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Posts posted by allwazabsnt

  1. First of all...WHo really cares about aliens? why are we trying to contact them? if anything they should get their lazy technology advanced butts down to us and start sharing the wealth...and if you use that program your really jsut gonna get 3 dollars scammed from you and end up talkign to some old 37 year old guy named bill in a warehouse in india so dont waste your money....

  2. The Ipod Nano is the way to go because it is overall good and for the scratches, just get a case that can easily protect the Ipod without the need of taking it off everytinme you want to change a song or play a game. The Color screen also makes it alot easier to read in the dark. The games are a little hard to play on an Ipod but still are good. As i said the Ipod Nano is the way to go...its small sleek and has good features

  3. This Game is highly popular with alot of people because, yes, it is addicting and somewhat fun. its based on actual time and you have to earn money and there are long expansions of quests and stuff you can do with other online players. The downside to this though is the payment. It has a cost of $15 (US) a month and while one day out of each week there is a thing called server matinance where the servers go down for on average 6 hours. then sometimes there are random server matinance that get on alot of peoples nerves. Also in this game the Online Money Farming buisness has taken over where players earn money and sell it for real life money. This game is good with the graphics and entertainment but along with everything else it does have its downfalls

  4. Habbo hotel ..... You may have played it , you may not have but that is irrelevent so ill get craking on with it, a couple of years ago , when i was about 12 , i saw this ad about habbohotel so i decided to chek it out . since then i have been a big fan of the site until recently .......


    Now as a young adult i find that habbo is gettin a tad bit boring , as you may agree , and that all it is is a money making scheme . you buy credits to buy furnitchure to make your own room , this is 1 credit per 10p and you need atleast 10 to get 1 good piece of furni.


    Alot of fansites are being made for habbohotel me being one of them  ;)  so what i offer is a online entertainment site for habbos across the world (that can read english lol) 


    Random i know :P


    Yeah i know that game. theres another one made by coca cola that is simalar called CokeMusic its exactly the same except for the graphics on CokeMusic is better and its free. But it also has some disadvantages. Such as the time it is open and the lag you get while playing.
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