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Posts posted by plot

  1. Posted Image

    The Revolution is over. Make way for the Wii. And pronounce it "we."


    That's the official name Nintendo announced Thursday (April 27) for its next home console, formerly code-named Revolution.


    The company released a promotional video and statement to explain the somewhat unexpected name.


    "While the code name 'Revolution' expressed our direction, Wii represents the answer," the statement read. " 'What does the name mean?' Wii sounds like 'we,' which emphasizes this console is for everyone. Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii."


    Nintendo's stark, smooth hardware designs for Wii and the big-in-Japan Nintendo DS Lite have been compared to Apple's iBook and iPod. Now the spelling of its new console's name will invite similar comparisons. Nintendo said the lowercase I's "symbolize both the unique controllers and the image of people gathering to play."


    Under the name Revolution, the Nintendo console and its unusual motion-sensitive remote-control-shaped controller generated months of hype. But at NeoGAF.com, a Web site where the hardest of hard-core gamers hang out, the initial reaction to "Wii" tipped to the negative. "I don't get it," wrote a gamer calling himself Speevy. "Months of positive hype, a genuine competitive advantage, and they named the thing Wii? If consumers don't even want to say the name of the product, they're not going to buy it."


    Another poster named Sho Nuff wrote, "I'm actually laughing out loud thinking of 'wee' jokes. ... There is no way they can release a console with that name in Britain." According to a Nintendo spokesperson, the Wii name will be used worldwide.


    What does Nintendo have to say to the naysayers? "We believe people will move past that issue," said Perrin Kaplan, president of marketing and corporate affairs at Nintendo. "Many top companies have successfully used names or phrases that might seem odd at first blush: Virgin for an airline, Caterpillar for construction equipment, Yahoo! for Internet services, Naked for juice, Prius for a car, Napster for a Web site."


    There has been an occasional positive comment about the name. A NeoGAF poster named SuperPac wrote, "I like it. It's not the name of a game system. It's an iconic name like iPod. The more I think about it, the more I think this is the right choice."


    Nintendo successfully weathered an earlier storm of skepticism in September when the Wii's controller was first shown to the public. That device eventually won gamers over.


    Among Web-posting gamers, Nintendo had been generating a flow of mostly positive hype heading into next month's E3, where the first playable Wii games are expected to be released. While Nintendo's previous console, the GameCube, had long suffered a drought of non-Nintendo-made games, the last few weeks have been filled with near-daily announcements of Wii support from third-party developers. Announcements have included special versions of "Madden," "Super Monkey Ball" and "Tony Hawk" tailored for the Wii, along with exclusive games for the system from Konami and Ubisoft. Nintendo has yet to reveal what games the company is developing for the system.


    A Nintendo spokesperson confirmed that the new name will be the biggest announcement made about the system before the company's pre-E3 press briefing May 9. An actual street date and price may not be announced until the fall, when the machine is expected to be released.


    Source: MTV.com


    So, who else this this is complete bs.... what a crappy name for a gaming console... revolution would be much better


    View Nintendos flash site on Wii here

  2. April 20, 2006
    Opera Software today announced the first public Beta of Opera 9. This version includes Widgets, small Web programs running in their own windows that are fun, easy-to-use and live on users' desktops. The Opera 9 Beta also features support for BitTorrent, a popular file downloading technology, in addition to an easy-to-use content blocker and thumbnail previews of tabbed sites.

    And yes, Opera remains available free of charge.

    "We're proud to release this Beta of Opera 9 to Web users around the world," said Jon S. von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera Software. "Opera 9 brings powerful new features to enhance the Web browsing experience and empower Web 2.0 developers. Opera 9 unlocks new levels of productivity for the Internet ecosystem."

    8 days ago Opera announced the release of Opera 9! This version of Opera is by far an evolution in all explorers because this is definetly something you would never have expected in an explorer.

