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BOY 911

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Posts posted by BOY 911

  1. well... I like Half Life2 better because the graffics rule the world... and I like the different mods.Halo2 is pretty good but I play ps2 so Im not good on xbox and i have never played it on computer.i like halo2 and half life2 in different ways... half life one you could drive vehicles and you cant now :P but... you can in halo2 so i like halo2 better in that way but in halo2 the maps are so small and in half life2 the are just right, expose to the enviroment and stuff. in half life2 you cannot see your feet but in halo2 you can :D and in half life2 there is such a word as pwn... in halo2 its p00n :D i prefer pwn its funny... pwn... pwn... stf^ :P Okay down to the point COUNTER STRIKE SOURCE COMES WITH HALF LIFE2 MY NAME IS JEEZUES AND I OWN IN DE DUST DE PORT AND sometimes :D CS ASSAULT SO WATCH OUT!24/7 de_port CssourceElitegaming.com24/7 de_dust CssourceElitegaming.comso... go big or go home... pwn or be pwned... Its all good anyways peace out :D

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