his imaginary friend, the Rain Man. Charlie couldn’t speak properly and so he has said “Rain Man” instead of Raymond. Their father has brought Raymond to Wallbrook when he has nearly hurt Charlie by putting him into hot water. Charlie has been a baby at that time. However, Charlie has become older and so he has just forget him. After the businessman finds out that his autistic brother is very good at counting cards, they go to Las Vegas and win a lot of money. Raymonds meets a woman and fixes a date with her and therefore Charlie teaches Ray how to dance. This is the first time when Ray allows Charlie to touch him. Raymond’s date doesn’t come, but in the elevator Susanna teaches him how to kiss.The security officers of the casino want them to leave Las Vegas and so they drive to LA and live in Charlies house for a short time. However, Charlie realizes how difficult it would be to take care of Raymond all day and so he “gives” Ray back. There has a change in Chalie’s character, because at the end he loves Raymond and it’s not a question of money anymore. There is a strong emotional link between the two men. Raymond has to go back to Wallbrook, but Charlie promises to visit him every second week.Themes:o strong connection between brothers (family)o autism (difficult to cope with this desease – patients live in an other “world”)- special abilities, rituals ;o money is not the most important thing (Charlie’s change of character)o Charlie’s difficult childhood ; had a lot of conflicts with his father (Buick) ; mother died when he was a baby ; when he was afraid the “Rain Man” came and sang for him ; his imaginery friendCharacters:Raymond Babbittautistic person (disabled, handicapped) ; no feelings except fear and not-fear ; unable to etablish a relationship ; afraid of being touched ; hurts himself when he faces a problem ; has daily routines ; if ritual is missed – gets a fit ; can’t cope with life outside Wallbrook ; everything new causes stress and pains ; has special abilities – good at counting and remembering numbers – in some way a genius ; is the Rain Man (imaginary friend of little Charlie)Charlie Babbittbusinessman ; girlfriend Susanna ; at the beginning selfish and uses everybody ; had an imaginary friend – “Rain Man” – painful memories ; at the end he etablishes a strong relationship to Raymond (great change of character); becomes more sensible ; really loves his brother ; understands the effects and autism itself ; not interested in his father’s money anymore;SusannaCharlie’s employee ; absolutely understands Ray and supports him ; leaves Charlie ; wants to send Ray back to Wallbrook, because she is convinced that its better for him ; teaches Ray how to kiss ; helpful ; reasonable, sensitive ;Dr. Brunerwants Ray back to Wallbrook ; promised to Raymonds father to take care for his son ; Ray’s treatment is very important for him ; offers spiritual care for the autistic manGreetingsHarry1984a

