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Posts posted by TPW

  1. Hi.

    I was wondering if someone of you know any Turkish-to-English text translaton software. Or maybe online translator ? The only one online translator from Turkish I know is Tsunami Text Translator... but every time I try to translate something, it says "Translation Server Busy, Please Retry"  :)

    Would appreciate any help.


    I did a search and came up with two links that may help you.






    good luck



  2. These programs are the ones that I use (on my personal machine) and reccomend to my customers. They are all free and with the exception of JV16 quite easy to find.AVG FreeZone Alarm FreeSpybot SDAdaware SESpyware BlasterJV16 Power Tools (registry tool)Keep the first five on the list updated, run them all regularly and you shouldn't have any problems.TPW

  3. I was going to title this "Freeware for Dummies" but decided not to for two reasons. One, I did not want anyone to be offended, and two, because I didn't want to break any copyrights. :mellow:

    What is it? Dictionary.com Dictionary.com has four entries, none of which would be considered complete by most of the "freeware community". The most concise definition I have found is this one (from freewarearena.com)

    "Simply put, freely available software that demands no fees, is not a trial, demo, nor does it contain any adware, spyware or any intrusive malware of any type."

    Enough said?

    Why use it? I have an aversion to paying hard earned cash for something that I can legally get for free. Sure I could go out and buy Frontpage, or search the warez sites for a cracked copy that doesn't contain a virus or worm but I find it is cheaper and less effort to surf over to one of my favorite freeware sites and try one of the programs listed there (I am presently using/trying "WYSIWYG Web Builder" from http://www.pablosoftwaresolutions.com/). Another reason I use freeware is because some of is designed to be smaller and/or less resousce hungry. YMMV

    Where to get it is the question that most people don't, but should, ask. They will simply search for freeware and whatever type of program they are looking for. If they get a program that contains a nasty then they get a bad attitude about freeware. So how does one find decent freeware? The same way you find anything, by researching it. I will admit that I was lucky, I dicovered newsgroups early in my online experience and stumbled across alt.comp.freeware, which is a great place to learn about and find freeware. They have a site http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/ that lists what they consider to be the best freeware available in various categories. One more recommendation before I end this lengthy (for me anyway) post. Do a search for "son of spy" , he has one of the best freeware sites out there.




  4. TPW is actually an abbreviation for The Pewter Wizard, a name I chose in 1999 when I discovered newsgroups and needed a cyber/nickname. I have small display of mementos from past vacations which includes two pewter figurines, a dragon and a wizard. I originally used the long form of my cyber/nickname but stopped after getting some flack from people on some of the computer help groups who thought that pewter was a play on comPUTER.TPW

  5. First things first, what is Freeware? The best definition I've found (IMNSHO) is this. "Simply put, freely available software that demands no fees, is not a trial, it also does not have all of it's functions 'crippled', is not a demo, nor does it contain any adware, spyware or any intrusive malware of any type." Yes it is a quote from a freeware site ( http://www.freewareasylum.com/home ) one of three that I recommend to anyone looking for free software. ( http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ being the other two.)
    Hazeshow's suggestion is pretty close to what is already happening in the freeware community, if you check out the links above you'll see what I mean.

    The answer to the question is quite simple really, education. How to teach them is another question, one that I don't have an answer for yet.....


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