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viva la heather

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Posts posted by viva la heather

  1. I have used Paint Shop Pro and Adobe Photoshop.I use photoshop in school in my digital photography class, and i use Paint Shop Pro at home. They are bother splended programs, and you can make really nice graphics with them. I think that they are really similar and have a lot of the same features. Photoshop has a few more though. However I think Paint Shop is easier though. The downside to both of them is that they are pretty expensive. I got Paint Shop as a gift though, and using photoshop is free at school. If you plan on buying one I would download the free trial of Paint Shop Pro at the jasc website first. If you dont like it then dont buy it and go with Photoshop.

  2. Never use a big host like Lycos, Tripod or Geocities. Bad features, slow and ads!


    I agree for the most part.

    Geocities isn't that bad. It's just limited. You run out of space, and can easily use up your bandwith.

    The other sites are terrable though. Especially anglefire and lycos. They have so many ads. It really really annoying. I hate ads. B)

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