I'd be willing to 'donate' to anyone who can solve this dilemna.
I have two navigations, one that works for IE6+, NS7+, & Firefox and one that doesn't. I found a great redirect script, but I'm not interested in redirecting.
I'd rather have the old navigation show up if the browser is not IE6+, NS7+ or Firefox.
I'm using SSI on this site, so I'd like to simply have:
if navName = Microsoft Internet Explorer & version >= MSIE 6.0 OR navName = Netscape & version >= 5.0
THEN display header1.asp [header1.asp has a css-driven navigation - mostly text]
if navName = Firefox'
THEN display header1.asp
ELSE display header2.asp [header2.asp includes a HEAVY javascript navigation]
I'm using IIS, so the Perl script <!--#whatever include=header1.asp --> won't work for me. No Perl please.
To keep the file size down, I don't want the older navigation to be loaded UNLESS they have an older browser. Here's the actual syntax I'm using (which isn't working): [some of the code for verNumIE and verNumOt is in an external file]. This script works for redirects, but for not creating includes.
<script language="JavaScript">
if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
verNumIE() ;
} else {
verNumOt() ;
if ((navName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && brNum >= 'MSIE 6.0') || (navName == 'Netscape' && brNum >= '5.0')) {
document.write('<!--#include virtual="/ssi/header1.asp" -->');
}else {
if (navName == 'Firefox') {
document.write('<!--#include virtual="/ssi/header1.asp" -->');
} else {
document.write('<!--#include virtual="/ssi/header2.asp" -->');