  12. During my A-Levels I summarised the topic ADs! Specific Informatonyou can find in the Book "Make your Way to the Matura (8)"How do advertisements work?The world of ads is a “make believe” world: Every problem could be solved only tobuy a certain product! This is a trick of the big companies to increase sales.Tricks of advertisers:-pleasant accociation of ideas:in ads appear a certain lifestyle that many people are dreaming of, but they will never achieve (beauty, success, money,…)-objects of identification2 kinds of peoplea) a famous person (actor, pop-star, …) says, that a product is very good. So the audience imitates this behaviour and they buy the product:huh: an ordinary person (neighbour, friend,…) say that they use a certain product. The audience identifies with the person, and because of that they buy the product. (Rich people i.e. prefer a successful looking guy in ads -> poor ones with porr people,…)-emotional stylepeople should develop an emotional attitude to an advertisement (the product) i.e. the like childish and lovely things like speaking animals, babies,…)- factual styleads try to create the impression of objectivity and truth. I.e. a “expert” (ordinary person with a professional outfit) says something about the experiences with a product. The audience think, that this expert-comment is true and they buy the product from the ad.Sex:Women are sex-objecs in ads. Even when they have nothing to do with the product, they apperae in the ad (half naked girl on a sport car, …)In ads, stereotypes appear stronger than in normal life:i.e. car ads: man: technics, speed, power of the enginewoman: beautiful shape, comfortable for shopping or to take children to schoolsubconscious influenceall problems will disappear when you buy a certain product. I.e. older => cosmetics, car accident => insurance, …styles & technics of advertising:ads should attract to the people’s attraction, but they shoulden’t offend public taste. Because of that advertisers try to find compromise between these 2 things:-optical tricksthe best way to present a product is to put only a few words in big print next to a big picture. Aditional infos should only be printed in smaller characters.Bright colours are very important. Cartoons and drawings are often better than photos. (funny cartoons, …)-acoustic tricks: simple music with harmonious tune and sung slogans. Folk music is important to deliver a pleasant acossiation of exotic countries.Voice is important, too. The language, which is spoken in a country, is better than anyone from an foreign state. (Austria + Austrian accent, germany + german)-the language:its important to use simple chatchy slogans wich are easy to remember. The companies create new words and brand names (Car industry: Lupo, Picasso,…). A brand suggests a certain quality. These “new” language even influences our language.-originalityads are effective wehen they are unfamiliar and unpuzzling at first to attract to the audience. There is a risk, beacaue you don’t know if the public understands the ad -> so the rate of such advertisements is pretty low.Listening with Burt Manning, chief executive of JWT- research workthe consumers are observed if they buy a certain product or if they don’t care about. Advertisers need a brand wich tells the people, that the product they buy is good; What might wish the consumers for the future? Whet might satisfie them?- entertainmententertainment is helpful -> need ads which are different than the others & a product wich is superior = brand is needed! If people don’t like ad, they don’t remember -> not effective => abruption is important! There should be a message in a ad which the people had never seen before – smoething which they don’t expect (example: at school chemistry is boring -> people hardly know anything => but Magnesium + Water = Fire – this, the people know = abruption process)-JWTJwt campaign: at first 7up = something, which is mixed with licör. But then a 7up soft trink appeared (which isn’t a cola) => complete surpriseNationality in countries:i.e. food is differently used in some countries (cheese: in one country it is used as a spread, in the next country it is a ingrident in salat (Kellog changed French breakfast-habit!)American culture is a symbol for liberation, individuality, self expression, freedom -> American products influence other countriesInternet ads will be a good kind of advertisement in futureHow to raise a product to a brand?It is a mental thingto raise a product to a brabd, because brabds are only created by consumers, not by a company itself. I.e. In germany there are lots of beers -> they are all the same -> people make differences between beers -> only a process in people’s mind- brand is created by themInnovation: full research departement (ty+media) = fundamental research programs – how consumers receive messages (computer programs which tell people if they like or dislike an ad)I hope that I could help you to cope with the topic!GreetingsHarry

  13. Hi @ AllThe following lines represent an excerpt from a presentation I didin October 2004....The desktops in the year 2006 will look something different than today. There will no be any Windows XP anymore… there will be the future of Microsoft’s OS... codename Windows Longhorn. Last year during the “Microsoft Professional Developers Conference”, employees of Microsoft presented a preview of what we can expect in the next version of Windows.I will deliver a small insight to the most significant new features.By the way… In case you were wondering, Microsoft named Longhorn after a saloon near Whistler Mountain in British Columbia in Canada.The biggest change is the introduction of the WinFS file system. Today we all … or the majority of the Win XP users… use the NTFS file system. WinFS doesn't replace NTFS but it sits on top of it, integrating rich new search options into Windows as well as introducing a new programming model for data supply.It is an open or public secret, that Microsoft will involve the next generation software development platform .NET Framework to the new version of Windows. The .NET Framework will support every .NET applications… a plus for developers and companies.Avalon. Avalon is the code name for Longhorn's new graphical architecture. Microsoft has completely rewritten the graphic stuff from Windows XP from the ground up. Avalon replaces the old user32.dll file and graphics device interface that provided the graphics support for all previous versions of Windows. Like DirectX, Avalon addresses the hardware directly to improve performance and 3-D graphics. Avalon also provides a screen resolution of 120dpi, up from the current standard of 96dpi.Indigo. A new communications subsystem that is implemented into Longhorn, Indigo basically integrates Web services into the OS. Of course it is build with the .NET Framework, which allows you to build service-oriented applications. Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP will also support Indigo.Aero… is the code name for the Longhorn user experience. It is a set of employees that developers should follow to make the most of Longhorn's new graphical environment. The Aero interface in Longhorn include transparent windows, a built-in buddy lists, a dock able task pane, and so on.Security at first... that’s the main idea of Microsoft. So they include “Palladium” in the new system. Palladium is a controversial security standard, a technology that works with Digital Rights Management (DRM) to control which types of applications and documents the system can work with. Microsoft pushes Palladium as a security tool to protect users from viruses and other dangerous code, but unofficially it is the big brother… for the system and the user.Contacts - With Longhorn, your list of contacts is basically integrated into the Operating System. There are no longer any separated buddy lists from separated applications (like in Outlook, ICQ, and so on). Longhorn provides the elements and controls you need to manage your list of contacts. To reach highest comfort the contact feature uses the new WinFS file system.The last thing I want to mention is the new way how Windows will handle notifications and warnings. The new OS offers an interface for sending notifications to users. The new model allows the user to control how notifications are displayed on the screen. Users can specify when notifications may or may not be delivered and which type of applications a notification can interrupt.So.. these were the facts from end 2004. What has changed? Is something different in Windows Longhorn... ährm.. Windows Vista today? Which thingsreally will exist in the future verion of the Microsoft OS?GreetingsHarry