    Opera 9 features include:
    -BitTorrent Integration
    -Content Blocker
    -Improved Rich Text editing
    -Customizable search engine
    -Thumbnail preview
    -Site Specific preferences

    Feature defenitions:

    Widgets - Small Web applications (multimedia, newsfeeds, games and more) that make your desktop experience more fun. Any Web developer can create their own Widgets and share them, regardless of operating system. Try the Widgets in Opera 9 by pressing F6. Look for further development of Opera Widgets in future releases.BitTorrent - Instead of having to use a separate BitTorrent application for downloading large files, users can now simply click a torrent file and start the download
    Content blocker - Choose the content you want to view. Remove ads or images - it is up to you. Right-click on the Web page and choose "Block content"
    Improved rich text editing - Take advantage of rich text editing capabilities when using the latest Web mail or blogging services
    Customize your search engines – Use your favorite search engine in the search box. Right-click on the site's search field and select "Create search" from the menu
    Thumbnail preview – It's easy to have many tabs open at once in Opera. But exactly which tab had that video you wanted? Hover any tab to see a thumbnail preview
    Site-specific preferences - Do you need to view a site in a different way or deny certain cookies? Want to block pop-ups on certain sites only? Site specific preferences hold the key

    The first thing i noticed was BitTorrent. Opera offers the ability to download .torrents! which is definetly a feature that has revolutionized exploring the net.

    What do you think about this new evolution in internet exploring

  3. lol, that's the problem.. They're so far behind that they have to catch up before they can even think of developing their own ideas. They're getting closer with Internet Explorer 7
    Also, one more thing that comes to mind.. I know Firefox has had a lot of security issues recently so I'm hoping they keep up with the security side of it along with the other updates..

    I don't understand why everyone calls down microsoft, they arn't as bad as everyone things because if it wasn't for them, we wouldnt be as advanced as we are today because microsoft gives other corporations a reason so advance quickly.

    As for IE 7 beta 2 its being offered to everyone who wants it, not just selected few check it here and i think because of microsoft taking its time with inovations that other browsers thought of a long time ago they are better.

    Other browsers think to much of a user friendly interface that they lose sight of security and stability. IE is so secure and so stable mostly because a large percentage of the world uses windows in conjunction with linux and mac. FirFox is just a open source explorer made by 2 people who got lucky because they made it so customizable. but making a browser that way causes major stability and security issues.

    There are better more secure and more user friendly alternatives like maxathon which is based off of microsofts IE engine so most sites that work with IE will work with Maxathon but not firfox (microsoft.com) Then there is Netscape which has also become free and it has the ability to switch between the firefox and internet explorer engines thus working with sites that are coded for firfox and those that are coded for ie.

    Then there is opera which is on its own engine but based of of ie but is much more secure and much more user friendly, especially since it became free.

    basically you guys shouldnt bash microsoft just because they worry about security more then customizability unlike firefox which focuses on customizability more then stability or security...

  4. Lol its inevitable, google was created by to nerds with the the thought to create a search engine that can index every website on the internet and since then they have succeded in making the most powerful search engine available on the net and its free! but since then they have offered so many other free things that are just amazing. there is hardly anything that google asks you to pay for which is just google eart pro and adwords, is there something else they ask money for? i dont knowbut google is awesome and they will be gaining a monopoly soon enough and they will definetly not be going any where because they are just so loved by every one, including myself :lol: i dont know how i would do without google....

  5. Sorry, but if you are STUPID enough to put this type of information onto your computer, then it is your own doing. Google are providing a genuine service, and the EFF are nit-picking. Anyone with half a brain, will not put tax returns, love letters (lmfao, who wrot this bs) or any other private document onto their computers.

    What is this supposed to mean? Everyone stores everything on thier computer, storing things like tax returns just makes things easier for you.

    The only type of documents you should ever have on your computer are those that aren't private or confidential.

    I completly dissagree, there is nothing wrong with people storing private documents on thier personal computers, if they dont take the proper precautions to protect private documents they shouldnt have them. If you know you cant keep a private paper/letter private, destroy it...

