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Everything posted by tranqqoph

  1. The only Tony Hawk game I've played is Underground 1, which I thought was rather good. The graphics were nice, and I loved all the different places. I only thought that the game was too short, you get addicted to it, and then it ends suddenly.
  2. Another reason there were no casulities is that fact that all the passengers evacuated the plane in about two minutes. That almost seems impossible, but it happened. It just shows how well coordinated they were.
  3. Another reason there were no casulities is that fact that all the passengers evacuated the plane in about two minutes. That almost seems impossible, but it happened. It just shows how well coordinated they were.
  4. I just signed up and i've found it enjoyable here. These forums have a wide variety of topics and I'm glad.
  5. I played Runescape for about 1 month, but then I just got bored of it. The game's too repetitive, especially if you're not a member. The graphics are okay, the quests are average, and the lag kills the game. However, the best part is teaming with your friends and PKing in the wilderness. It may seem pointless, but i find it "fun" to form guild wars.
  6. Well, since this topic is about the future and technology, I'm wondering if anyone has read "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury. It's a short story about a futuristic house in the year 2026. The house runs by itself, and it's owners die in an atomic blast.So I believe that things considered "impossible" to us now may actually be feasible in 20 or so years. 100 years ago, didn't man think that we couldn't fly in the air? It was thought to be impossible, but the Wright brothers soared in the air. We as humans must broaden our minds, and no longer think so narrowmindedly.
  7. I refer to it as an advanced online blog :DYou can also IM your friends when they are online, I found this as an alternative to AIM. However, I believe you must be at least 18 years old, or else your myspace has a possibility of getting deleted.
  8. This person creates a long domain name just for publicity, which is pointless because someone else can easily create their own domain name which could be a few letters longer. And would the media go after the new guy instead? Would he get the same publicity as the other person had? If this is true, then this could be an unending cycle in which no one wins.
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