  14. Hey!I want to introduce yourself to a dialogue...A dialogue between my friend Mike (M) and myself (I)M: Hey… how are you…I: Hey… I’m fine thanks… what’s up…M: Hmm... nothing… all the same… business a usual all the day. But… yeah… my mobile is broken… it had a little accident with the street and a tire…I: Hä...??M: No comment… it was quite old and… however… I have to buy a new one. Maybe such a cool device with Bluetooth support...I: Bluetooth... hmm...M: Yeah... you are able to connect nearly everything to this mobile! Of course wireless… PC, printer and so on… quite cool!I: Hmm… but look that you don’t get Bluesnarfied…M: Blues what?I: Bluesnarfing… you don’t know this expression?M: Not really…I: It means “the hijacking of a Bluetooth device” by a stranger...M: Why should a stranger should hijack my mobile… my data on the mobile is useless for “the stranger”…I: Ok… ok... but … maybe there are some things on it you don’t want the people to see… maybe some secret SMS from your girlfriend… or maybe some special notices and dates...?M: Hmm... yeah… there are some… but I would notice it if someone will enter my phone... then I would turn it off!!I: (Laughing) Hey... dude... you don’t notice such an attack… it is invisible for you… the hijacking happens when your phone searches for other Bluetooth phones... it is an automatic process… and then the bad bad stranger is able to hack your phone and…M: …and then he is able to see my one to three secret entries… uhhh… what a danger!I: …and then... let me finish my comment… and then he can see your notices an so on, but also he can open a phone or internet connection trough your mobile. Because of that he is able to… maybe... to surf through the internet with you device… but you will have to pay for this!M: Oh…but then…I: Yes but then you will have to pay a very high telephone bill… you know… such a fu**ing minute costs more than a Euro… imagine he surfs for some hours… then you have to pay € 200 or more!!M: Holy sh*t... that’s not cool… that’s really not cool…I: Yeah... but I have to add, that you generally can turn off your Bluetooth connection on your mobile... and that you can turn it on when you want to use it. That would be a good possibility to save your mobile and also your money from such attacks...M: I see... hmm… maybe I will buy another mobile… or… hmm... I don’t know… lets see which different types of mobiles the shops offer… but hey... thanks for the tip!!I: You welcome…So... you heared it... "Bluesnarfied"... it is a danger for our mobiles.. and fou our privacy. Look at your mobile... is "Bluetooth ON".. then you have to watch for bad bad strangers who want to hack it. Best thing you can do is to turn Bluetooth on only you really need it...GreetingsHarry

