Now hear is what I don’t get about these P2P Programs for example LimeWire,Kazaa,Morpheus etc. Now it was rumored that people that where downloading from these programs where to be fined depending on what they have been obtained. Now I too have such a program by the name of "LimeWire" which can be found under msn's "Most popular downloads" It rate's about sixth from the top in popularity. Now these P2P Programs allow people to upload or download multiple types of files. Now the question on everybody’s mined is who are the thieves when it comes to pirated music or videos? on LimeWire it gives you the option if you would like to be a server to download off of I would think that would be Bad you know just incase you accidentally posting something that may get you in deep $#!&. So if I’m not using such a program to upload anything are downloads considered legal. Now I myself feel what ever you download on the net should not be held agenst you, the downloader is not hurting anyone but merely contributing to the miss use of these programs where as the uploader is the one hurting either the artist or the music/movie industry. I guess when it comes down to it; it really depends on the person you talk to on this topic no right or wrong answer.