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Posts posted by bachdot

  1. frames used to be a major nuisance for web designers interested in Search Engine Optimization, but not exactly in the way that first comes to mind ..


    when you design a page with, say, 4 frames, then when this pages loads, there are actually 4 pages loading, only one of them will contain your significant keyword.  the SE can and does recognize that page and will index it and rank it accordingly.  but if we assume that this page does get a #1 rank .. when a visitor clicks on the link at the search engine results page, it'll take him to that specific page only.  meaning, the frames won't show.  and since most frame designers use it as a navigational aid, the visitor will most likely get lost when the frames don't show. that's why SEs had, and still have, a problem with indexing and ranking framed pages appropriately.


    and as for the old HTML 3.2 tags such as bold, italics, typewriter, oblique, and the like, No, they don't have any effect, whether positive or negative on your page's ranking.  they're only used by the browser itself.


    but here's a hint.  if you know the title attribute, which is functional since the introduction of HTML 4.0 (or 4.1, I can't remember) then this one can actually help with your optimization.  for example ..


    you're writing an H1 tag .. you can make it something like this ..


    <h1 title="mention a brief description of this heading and the following paragraph, making sure you include your keyword in it">the heading</h1>


    the title attribute can be used with most, if not all, tags, except those belonging to the <head></head> section.


    Great! That helps a lot. I guess I did already know about the search engine possibly finding a page in your site other than your index page and displaying it outside of the frame, but I had forgotten that. I'm going to redo my site and not use frames.


    Also, that's a great hint, using the title attribute in some of my page tags. I'll incorporate that right away.


    Thanks again!

  2. I want to know where I can download any GIF animator for free (not the trial version). I don't mind if it doesn't have very fancy features... I'm just desperate to have one...


    something that could make simple pictures like this...

    Posted Image


    I've tried to look for Image ready v. 1, but all I can find are free trials and Image ready v. 1.01 (which needs Image ready v. 1)


    I would suggest going to http://www.anim8tor.com/


    They have one that's pretty good, has a detailed manual, and it's totally free! I've used it just to play around with and it's pretty fast also.

    Good luck.

  3. Being on Asta again has got me back into making tutorials - that's the only way I can get people to talk to me - a couple days ago someone asked me if I had a website with my tutorials on it, and I said "no," to which he replied, "You should make one, then."


    So I did.


    I just finished the layouts, so I don't have a live demo yet, but here are some crappy screenshots. You might have to zoom in if you use Firefox. I stuck with my "trademark" teal scheme (I just love that teal!), but I exchanged the usual lime green for orange and more white. The layout isn't terribly big because I am going to have the tutorials open in a new window. I am going to change one thing though: the advertising section at the bottom. It didn't seem all that big until I sliced and saved it, so I'll be taking about 200px off of that. This is the index page and the listings page, respectively:


    Posted Image  Posted Image     

    Features of the site

    Site Content: Tutorials, downloads, and help section (forum) for Photoshop presets (styles, brushes, actions, etc.), PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript, free graphics and PSD's, link directory/exchange, and a graphics request section.


    The Tutorial Pages

    As I mentioned earlier, the tutorials will open in a new window (after clicking the "Read It" button shown in the second screenshot). In this new window there will be an example of the tutorial outcome (i.e., style on text), step by step instructions to recreate the example, a feedback section where visitors can leave comments/rate the tutorial, and a tutorial view counter. There will also be the obligatory "Print," "Bookmark," and "Send To Friend" links as well.


    I think this project will turn out quite well, especially if I can get a few people to help me out with maintenance and the addition of resources. I want to get this site up as quickly as possible, so instead of taking a couple weeks to create scripts for the submitting, sorting, and publishing of tutorials, I think it would be faster to do it by hand. Let me know what you think about the concept and layout! If you would like to be a part of it, or submit a resource, PM me with the details. My sincere gratitude in advance...


    -§ Rae


    By the way, some of you may think that in the second screenshot you see the date "12.31.06..."


    But it's not really there. It's just a figment of your imagination.


    Might I suggest that you make your font changeable when someone tries to change the Text Size from the View dropdown menu (in IE, that is). I tried to increase the font and nothing changed. Perhaps you have styles on your html page or the text is really an image?


    Also, when I moused over the top-left tab at the very top of the page, my printer icon kept covering it so that I could not click on the first link. Perhaps other people have the same problem?


