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Posts posted by designer

  1. If you have flash, you can open the swf up and export it as a gif/jpg.

    What program are you using? Why does it use a gal format?


    oe, never thought of that option:D great i gonna try it and upload it later:D


    I use for my pixelart's Graphic Gale in the program u can also animated them , but the problem is u can't export or save it as a gif it only comes with .GAL.

  2. Easy, you upload your art to a free photo service, photobucket, imageshack or so. ANd then insert it in your post with


    [IMG]http://URL TO IMAGE[/IMG]


    ploblem it's not a gif/jpeg or something like that... it's a GAL. i have solved that by putting it in a SWF but a free image upload sitedon't support swf's


    so what to do now??

  3. u can get it from: http://www.easyphp.org/

    it's a easy using program for noobs. also it does not requires to be configs and it is ready to be used.

    for those who where looking for a equal program as phptriad series then this is a good tool to use.

    it contance a apache, mysql, php admin.

    it has a page to acess all these things wich is realy easy to navigate though it. On the site u can see it main language is france....

    for those who can't read/ understand france (because the readme file is also in france) i am conna explain how to use the program in english here. It just requires 2 steps( not that difficult)

    first get the tool and instal it where u want. Normaly it goes to ur local root ( the c: ). but u can chose a diffrent directory. to run it just press easyphp. so it running.
    now to display or test ur php work or to set up a database. U do as followed.

    open ur browser and typ: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    that's ur navigation wich u can see what u can do and get some info about the software. as u can see there is a button wich says manage there u can create a mysqlo database.

    oke now for ur work.

    go to the directory where u instaled the easyphp tool and u will see a map wich called www. there u put ur php work in.

    open ur browser and typ: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    there u can browse ur work that u have put in the map.

    now u are set and done. good luck with the program! ur free to ask questions....

    (note: for those who think this thread has been post somewhere else then ur right because i dubble post it:P sry for the inconvience)

  4. i just started making pixel art, was stuned by a cool designer

    just drop by : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    he has realy good art, because of him i was inspired to do something about it and right away i started to make some thing to. now i wanne show u guys the stuf i made but now i have a slight problem. because what i made it is a .gal format. and can't convert it i put it in a .swf file.

    wich is a flash file.

    i have thought about putting it in the attachment but that won't do it either so now is my problem how do i show my work??? (beacuase do wanna show it , pretty proud of it:P)

    some1 help me plz


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