    As for google, i dont really agree with the copying all text based documents onto thier servers but how else will they index your computer? And if im not mistaking, this is all said in the Agreement which you should have read and agreed to.

  6. i have a good site but i dont think im aloud to say it here, but they have a program that alows you to create a book disk that alows you to boot into the bios and dump the .SAM files off windows, then you can use another program they provide that dumps the MD5 encrypted passwords on into a .txt and then you can use a brute force program and run a dictionary attack on the hashs and it will give you the passwordsthere are also programs that can reset the password so that it is blank, its best to contact a computer tech or a microsoft support tech to do this

  7. this isnt that bad as this is only offered with the Yahoo mail service and AOL mail service, since most big companies send out thier advertisments from thier own mail server they cant really buy a stamp if thier not using a Yahoo or AOL mail service.And really its not that big of a change just another money making idea and i dont think its that much to worry about. AOL and Yahoo maybe offering to sell stamps that alows emails to bypass thier spam filters but really, unless the spammer uses a AOL or Yahoo mail service this just wont work or am i looking at this in an optimistic way?

  8. this is horrible news as i use alot of these programs too. I regularily update my antivirus and make sure my firewall is the best it can be but programs like Photoshop (a proffesional grade program) the retail at around $600 should not have problems with the code, as thier are huge companies that use these proffesional programs, and if theyre paying $600 for a program that eats away at your OS, really whats the point??Its just to hard to keep your computer safe these days

  9. hah i heard about this, they have been working on this a lone time now and maybe it is true this time. It maybe hard to believe but if thier is one thing i learn in this life time its that humans are capible of anything. Even though humans have found a cure to a somewhat deady diesease (infection) im still more intrested in travel, i wish they would find technology to travel deeper into the earth or farther into space.But anyways this is great news and hopefully cure to many other things like cancer.

  10. well i think its well worth it, microsoft always boasts thier products just to try and make them look better, but the truth is... it is better. before you had to buy programs or download and install them to alow you to do what microsoft has let you do online, i mean a pc health center that runs in the background and runs off thier serves and not off your computers resources.yup, windows live messenger does give out invites, im not sure if live mail does because i havnt gotten any, but i gave out all my invites for messenger but if i get more ill get you one.live mail, really whats wrong with it? google has drag and drop on thier homepage which i think is pretty cool but microsoft added the drag and drop feature to the mailbox, it makes things so much easier and faster and the page not having to reload every time you click a link as the site has complete AJAX integration...there are a few features id like to see, like gmails access mailbox by your phone browser, and a few other things, but really whats that bad about what microsoft is offering with thier new Live Series?

  11. Windows live! Microsoft as created the Windows Live series in an attempt to bring everything a person would need on the Internet closer together and makes everything work faster together.


    Integrating AJAX technology into practically every aspect of this new series, this makes everything on the web related to Microsoft a quick and easy user friendly environment.


    Now i am currently a beta tester for Windows Live Mail beta and Windows Live Messenger beta, and in my experience i think Microsoft has definitely taken a huge step in the right direction.


    The following information is whats supposed to come with the new year and each of their descriptions.


    Information gotten from https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/18614/windows-essentials


    Windows OneCare Live beta

    Windows Live Mail beta

    Windows Live Messenger beta

    Windows Live Search beta – mobile

    Windows Live Custom Domains

    Windows Live Local beta

    Live.com beta

    Windows Live Favorites beta

    Windows Live Safety Center beta

    Windows Live Expo beta

    Windows OneCare Live beta:

    What it is: An automatically self-updating PC health service that runs quietly in the background. It helps give you persistent protection against viruses, hackers, and other threats, and helps keep your PC tuned up and your important documents backed up. What it does for you:

    • Runs quietly in the background, providing anti-virus and firewall protection

    • Updates itself to help you keep ahead of the latest threats

    • Runs regular PC tune ups


    Windows Live Messenger beta:

    What it is


    Windows Live Messenger will be the next-generation MSN Messenger. It will have everything you already love about Messenger—your contact list, emoticons, and instant access to your friends via text, voice, and video—plus new ways to connect and share documents with almost magical ease. As always, it will be free to download Messenger and use most of its features.