    Finally, do you know when you might have content for your site?


    Thanks! I look forward to seeing the finished product.

  4. I was just wondering if you could make your webite to come up first on google when they typed in a word that has something to do with your website. If it can be done, then how do you do it? :D


    I know keywords and links to your site by high-ranking pages helps your site rank higher in search engines, but..... I have a question as to what may hurt your rank.


    It used to be that having your pages in frames was a bad thing to do. Is it still bad? Does it matter whether you use frames or not?


    Also, does the fact that you use the older style of having font, bold, italic, etc. tags embedded in your code affect your page rank? Would removing those type of tags from your html doc and placing them in a style sheet affect your rank?


  5. Great post right there. Pretty much sums it all up. Another thing you should do is make shure to put in good keywords in your Meta tags. Thats another big thing to do.


    I don't believe meta tag keywords are used any longer by the search engines to rank your page. The key words (words that are most appropriate for your content) should be used throughout your pages in an appropriate manner. Not too few, not too many!

  6. So i sent in my computer to Best Buy after it crashed and they said the reason it crashed is because of spyware. So they installed Norton Antivirus and Spysweeper and make me pay an extra $100. I wanted to know if it was worth it? I mean 100 dollars is a lot of money and i wanted to know if there are any alternatives?


    yes, there are alternatives...Spybot or Adaware can be downloaded from their respective sites and cost approx $30 a year each. Note: a lot of spyware programs say they are free...well, you can run the scan for free, but if you find spyware that should be removed, they say you have to buy the product to be able to remove the spyware. So, they're not really free! :)


  7. Wow, thanks for the heads up about a great site!  Wonderful layouts...may try one of them out for a new site of mine...dunno yet.  I have this thing about trying to do things on my own whenever I can, except when it comes to my livejournal layout, cuz I sooo don't know what I'm doing there.  But what about the rest of you?  Do you see other peoples' designs as a last resort when you get fried about design ideas, or do you feel it's okay to use them (with proper credit, of course) if you like the design and it goes with your site ideas?


    I think it's great to come up with unique designs/layouts, but you have to be careful and make sure the site is, first of all, usable and readable. When designing websites for clients... standard, easy-to-work-with templates are best.


  8. Hi!


    I saw this today when checking my emails, Gmail has launched today Virus Scanning service, so all you users of Gmail, you are now protected from viruses...

    Note: You can't even send a message with attachment if Gmail find a virus inside that attachment, until you remove infected attachment. So it's once again: supreme'n'secure and the best of all it's free. Here is a link to gmail What's new page  :)


    Do you have to download anything to have the virus scanner be effective?


  9. Hey, I'm Jen from northeastern PA. Just joined after seeing this site talked about in a forum on myspace. Seems very interesting.


    Hi, Jen. I, too am new. I've looked at several different topics but got an error on several of them.


    What's up with that?


    L J

  10. Just wondering which search engine do you guys use for research or plainly looking up something in the web. Google? Yahoo? Lycos? Hotbot? Dogpile? Or do you know of any other search engine in the web, share it with us. I used to go with Yahoo or Lycos. Now, i just Google. ;)


    I, too, usually just use Google. I've found it to be the most thorough.

  11. Dear m^e,

    That's a great tip! You could also insert your email in the following way, so people will know what they have to remove to use it:







    ????[/tab]HI all - a word of warning or rather, an advise. A good many of you post your email addresses in various posts for different reasons. Most of you might be unaware that posting emails in this way on public message boards opens up the gateway to SPAM mails directly.


    [tab]Most SPAM Harvester Bots behave like search engine crawlers - crawling through each and every post of the public boards. Posting emails like this makes their job very very easy. If they arrive upon these posts, they'd simply rip your addresses off and add them to their database and thats the end of it. My recommendation is, try to avoid posting emails for your own safety - but in case you absolutely need to, try to adhere to the following format, or come up with a format of your own - a format which is humanly cognizable but can fool the bots.


    Example: myemail@mydomain.com ==> myemail_AT_mydomain_DOT_com


    If the bots can't find the "@" and "." signs in a string of characters, they don't treat the string as an email and discard it. On the other hand, presence of these two characters in it, is a sureshot way of voluntarily donating your address to the harvesters.


    All the best :)



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