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Posts posted by bmxpunker20051405241507

  1. I beg to differ, Ive had and ipod 40 gig which was way too big for me to fill up with music I actually listen to, So I returned it, saved some money and got a 20 gig, which is perfect for me, I could care less about Ipod photos, I'll use a digital camera for photos, but I do fancy the new ipod mini, especially the 6 gig. 1500 songs and 18 hours of battery life in such a small device, and the ipod mini just has such a beautifull design. No one has been able to beat the design of the ipod yet (at least in most people's eyes). I personally love Itunes and Ipods, Some competitos will offer less expensive mp3 players with the same amount of disk space, but they have various problems of thier own, The only big problem for most ipods so far is the battery life, Which by the way can be replaced at your local Mac store or online for less than $20. Hope my experience's have helped. :D

  2. Man I love Myspace, Its a great way to meet new friends, or meet up and find old friends, Ive met some really cool people off of Myspace, like I met Jason Mayhem Miller off of there, and then got invited to train with him when he came down here for his fight the other week, you can customize your own page pretty easily, Its how I first started learning html :D

  3. im not that experienced, but from my experience as an early noob I liked Kazaa, but it seemed to get worse and I now hate the program, for music I turn to Limewire, for videos I like that bit torrent program azureus. it has alota of documents too, and sometimes you can find things on Edonkey or Emule that you cant find on either, thats just my preferences.

  4. bodybuilding.com has some safe amazing things to keep you awake, And things to avoid would be chicken or milk, as they make you sleepy, And as for staying awake with no help from anything but the computer, I like to chat to some friends while getting work done on Myspace msn yahoo or aim, keeps me awake :D

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