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Posts posted by Zageyiff

  1. So I can't with the hub, so what I did, something similar to the previous post, was to connect the modem motorola trough the usb port and with the driver that comes it makes the machine to see it like another connection more.So now i have the ethernet port free. With this now i can share the internet.So what is next is easy to do, share the connection, and configure the two machines.So righ now they are workin perfectly :P unfortunatelly I think there's no way to do it through the hub, I thought it was posiible. :P but tnx for the help :D

  2. One vote to the nvidiaMaybe you should set a poll (Like someone did with a PS3 vs XBox 360)I have used a NVidia GeForce MX 440 and had gave me great reasults, there are few games I couldn't play, but not of the NVidia, because my machine is getting older and don't have the needed memory and processor speed they requires.But for all other games, it's really great. Even it has drivers for use its full capabilities under linux (really don't know about if ATI has support for linux), I've played Quake III Arena uner linux, and seems to be no difference with windows...

  3.   Doesn't it require a lot of space to get that thingie going? I'm afraid so...

    Of course it does....
    But when windows 3.1 come out, one of it's requirements was a video card, that for those times was too much technology.

    Same thing would happen here, one of the system requiremnts should be a 3d Graphics Card with a very good GPU (like the ones now, GeForce 7000 serires)

    I think Mac computers can handle more ths kind of 3D OS, because their OS are fully rich graphics, more tah Microsoft ones.

    Eventhough isn't as 3D as I expected when I read the topic....

  4. Well I don't remember this quite well, but I you may try these two. And both without using the ICS1) Configure the default gateway as the IP's machine that has direct access to the internet.or2) Configure the default gateway the same as the default gateway of the machine connected to the internetI have done this way many times (but I can't rememeber exactly which gateway of those two worked, but try both).So whenever the machine connected to the internet is turn on, any other computer connected to it, and configure as said should have access to the internet.

  5. You should look for the Borland Graphics Interface.It comes with the Borland C/C++ Compiler.But I think you should change of compiler to these.And search for help on using this.The basic code for startin graphics using this is:initgraph()And to close you used:closegraph()So you cand add this code to a class, maybe called Graphics, and the contrutor may open graphics mode, and the destructor may close it.

  6. I'm trying to share the internet connection with no success.I have Internet with CableAccess. I'm using a SB5100 Motorola Modem.I have a hub, and old one (but working really fine).I connect two computers and the modem to the hub. I have proof some configuratiosn, but none of those works.I set the two computers using dynamic IP (thus my ISP config uses DHCP), but just one computers has internetThen I tried to set one as a default gateway, and config the other with a ststaic IP, first with and IP in the same range as the other IP's machine, then tried, then But not workingThen i had the idea to set the gateway the same in the two computers, the one given by the DHCP server, and one IP static, and one dynamic.But none of this seem to work. :) Have any ideas?? Is it posiible to do that using a hub, or do I need a router? :P

  7. Antoher good options, is to avoid loading of applications at startup that u don't use.Loading these applications will make windows boot time longer. And also performance will be less.So use the System Configuration Utility (msconfig) to avoi those applications.Just go Start -> Run -> msconfigAnd go to the last tab StartEach line is a programa that loads when you start windowsRemove each one you know you don't useBut be carefull, some fot hese are needed by windws as drivers, or for some apps to work properly. :) If u have doubts on which ones to remove, take a look at the name of the app on google.MMany pages provide the information about the application, and if it needs to be running. :P

  8. You need to give more specs.
    You can go as highest as the motherboard allows it. So you should post the model of your MSI MotherBoard. :)
    Or you can find it yourself, entering on the MSI web site:
    MSI Global WebSite

    There you seek for the model of your motherboard, and check the specifcations of the processor, and check what type of processor supports

    Then you must enter in the AMD Web Site and check, depending on the specs you found, the highest velocity of the processor they have.

