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Posts posted by mUfFiNmNA

  1. i also would never go with buying off the internet, not only could i get better specs but i could GET WHAT I WANT, dont get my wrong alienware is flashy but dam when that stacker 830 im going to use it, thye should have the more custom options for what u want considering the labor fees u pay for buying off there...

  2. Well building a computer is a very confusing process and if u dont have someone close like a friend that knows how i wouldnt go for the custom built computer, there are alot of sites out there that allow you to get a decent gaming computer without the hassle of buying all ur parts seperate, only one i can think of is alienware right now but that obviously dosnet come on a midsize budget search around or just hire someone to buy and build but i think you could just take the easy route with buying it prebuilt like that online if u dont have the people resources to do for u

  3. i dont think there bad, i just think u need to put some more work into them, i dont like to be a judge on what one or the other cant do, but theres no point in lieing, i think u need to work more on special effects, not the basic slap on slap u got going on, and the shadowing on the second image is to dark for the letters, u cant even see the No without looking hard but considering these are your first to, dont take the bad comments hard, we all remember how crappy our images we made on w/e program u used.

  4. I guess it just all depends on where u live, i happen to live out in the middle of nowhere, where unlike josh lives in Toyko with ALOT of people to move by. I feel also the your job plays a part, if your a student or a just a weekend warrior. I would just think about what your using it for, just gaming, going to lan partys or bringing it to school or the office. I just use desktops considering that i dont have to worry about high traffic of ppl, and i dont have a job requiring the use of a computer. I dont think we could take a poll without seeing what your using it for.

  5. well i think we all know blizzards lack of security for the games we play, example diablo 2 LOD, yeah sure we liked to the point that we couldnt take the dupers, hackers and the typical kind of annoying people that play games, but that matter we cant help. I dont blame them for not putting so much attention to games like diablo 2 LOD when u got WOW, but to the point where there doing something illegal isnt making me walk any faster to go out and buy it

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