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Posts posted by AbyssalStalker

  1. Okay, so I go to that frontpage thing. It says my extensions are NOT installed, so I try to install them. THis is what it says:




    Site Management Tools / Frontpage Extensions


    Attempting to install Frontpage extensions ......


    /home/eric88/public_html does not exist or is not a directory!



    Frontpage extensions are currently: not installed





    What am I supposed to do? I'm trying hard guys, I just don't understand this crap. I appreciate all the help you're giving me.

  2. I'm using a p4 2.6, 512 ram, 80 gb hard drive, FX 5700 videocard. It's about 2 years old but runs the games of today fairly well. I bought this computer for about 800$ then, so it can be very cheap now. If you want a great system for a decent price, check out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ can customize what you want, the way it looks, what hardware / software is in it and everything. Best part is they deliver it right to your door. Just talk to someone that knows computers well before you add parts, just in case they arn't compatible. Hope it helps, later bro, good luck.

  3. Astrahost is a great forum, very convenient. I like the layout and the editing. Very nice. The hosting thing though can be very complicated, and even frustrating. I can understand they don't want shmucks going on their hosting and using their bandwith, but they kinda make it complicated for everyone. Oh well, I guess it's worth it since you get a pretty darn good account. I just want to be able to access it. We shall see.

  4. Okay, so I got the 30 credits, submited a form for the account upgrade (default) and got it approved. So I went to my email. followed the instructions and went to Xisto and filled in the information to get an account. I filled it all in, and got to the loading screen. After it was finished, it gave me a page of information: login info, where I can go to get in, etc. So I went to the sites and it will not let me in. Invalid account. Invalid login. What the heck? So finally I tried that site that you gave someone else, https://support.xisto.com/
    And it says I don't have enough hosting credits. I'm kinda confused. Would appreciate any help, I just want to login and start hosting my files. Thanks in advance, Eric.

  5. I want to know because I beta tested windows media player 10 and it deleted a whole lot of my files, or made them corrupt. I don't want to use another program while it's in beta before they finalize tests. I used to but then it backfired and screwed me over. It's not that I don't trust the certain producer, it's just the idea in whole.Now i'll ask again. When does the FINAL release come out? Anyone know? K thanks

  6. I just miss the good old days when you brought the expansion home or diablo 2 and was excited for a whole new gameplay. I want them to make a new one so badly. I hope the figure a way out in the future. Doom said they had a final game and then they realeased a new one for the computer along with an upgrade! Come back to us Blizzard - We NEED YOU!

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