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Posts posted by adris72

  1. Very nice layout, clean and pleasant. The only advice that I would give is if you are selling something (services or whatever) you maybe want to put your font sizes in em or %. That tiny font looks cool, but some people might have problems to read it, get tired and leave the site... if you use em or % they can change the size it in their browsers.

  2. Mambo is in my opinion one of the best open source Content Management Systems. It has a incredible number of components and modules that makes it very flexible and powerful.

    All you need to instal mambo is a hosting that supports php and mysql. After the instalation the whole site can be managed from the backend for any person without any knowdlegde of html, design or programming.

    Last month the developers changed Mambo name to Joomla. You can find more information in their official website https://www.joomla.org/

    If you are thinking to use a CMS for your website and you don't have money to buy one, I would strongly recommend to download and try Joomla!

  3. Stock photo image links (as a designer they are my work material)

    Stock xchange thousands of FREE high quality photos.

    Morgue File - More free photos.

    Istockphoto Professional stock photos from U$S 1.00 each.

    Big Stock Photo More photos from U$S 1.00 - 2.00


    MissPato.com Inspiring websites.

    Zen Garden The beauty of css design.

    Cool homepages Get inspired.

  4. I'll go with Weapon X in recommend simplemachines. It's no hard to install a forum (even if you don't have fantastico in your control panel). All you need is a hosting that support php (or asp) a ftp and some knowdledge on how to create a database and chmod some files.Of course you'll want to change the theme to make your forum match your site.A few twist in the css file and a couple of images to replace the default ones can do the trick.If you need help with design I'd be glad to help. B)

  5. I can think a couple of things that I do to keep my websites accesibles:-Don't use flash, and if I do, I don't use that tiny pixel fonts. I don't know why flash designers think they are soo cool, but it's not a good idea put a text that a percent of your visitors can't see.-Use colors that contrast for text and background. For professional websites I stick to black text in white background. I have visited sites that use brown text in black background, I have to highlight it to read it.-I use css for styles and use em for font sizes, not pixels or units. This allow the visitor to set the font size in their browsers (most of them) they can set the font to largest. I always test that this won't breake my layout.-Again using css I always specify the background colors (even if I have a image as background). Some people may have images disabled and a custom background color in their browsers, if for example I have white text in a dark image background (and forgot to set a background color) and my visitor has images disabled and a custom white background he/she won't be able to read my texts.

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