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Everything posted by Scribe

  1. no need. I got fed up with windows XP in the end so I just formatted the whole hard drive and installed Windows 2000 again. I prefer it actually. The sound card works fine, as far as I can tell. Thanks for the help anyway!
  2. Yeah i did disable onboard sound card, and he device manager doesn't report any problems. That's why I came here for help.. I'm stumped.
  3. Is thre a file where password information is kept in windows XP? If so what is it's name and where is it located?
  4. Is the cable for your mic magnetically sheilded? If not then it is interference from a high-voltage electricity source (probably the PSU on your computer). Check to see if the mc cable is sheilded, and if it isn't, look into purchasing one that is. EDIT: If the cable IS sheilded, it is probably the 1/8 adaptor. This link provides some insight into magnetic sheilding -Scribe-
  5. I installed a new sound card because the one on my motherboard stopped working properly. First time, the drivers installed correctly and I was able to listen to all my music. Now, every time I turn off the computer or restart, I have to uninstall and then reinstall the drivers before I can play anything. Is there a reason for this, and is there a solution to this problem?-Scribe-
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