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Posts posted by Norm35

  1. Since 9-11 the US government has implemented such a policy. While this is something that can be abused by some, just as anything else can... It's a step in the right direction. With the expanded usage of the internet into virtually every home, it has given to many sick, psychotic, depraved etc.. people access to to many victems.. especially younger children. Lets face it, we can blame the parents, but how many of you, that snuck out as a kid to meet friends, sipped off of a bottle of booze or smoked without getting caught, are ready to stand up and say your parents were unfit because you were able to sneak such things? As easy as it was for us to do the things we did as kids, it's even easier for a child to turn a computer on with the sound off while everyones a sleep. While it might start out as harmless, it's just opening up a new avenue for the freaks of the world to find more prey.

  2. This topic drives me crazy, to say the least. As far as science knows, the whole in the ozone layer is a natural occrance. One that is almost like a defense mechanisim for our atmosphere. It's also believed that this is nothing new, just new to us as in the distant past there was no real way to see, or test for something like this. There is so much to take into consideration, not just the earth itself. You have gravitational pulls that are in a constant state of flux due to planetary alignment, other solar systems alignment, industrial population, etc.Everytime there is a natural disaster, the conservationists come out of the woodwork with dooms day theroms. Our atmosphere and the earths surface are always changing, it's just that some of these changes take hundreds, maybe thousands of years to occur. Some of the things we have recently seen could be a common reoccruance that could be thousands of years old. We have no real way of knowing this. While i agree that we need to relax on all of the pollutants we put into the air, I think the changes we have seen in the atmosphere run much deeper then just the results of man kinds contributions.

  3. I've been using this program for a bout a year now. it seems to be pretty effective, at least to a non pro such as myself. What I'm wondering is, is there any real benefit to the paid version over the freeware version?

  4. I bought an older laptop off ebay. It worked great for awhile and one day my daughter knocked it over and when I started it I got a blue screen of death along with a stop error.


    Since then I have tried reformatting the old hard drive, once in awhile I can get it to work. I even borrowed a functioning hard drive from a friend and with both I keep getting a o/s not found error.


    I'm not sure if I am dealing with bad sectors here or what. When it starts to act up I can hear a ticking coming from the hard drive, sorta like a time bomb lol... Anyone have any suggestions?



    -----Please use descriptive titles for your topics so that we can know what the topic is about-----szupie

  5. Hiya's. I'm new to the forum, and I'll admit, I came here looking for the free hosting... But I've actually read some very good posts here, so maybe I found a new forum to haunt lol. I'm 35 and live in western NY. I'm a single father, and a telecommunications tech. Been playing guitar and piano nearly 30 years now, you'ld think I wouldn't suck so bad...Currently I am working on my electrical engineering degree in hopes of pursuing my masters. Not much else to say, so hi and all that good stuff.

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