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Posts posted by Sapien

  1. hey thats cool , thanks for the inf...

    Actually, indirectly getting people to give you their money is technically advertising.

    But if your advertising the product as something you mutually represent , then you are technically selling yourself . Well according to my experience anyway . :D

    I work in a family small business and at the moment I'm doing the service and making sure the regulars stay happy , that is my direct focus - sales - keeping the customer feeling welcomed .

    We have a take-away / delivery and have knowledge of about 70 different types of asian food dishes .. this is my first time at sales and I find it already a good experience .

    With the marketing side of things , well it's all about intuition , we just sit down over it on a table discuss what we know ,who we know and why , come to a decision and then advertise in those targeted areas . Motels / hostels are best by far .

    unimatrix ,

    now because the sales guy makes his moves then I can tell him exactly what he is doing and the thought process behind it and why it won't work on me

    If I were the sales guy I would just think that your either interested or not interested :D however it wouldn't obstruct me from finding what you may like , or else I would just be wondering why you are here in the first place :D ..

    Since you are so hard to please :P , would you also care to give me some advice on sales ? :D


  2. Also , what I think on superficiality .............................................. Nothing .Aphalite..is wrong because he is substituting his negativity towards 'superficial people' to make himself feel adequate about who he is as an 'individual' .Well my advice is until people can accept others for who they are then people would have more time preparing for life than watching how others live theres .>quote of a buddy named andy :"One cannot give offence - One can only merely take it "Have a think about it..

  3. All you need to have is .... personality , charisma , wit and good communication skills ... a bonus would be having a degree in the arts / psychology area , good english skills are vital ( if you want to get rich ) . Basically understanding what your selling and who you are selling to is very important , this applies to any manner of context .Last thing : YOU are the tool YOU are the one who is selling . Not the marketing ,thats just another gimmick to describe your intention of indirectly robbing the other person .... don't need to make that obvious ..

  4. computerjoe ,


    >of course god can exist .. just not as a being which some disillusioned biblical people may think . It can exist in any form imaginable ... even Michio Kaku ( revered and famous scientitist ) has his thoughts on the mind of God . We have to think outside the box sometimes or else how can we call ourselves explorers , Stephen Hawking is a metaphysicist and even he reaches out to the divine in attempt to glorify the cosmos in some grandious meaning .


    >But the big bang may be plausible if the higgs-field is proven true .. I have once thought the idea of a multi-verse but now I'm reflecting back on the subject of HOW it is possible for something , our universe , to be created out of apparently nothing .


    >also ... Don't confuse creationism with religion .. although it may correlate with some facets of religion , much of the arguments supplied by creationists have made disassociative efforts in distancing religions involvement with all this , most of the well known creationists are actually scientists , mathematicians etc ...


    as far as the implication of introducing intelligent design theory ,, then who knows , conspiracy theorists are always ready to jump at such things .

  5. web space was sufficient offering 50 megs to free users wanting to use a subdomain , had no ads easily accessible via net or ftp .. on the other hand had no front page extensions, cgi , php or anything advanced for users to play with , good for beginners but overall I would give it a 50% for at least making an effort by keeping the website tidy from ads ,spam etc .

  6. 21 australia here , nice to be here - took the opportunity of checking out this freewebhosting service - sounds pretty sweet , btw is this site any relation to astalavista ?I'll let pplz know my address soon as I get my scores all good .. anyone else like to share there site with me , why ? I'm just a friendly person interested in knowing others thoughts etc .. something I do when I'm miserable and bored ( prob. 10 % of time )..You will most likely find me in the science , philosophy or just general section of this board if anyone wants to find me ... anyway just for some final thought this seems like a fairly outgoing community with the diverse amount of skilled people here , looking forward to hearing from everyone .sapie n .

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