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About KonVicKt
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Man Dies From Playing World Of Warcraft Gaming? Harmful?
KonVicKt replied to half1405241509's topic in Science and Technology
It is true, because if I recall correctly a person in Korea had played starcraft 48 hours straight without any breaks whatsoever, he pretty much just keeled over in his chair. Also I remember a couple who had left their child at home to play World of Warcraft at the local Internet Cafe, they were planning on only staying for an hour, but they said they got so engrossed into the game that they lost track of time and stayed there for about four hours. Thus upon their return they found there child dead. Pretty idiotic of people really... hahahaha -
I've been a dedicated follower of starcraft for about 8 years now, and starcraft never gets old to me hahahanyone else here play starcraft?if you do hit me up sometime Beefy(Cs)
Mine Wars: Text-based Php Startegy Game - By Me
KonVicKt replied to Zegg90's topic in Computer Gaming
what do you do in it exactly?I'm kind of lazy right now, because im extreamly sick, so can you just give me an overview of what you do please -
The Blonde And The Tv ( Joke ) Here is my fav blonde joke
KonVicKt replied to PUNKANGEL's topic in General Discussion
That kind of ruins the joke, because if the narrator says it's a tv than it must be a tv -
What are your views on capital punishment?I myself am greatly supportive of this. For many reasons1. people are afraid of it. Many Conservatives say that criminals are not afraid of capital punishment. If this is true tell me why they would be in custody. If they were not afraid of their deaths why did they submit to being arrested by gunpoint. if they were not scared they would have just fought back, but no they didnt they chose to surrender themselves, because they are afraid of the lethal force of the gun.2. They will never be able to kill another soul againI recall reading about the Richard Spect case (the guy who killed a bunch of nurses several decades ago). Every five or ten years, he came up for a parole hearing. The families of the victims, fearing that everyone else may have forgotten about the case and that he might be released to kill again, felt it their duty to attend the parole hearing and remind the board of his crime. They were subjected to a sort of mental torture each time. But they were able to keep him behind bars until he died, thus perhaps saving your life.3. "antis" main argument to capital punishment is "what purpose does it serve?"Each execution <i>could</i> save about 4 people if done correctly. How?About 3000 to 4000 people die each year in the us while waiting for organ transplants. No one seems to care much about them, i mean they die for lack of organce, while we burn and bury thousands of perfectly usable hearts, livers, kidneys, and epidermis'.Part of the problem is timing:people killed in accidents often have their perfectly good organs spoil before a suitable transplant recipient can be lined up.But with an execution planned months ahead the tissue matched recipients can be ready and wiating. a single small caliber bullet to the head will leave hte organs to save four people perfectly unharmed.Cruel you say? for those whose lives are saved? or for the families of the victim? just where is your sympathy?4. What if the wrong guy is convicted?Another strong argument by the antis. No one wants that, we all (should) know that "eye-witness" identification of strangers is not very reliable. not good enough to be certain.But now with finger prints and much better with dna matching, evidence is much more reliable than it ever was in the past the chances of convicting the innocent are lower now than ever, thanks to modern science.5. "antis" also use religion to back their case up, but they have just kickd their own butts by attempting thisAlmost all societies have dispensed wit the principle of "an eye for an eye" and considered it a step towards a more enlightened civilization. Christians cite "an eye for an ye" in their defense of the death penalty are usually unaware of hte strict criteria that god imposed before it could be used to take human life. The old testament also allowed the death penalty for crimes that today we consider less than misdemeanors. Clearly the old testament law is archaic. finally jesus himself argued against the principle of "an eye for an eye"6. Most societies dispensed with the "eye for an eye" principle of punishment centuries ago; indeed, it is considered one of the great advances of civilization and criminal justice. We do not punish rapists by raping them, or arsonists by burning their houses down, or sadists by torturing them. Instead they are imprisoned, isolated from society where they can no longer do harm.I should be honest about my bias. I opposed capital punishment for most of my life. For all the usual reasons.But then there was Ted Bundy. It was not just that he liked to kill young women (hey, no one is perfect!). And while everyone should be able to kill a few people, he overdid it.Please share your opinions:)But then when he bragged about how he got them: by hobbling around on crutches. He didn't kill just any young women, he targeted the ones who tried to help a cripple. It was then that I realized that I had this all wrong.Call it "non-verbal communication". Words just could not express my response to that. But 20,000 volts, yes that could.
