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Posts posted by butch

  1. Nah, I don't belive them. I don't know, if they are running Vista on a server farm, sure it'll boot in 2/3 seconds - second here second there. Like qwijibow said, while booting windows load essentian files just for the login scrren comes out, and then it loads everything - services, your launching programs, drivers.. It takes forever -if you don't defragment your disk, and clean up the registry.. On the other hand - Linux - is better. It loads everything in it's boot period and when your kde or gnome loads you're ready to go, no unneccessery waiting.Althouht when I boot my Slack I have a hotplug option on, so it takes him an additional 30sec to boot. A bit annoying, but you're ready afterwards.Vista is another big hype, packed with features-you-can't-live-without-before-we-ripp-you-off. You need a DirectX 9 compatabile graphics card so you can run Vista with it's new look. The thing they don't realize that 90% users will be able to use Vista to the limit in about 3-4 years, and by that time we'll get Windows nXP -new eXPirience..

  2. Congrats Google! 7 years is a long time, I remeber when I was starting surfing on the net, used MSN, and then saw the glory and the power of Google, and also it's speed I said - that's it.Now 4 years later, still using Google for searching, but also for email, maps.In my opinion Google will be big as Microsoft with its own products (that are stable and bug free :mellow: ), the leader in many fields. Well there was a rumor that Google is developing its own browser, few developers from the Firefox got to Google team. And that's it, no more information, does anybody know more about this?

  3. It's illegal to download movies, mp3's warez etc.. Even linux distros and packages can be downloaded as a torrent.I've used P2P for a long time, seen some "revolutioned" technologies but Bittorrent really made me think, there's no centralized server to handle all the requests, it's all onm the users. I bugs me, if they pay $8,75 million to Bittorrent, they own it and can do what they want. Seems like Big Brother is taking over.. :mellow:

  4. There are users that don't want to bother with Linux, they want to play games, listen music in winamp, browse pictures from their digital camera and expect everything to work, not to compile extra packages or get the headers of some program just that it can work. And they'll pay for that..Sad, but now Microsoft realized that he could make money just for using Windows. You have to buy it, and then pay to use it.. This is a disaster!

  5. My initial reactions are reserved, because there's just not that much detail available. Pricing, for instance, would be really nice to know. Will Home Basic Edition debut below the price point of XP Home today?

    Now this is the real question - Vista looks really nice, but the price is that what counts. I don't suppose that difference in price between Vista Pro and Ultra would be 50$, also difference between Vista Home and Vista Pro can't be too big.
    Seems to me that Microsoft is trying to push their Vista in the multimedial waters to be a rival to Apple with its online services. But the good thing (bad to someone?) Microsoft has put big money into preventing piracy, and encuraging the uses to buy the original and they'll get extra features.

    Microsoft is still investigating how to position its most impressive Windows release yet, and is looking into offering Ultimate Edition owners such services as extended A1 subscriptions, free music downloads, free movie downloads, Online Spotlight and entertainment software, preferred product support, and custom themes.

  6. Linux is for more expierenced people. If you don't even know how to make a new partition you shouldn't use Linux (nothing to shame about that, it's just a fact, there are lot's of people who don't know how to do that.

    You always have Mandriva or SUSE (now OpenSUSE) for beginners. I mean, when I installed my very first distro (Red Hat 7.3), I took me 3 times go get it right.
    Last week I was installing Debian 3.1 3 times - till I got the hold of it.
    The point - if you can experiment - do so, you'll learn something from your mistakes.

    If you want LiveCD - try out Knoppix. Now it's on DVD, more software.

  7. Yeah, that's real good news, finally free. Althought I was using Firefox (after Mozilla), Opera was always better - those cute Mouse gestures were the gift from heavens. I'm currently browsing in Opera 8.5, but I like changes so using also FF 1.5 beta.In my opinion if you could mix Opera and Firefox, it would be the ultimate browser - skinabble, extendable, mouse gestures and W3C standards everywhere. Don't know about you guys but picking between Opera and Firefox is like picking between vanilla and strawberry ice-cream. Both are sweet, both have special "features", but you always eat them together.

  8. I'm programming in PHP for 2 years now. I've tried ASP in the beginning , but didn't like it's syntax and instalation was a bit confiusing for a novice. Now if you are choosing - choose PHP. Just a comparison - you've got 40% (or more) more documentation and tutorials for PHP than ASP. It's easier to start doing something, writing the random script. Also - the security - linux is more secure that Windows. It's a proven fact. Also the speed of execution is faster on linux than on windows. Of course there is always the Mono project, ASP for Linux as I like to call it. Also, you've seen all the search engine friendly urls, those can work with Apache (free), but also can work on IIS but you have to BUY the module. If you want to use PHP or ASP for your site with written scripts, you can find more quality and free php scripts (Mambo, phpBB, XOOPS, Wordpress..) than for ASP.. I agree that ASP.Net is the best this Microsoft has done to date, all-in-one framework. My friend is a ASP programmer, and he show me the good things of this framework, I was suprised.

  9. I've stared programming 2 years ago. For real. Before that I've learned Pascal in school, but lost my interest in meanwhile. Started with PHP, now learning Python. My favourite is PHP, I'm one with the open-source idea, also PHP is the easiest to learn for n00bs, a lot of documentation and tutorials around the web. And Python is close, currently I'm in "hello world" mode, starting to grip on it. Python is a neat language to me, easy syntax - easy to learn adn extendable - just what I love in Python.

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