    What you will be able to do with it


    • Send all your familiar winks and emoticons, plus some cool new ones

    • Have real-time text, video and voice conversations*

    • Call your friends' mobile or land-line telephones by signing up for MCI Web Calling to make affordable domestic and international calls

    • Easily share documents of all kinds with Sharing Folders

    • Make free PC-to-PC calls with other Messenger users

    • Provides one-click solutions to most problems

    • Makes back-ups a breeze

    • Lets you see the status of your system at a glance


    Windows Live Mail beta

    What it is


    Fast and simple e-mail that makes it easy to read, send and organize your messages. The "beta" part means it's a work in progress, so we need your input to make sure it's built right.


    What it gives you


    • Previews of your messages you can read without leaving your inbox

    • Drag-and-drop organization

    • One-click control over junk and scam e-mails

    • Right-click power—reply, delete, and forward

    • 2 GB of storage (2 GB = 2,000,000,000 bytes)


    Windows Live Search beta – mobile:

    What it is


    Windows Live Search beta for mobile devices lets you use your Web-enabled mobile device to search the Web for almost anything you’re looking for, just like on a PC. Search results are formatted to fit on your phone’s itty-bitty screen, so you can actually read them easily (a crazy idea, we know). With Local Search, you can find stuff in a specific location (Chinese restaurants in New York, for instance), and see maps with driving directions and phone numbers you can call with a single click. By the way, you need to have your own Web-enabled wireless device to use this service (you knew that, but our lawyers made us add it anyway).


    What you can do with it


    • Search the Web just like you would on a PC


    • Save search results to your device


    • Use Local Search to find the nearest gas station, the nearest restaurant, the nearest whatever


    • See 10 results displayed neatly within your device’s screen


    • See business names displayed with phone numbers, address, and approximate distance


    • View an easy-to-read map to your destination, and detailed driving directions


    • Click on any of the results to be connected instantly to their phone[/qoute]


    Windows Live Custom Domains:

    What it is


    By signing up for Custom Domains, any Internet domain name owner can create a new Hotmail account with a unique, customized e-mail address such as sally@adventure-works.com.


    What it gives you


    • All the benefits of a free MSN® Hotmail® account with the distinction of a unique domain name • Up to 40 e-mail accounts under one domain name • 250 MB storage for each account* • Hotmail features like customizable junk e-mail filters, virus scanning and cleaning, cool ways to customize the look of your e-mail, and more • E-mail accounts that work easily with MSN products like MSN Messenger and MSN Spaces • E-mail access from almost any Internet-enabled computer in the world • Simple addresses that you choose and manage

    *250MB inbox available only in the 50 United States, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Eligible Hotmail users will first receive 25MB at sign-up. Please allow at least 30 days for activation of your 250MB storage to verify your e-mail account and help prevent abuse. Microsoft Corporation reserves the right to provide 250MB inbox to free Hotmail accounts at its discretion.


    Windows Live Local beta:

    What it is


    A free global mapping and search service. It helps you find stuff in specific locations—pizza in Pittsburgh, for example—and lets you customize your map views, see most major U.S. cities from the point of view of a low-flying plane, and explore your world in new ways.