Poll: Stem Cell Research Your opinions, please?
KonVicKt replied to shaldengeki1405241473's topic in Science and Technology
I voted for, but definantly there are things that COULD happen, yet in everything we do something bad could happen. Like surgery, it could save your life or take it, does that mean that we should outlaw surgery?People say that there are too many risk, they are so quick to say this, because they are not ready for change, they keep thinking about all the things that could go wrong, instead of how much it could help the world. -
Poll: Which Is The Best Os Pick The Best OS
KonVicKt replied to Hardy Boy's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I think most people think that windows XP "rocks" is because it's the only one many people know how to use. If you got more into the other operating systems you'd see all of them have their pros. People think microsoft is so great, because it practically owns the whole computer market -
I too am really into the sims, but i think they overdo it with the expansion set. Im getting tired of dishing out money everytime a new one comes out, and really you can download more items on the internet than by installing the expansion sets
My Poll On What People's Favourite Games Are
KonVicKt replied to PUNKANGEL's topic in Computer Gaming
In my opinion i think the sims 2 out of the ones you presented is the best. Because all the other games are straight out missions, where you really dont have much choice. But in the Sims, you get almost complete control, and if you get the pc version there are many websites that offer objects you can download and diffrent sims, house, community lots, cars etc.Also on the sims webpage you can go to the sims exchange and download other peoples sims, stories houses, user and maxim made objects etc.But it wasnt in the selection, but one of my favorite games of all time is star wars knights of the old republic I and II i hope this helped out for whatever reason this poll was made lol -
Is it just me or is starcraft the greatest game ever devided, i am simply in love with that game. When i first started playing i hated it, because i didnt know how to do anything, so i used cheats alot when i was playing single player, but as i progressed i used less and less cheats. Eventually i wasnt using any cheats and i thought i was so good and bad a$$, until i played battle.net and couldnt beat anyone at all no matter the rules lol. I truly love this game, one of the reasons for this is that theres always something new, a new Use map settings map, new people, new strategies to learn.I'm just dissapointed that after 6 or 7 years there is still no sequel to this awesome game. There have been many rumors of starcraft 2, but it's taking an awfully long time. I think one of the reasons for this is because blizzard fired the original team that created starcraft, because they were demanding too much.Blizzard is working on a whole bunch of diffrent projects, some of which i dont think should be released at all. Like Starcraft Ghost.I saw a preview of it and it looks absolutely atrocious, its just horrible. It looks like a throwback game, that they buried up from the early 1990's. It's like doom 1 in 3rd person, and the concept pictures they made are extreamly deceiving. if you go to their website you'll see why.Blizzard is one of my favorite gaming companies, but recently they've been going down hill lately. I think they need to rethink their marketing strategyany thoughts on the topic?
Family Guy's Life Of Larry AWESOME
KonVicKt replied to darkranger's topic in Websites and Web Designing
my god i feel so happy that, that didnt take off, thats what concepts are for i guess, but god that was simply horrible to watchi will never look at family guy the same lol -
Anyone Miss The Old Super Nintendo And Sega Games
KonVicKt replied to CroSpartacus's topic in Computer Gaming
Definantly, i came to america when i was about seven years old, and yeah i used to live in the phillipines and it was REALLY REALLY low tech there, so when i saw the supernintendo i was pretty much like "wtf is that thing"hahaha at first i thought it was a container of somesort, until my auntie taught me what it was, after that i was hooked. Its too bad that she only had Mario games, and one zelda game. Wow its just now that i recall thats how i got hooked to video games hahaha.It was a sad day indeed when i broke the super nintendo :'(Yah i sure do miss it, but i think after seeing the brand new graphics of today would hinder anyone from wanting to play those again, and i think they have those little things at mall, where its just a joystick for about 20$ and it has a few of the original games of the day like mario, pacman, and zelda, good deal if you ask me, but myself i prefer this keyboard thing they had, you could insert diffrent cartridges into it and it held over 10k games for each one, being 30$ for the board and about 20$ per cartridge, more expensive but definantly a better deal, for those of you who wish to return to the olden days haha.maybe we should start a guild to destroy all new video game systems, and games, and make the youth of tommorow worship the OG videogames!or we can just let other people playsall good to me lol