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Chicken Man

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Posts posted by Chicken Man

  1. I've heard of it, since it's like right next to the DDR machine here where i go to play.For those who don't know. In The Groove, or ITG, is a dancing game. Much like Dance Dance Revolution, or DDR. You choose a song, and you step on the right arrow at the right time to what it shows on the screen.Unlike DDR, ITG consist of rather faster and harder songs. It contains more techno songs rather than dance songs like DDR. You can find such games at your local arcades. It's quite fun and addictive.

  2. I really liked the RPG games from the Super Nintendo, they were old but damn they were good. Chrono Trigger was my favourite. Really great story line, unique characters and such. I loved that game so much.Golden Sun, yet another good RPG game. For the GBA. I played both games, the ending was great. It's funny how in the first game the main character Issac doesn't talk where as in part 2 he suddenly learns how to talk. Same goes to Felix. He talks in the first one and mysteriously forgets how to talk in the second one. But thats what kinda makes the game fun, the main character not speaking and yet other characters can understand them.The Legend Of Zelda series, that too were great RPG games. Ocarina of Time being my favourite.

  3. The Legend Of Zelda games are by far my favourite game series. Most have a really good storyline which keeps you at the edge of your seat.I quite enjoyed Ocarina of Time alot, though it kinda sucks for me who gets scared to death by spiders... That 'Under the Well' and 'Shadow Temple' levels were ... annoying to beat but eventually got by them pretty good.I can't wait for the new Zelda game. It has really good graphics and you can fight on Epona and not just using your arrows.

  4. this game is pretty good, though it does get rather boring after along time of playing. I'd say that the mission mode is quite exciting yet hard at some parts, especially that level where you verse that annoying Taki and all she seems to do is block every attack you do.I never really expected to buy this game, but since there was a discount where every gamecube game was $50 each and i was saving for another game, i ended up buying this and Star wars rouge squadron IIII give this game an 8 out of 10.

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