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Posts posted by clagnol1405241508

  1. For being in the Science and Technology section, this thread is rather unscientific. This is pure speculation. Ask yourselves, if Atlantis was in or near North America, how would the Greeks have ever heard of it? Are you proposing that the Greeks discovered the New World? Doubtful. And aliens? That's even more unlikely than Atlantis having existed in the first place.Plato was a writer. Is it so hard to conceive of him writing a story about a fictional, futuristic society? The literary tradition is filled with those kinds of stories. A great many science fiction novels depend on this idea.

  2. Pureheart, I don't think that Destiny needs a Content Management System because he/she has very little content.

    Destiny, what you need to do is figure out why you want a website; what you intend to do with it. The Internet is just a medium. After you know what you want your site to do, then it will become easier for you to realize what it should look like.

    There are many html tutorials out thereâI cut my teeth on the Intro to HTML and Teaching Tool found on this page all those years ago. And I do suggest you learn HTML before you attempt Javascript or PHP or any other scripting languages. You've got to learn to walk before you can run, after all.

    Good luck.

  3. I knew it. I totally guessed that it was a shape like the one shown inside the magic 8-ball, though I never cared enough to figure out how many sides it had.At this point, they could start manufacturing a digital version with thousands of replies. I bet someone already has. Wouldn't be as cheap as the old classic, though.

  4. Most designers would advise you to keep a consistent theme. The colors and shapes make a better impression on the visitor if they are consistent.That having been said, sometimes it's more fun to design lots of different things. And considering skateboarding's roots in the surfer and punk subcultures, it would be culturally appropriate to discard all the rules and do whatever the f* you want.

  5. Before I get into the topic at hand, I want to point out that, as of this moment, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which Moonwitch linked to in the "Answers to Common Questions", is now a page in Portuguese related to spamming.

    Now my own problem is that I will be leaving the country for a few months, in a month or two. While I am away, I am not sure how often I will have access, or time for online activity. I read in a different thread that Xisto offers paid hosting for as low as $3 and change. Is there a way I can switch in between forum-participation and paid hosting easily, or do I have to have two separate accounts?

  6. But Reaver, RomfordReject1's image has very few colors, all in monochrome, which means that if the image were optimized in GIF or PNG format (PNG would probably be best), it wouldn't be all that large in terms of file size. If my suspicion is correct, it would be more shrewd to use the image map.I just looked at the image's specs, only to find that it is a JPG. I would recommend that RomfordReject1 use one of the formats mentioned above. One of the strengths of those formats is that you can specify how many colors to include. You would probably need less than 16 colors for this image. JPG is best utilized when there are more than 256 colors, among other situations.

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