  15. I played fear ... and i was scared... sometimes :-)Story:At first.. the story is very complex... and there is an open ending. You are a new members of the SWAT similar Force F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon. A group of people who act nearly invisible.. these are the man who come first when something is "strange" in some way. Your caracter has no name, so it is easier for the player to identify with him/her. The mission for you is to eleminate "Paxton Fettel" a crazy- human eating commander. He is the leader of a specific Replica Force Troup.. a groupe of cloned (?) human beings.Things get wrong... things turn... at the and end everything is different. I dont want to tell you everything... :-)Graphics:A great game with a great graphic engine! I played it on a AMD 64 3200+ with a ATI Radeon 9800 XT board... and it looked really good! There are a lot of high res textures, a detailed world, etc. You will be amazed!Sound:Excellent. Apart from the graphics the music builds up a "huge building of fear". Every situation is commented by music. Good.Greteings Harry

  16. Alienware opens retail store



    I have found an article on http://www.tgdaily.com/ which says:




    "Holiday shoppers at Miami's Dadeland Mall get a surprise on December 10, an

    Alienware retail store. Alienware, the high-end desktop and laptop maker, has

    traditionally been mail-order only, but is finally venturing into the retail market. To

    kick off the opening, the computer maker is giving away a fully-loaded system

    and several digital audio players.


    The store is actually a kiosk that looks to be twice the size of Dell retail locations

    in many other malls. Potential customers will be able to play around with

    Alienware desktops, laptops and media players.


    A few years ago, Gateway opened around 300 full-size stores called Gateway

    Country. The operation failed horrible and the company had to close all the store

    in 2003. In contrast, Apple has done well with their retail locations. Dell has gone

    with smaller scale kiosks which just demonstrate the product - Buyers still must go

    online to purchase the computers."


    I think that it was only a question of time when this would happen. Alienware

    produces high quality.. a little bit fancy systems for "I need all the power"-Users.

    If anyone is a fan of hardcore high quality games or impressive CAD sofware or

    FE software like Catia, Ideas, Ansys and so on.. a PC System from alienware is

    maybe one of the best options.


    Of course it is not cheap.. the systems cost a lot of money. A alienware PC is

    maybe a good present for chritsmas too... so it is not surprising that the company

    opens a store in the pre-xmas-time.


    Let us see if this concept of Main-Mail but also shops stores will be the future.





    Notice from jipman:

    If you quote, next time use the QUOTE tag

  17. Hi! Lets have a look at my 3 Systems: System 1 = March 2004 CPU: AMD 64 3200+ Processor Mainboard: MSI KT8 Neo RAM: 2 x 512MB Infinion Quality Rams GPU: Radeon 9800 XT (256 MB Ram) HD: IBM 160 GB Hardddisk Soundcard: AC 97 EAX 2.0 (onboard) Ethernet: 1Gbit LAN (onboard) Screen: 19" CTR Monitor Sound: 100 Watt Stereo Boxes System 2 = Around 2000 CPU: AMD K7 700 Mhz Processor Mainboard: ASUS K/ Mainboardf RAM: 2 x 256MB Infinion Quality Rams GPU: GeForce 2 MX (32 MB Ram) HD: Samsung 60GB Harddisk Soundcard: Soundblaster 16bit     Ethernet: IBM enetCard 100Mbit LAN Screen: 15" CTR Monitor Sound: 50 Watt Stereo Boxes System 3 = Between 1995 and 1998 CPU: INTEL Pentium 133 Mhz (MMX) Prozessor Mainboard: Olivetti Echos 133 Mainbord RAM: 1 x 16 MB Oliovetti Rams GPU: Tseng Graphicboard (1 MB Ram) HD: NoName 1GB Harddisk Soundcard: NoName (onboard) Ethernet: NoName (onboard) Screen: 12" CTR Monitor Sound: 5 Watt Stereo Boxes You see, that i really use System 1 for my work/games/etc. System 2 only exists for printing :huh: System 3 is my DJ Labtop where i have a Directory of my CDs on it.GreetingsHarry

  18. Hi at all!

    Today it seems that it is diffucult to run an official Board/Forum.

    There are laws which say.. you.. you bad bad admin from the board
    have to watch all the posts the whole day...and if there is a forbidden
    or dangerous post from a user you have to delete it in 0.002 seconds!
    You do not delete it? Go to jail! *g*

    Its a difficult topic.. look at http://www.heise.de/

    So.. are you brave enough to run a board....?

    Greetings Harry

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