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Posts posted by ntt

  1. Honestly PC is the best as long as you currently have a decent one then your fine just a graphic card update every 2 years and a processor update every 3 and you'll be fine.people get scared of PCs because the word upgrading your PC keeps coming up. but really all the people that play consoles are doing the same thing about every 3 years a new generation of consoles comes out for sale and it seems everytime they do the price gets jacked up.So overall i'd pick PC over any console anyday (unless its SNES :))

  2. Blizzard is one of the top game makers out there. This is mostly due to their marketing methods and not their games themselves. Take World of Warcraft for example the game is great and easy to play and get hooked on for anyone any age. So to maximize their earnings they add a monthly fee for you to play. Blizzard games are great just not good enough for me to pay to play a game. There many other equivlant games that are totally free and offer tons more.All im trying to say is that they know their targer audience and how to leech the most money out of them.

  3. Not bad for a first attempt but try to get a higher quality image it would help.another things is the background abstract layer is too saturated try not to use color dodge so much.Last but not least your text. At first I didnt even notice there was text there, you must make your text stand out or else it's just in the way of the canvas I reccommend that outline the text with a color like black since you have white text.these are all things to keep in mind when making signature. Some over do it and some dont do enough.Good luck :)

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