    As the motherboard support that processor, it should be able to handle any of that type (at leat that the motherboard specifies a limit) :P

  9. As you are going to format your HD because it's alsmot full and slow.And as said before, it's better idea to delete as much as posible. The programas you have installed on the D partition must be deleted, you must get the installers of those programs.It could be a good idea to make backup on CD of those installers once you have themm all.So backuping the registry isn't a good idea. Because when you insert the bachuped registry, there could be a lot of problems, becuase of the objects registered, if you applied updates (Windows Update), or install programas like Norton :) . Then you will have a lot of problems, and not just the problems of starting applications when ypur computer starts (and because it's recently formatted) It won't find nothing. So definetevely it's not a good idea to back up the registry. :P And the only option that will resolver your problem is format C: drrive, delete the installed programas on D partition. And install evrything again. :P What should be back up when formatting something are documents (like works made in Word, Excel) and Program Installers (not the installed application, like the installation folder)

  10. I think PS3 it's better, because it'a working with NVidia, the first manufacters of video chipsets, and they're making something really great with the RSX Graphics Processor.

    It's sure taht the PS3 will be able to play PS1 and PS2 games too.

    The PS3 also comes with wireless bluetooth pads, and it supports 7 pads, meanwhile the 360 support only 4 pads. :)

    The discs of the PS3 have a capacity of about 50 GB, the XBox just have about 9 GB aprox :P

    And Sony is trying to make the release date as soon as posible to the xbox 360 (hope for this year)

    So that what I think PS3 it's better, and also I like more the design of PS pads, they are more comfortable. :P

    Have a look at this link, so you can see some specs from each one.
    GamesSpto: PS3 vs Xbox 360

  11. Well, if it's the first time you install linux you should choose your distro, as posted before.Then the hard part of installing linux (for the ones who has never installed it) is the partitions.If you plan two have two OS's(Windows and Linux, very common) then you have to do a partition for each OS. :) A way is to format your hard disk loosing everything (at least you backup it before). Then with a windows installation disk make the two partitions. If installing Win 9x/Me, use a boot disk to start from shell (MS DOS) and use fdisk command to make partitionsYou should delete the disk, and create:one primary partition (where your going to install windows)one extended partition (here are all logical partitions, needed for logical partition)one logical partition (where your going to install linux)Then just install linux on the primaty partition as usual, and left the other partition unformatted (we will format it using linux)The easy way, is using the partition magic. Instead of formatting, just resize your windows partition, so you leave sapce to linux OS.As before you should have this:one primary partition (where windows is installed)one extended partition (here are all logical partitions, needed for logical partition)one logical partition (where your going to install linux)Once we have the space of the linux partition, and windows installed on the primary partition (if using both OS's) use the linux disk to boot from CD, and follow the instructions.When it ask you where to install it. We will need two partitions (at least) for the linux OS: -Linux Partition (Where files are)-Linux Swap Partition (Like the virtual memory of windows)Use the partition not formatted, and create the Linux Partition (there it should be at least 3GB so you don't have sapce problems), remeber to leave space to create the other partition.Then in the sapce left create the Swap Partition (this should be more less 2.5 times the RAM size ej: RAM:256MB, then SWAP:640MB(256*2.5))So that's the complicated part, everything else is just to select options like packages, time zone, countryAny doubts?? just ask.....I recommend you to choose a distro, and tell us which, so we can give you more precisley info

  12. The easiest way to do that is using the partition magicIf one guy had troubles resizing the ntfs partition, then maybe it should have damage some clusters on his hard disk.So before trying to resizing it, make a scandisk.And maybe if you defragment your hard disk, the resizing could take less time.I have make the resizing of ntfs partitions, and have no problems with the partition magic. :) And if you are going to install linux, i recommend you to don't overwrite the MBR sector of your hard disk.I think it's better if you install the GRUB or LILO on the beggining of your linux partitionAnd use the boot.ini that the XP/2003/NT windows have (if you have on of those SO's)Any questions on this, you may ask... :P

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