    What it gives you


    Clear, detailed, clear driving directions and maps

    Maps with regularly updated info on construction and other obstacles

    The ability to get directions by right-clicking on a map (very handy when you don’t have an exact address)

    Both map and satellite views of your destination

    “Bird’s Eye” imagery that shows detailed, 45-degree angle views of most major U.S. cities

    Yellow Page info that is fully synched up with U.S. maps

    Custom “pushpins” that let you notate specific locations

    A scratch pad to make notes and share your discoveries

    Easy sharing of results and maps with Permalinks

    The ability to cruise around and zoom in on areas of the U.S. you want to explore in detail

    Search results that display both Web sites and physical locations

    Auto Refreshed search results that update as you move around the map

    The ability to see multiple destinations on one map

    “Locate Me” feature that can show you where you are on a map

    Live.com beta:

    What it is


    Your homepage the way you want it: super clean and super fast, with the content and layout you choose. The weather in your hometown, headlines from across the globe and Web search results for any term you choose—all there the minute you bring up your browser.


    What it gives you


    • A fast, clean personal homepage


    • The latest news from your favorite sources: news, sports, technology, you name it


    • E-mail inbox preview


    • Password protection of your settings and info


    • Coming soon: access to services like instant messaging and PC protection tools


    Windows Live Favorites beta:

    What it is


    A service that lets you get to your Internet Explorer and MSN Explorer Favorites from anywhere you’re online.


    What you can do with it


    • Easily import your current Favorites to Windows Live Favorites and use them right away • Add new sites to your Windows Live Favorites with a single click • Collect and save new links even when you’re away from your home computer

    Windows Live Safety Center beta:

    What it is


    A free scanning and PC health service, to help delete viruses and other threats, and a support community to help keep you informed of the latest security issues.


    What it gives you


    • Quick, free scans of your system for viruses, and other threats


    • On-demand tune ups of your PC


    • No limit on the number of scans you can perform


    • Security coverage that evolves to help you meet the latest threats


    • Access to a support community for news and help


    Windows Live Expo beta:

    What it is


    An online marketplace and social networking site


    What it gives you


    • Free ads that are easy to post


    • Browse through a wide range of categories ranging from merchandise,

    events, personals and services


    • Keep your dealings within a trusted network like your MSN Messenger Buddies, friends or co-workers; or open them up to anyone


    • Find listings just in your area, nationwide or anywhere in between


    • Add your listings to your MSN Space with one easy click


    • Get detailed maps and directions for things like garage sales, homes for sale or concerts


    • Communicate with people via MSN Messenger right from Expo’s site


    All the new live ideas are pretty cool, here are my views on most of them.


    The Live Mail:

    Its definetly much better, maybe gmail was insentive maybe not but this is definetly cool with drag and drop, and 2 gigs of space...definetly something to talk about.


    The Live Messenger:

    Also known as MSN 8, even though the butterfly is going to be retired soon i think WLM is pretty cool mostly because its more user friendly, you get to rename your contacts and put information included with thier contact to use in the contact search bar. It maybe a little crouded for my liking with the search bar and the movies display on the bottom but there are addons to get rid of those.


    Those are the only two ive had personal experience with but im definetly intruiged as to what the other features have to offer, the custom domain and onecare have both caught by intrest and i will be checking into what i can do with those.


    if anyone else has insight on thier experience with the new Windows Live Series im sure we would be happy to hear them.


    Notice from moonwitch:
    Adjusted credits - plagged article from ideas.com

  12. Jeigh, agreed, but how was the mouse not inevitable? there are a few different versions of it (touch screen, optical, ect..) but although you could do everything with the keyboard, people wanted an easier way to navigate, there fore the mouse was created, from 1 button, to 2, to 3 to 4, i have a mouse with 8 buttons on it! plus the roller and they created the laser mouse making the mouse pad an unneeded accessory.Anyways back on topic, nintendo has been developing this controller for 3 years trying to make it as small, sleek and combine 4 other nintendo controllers into it, which makes it completly unique (or revolutionary) now that is completly different, because this has been thought of for years and now some other company comes along and makes a big huge clunky imitation of it, which btw is all over the place, dpad would be to hard to reach, and even though sony wasnt the comapny that developed the imitation, its forthe ps2 which makes people who love nintendo think even worse of sony, plus may detour other players away from ps. and it makes people think that the nintendo controller is going to look just as bad....which would wheen people off nintendo aswell...

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