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Posts posted by decima526

  1. if you have the right settings, they all work the same. it then just becomes a choice of preference. i prefer real player to watch movies and stuff like that just because i'm lazy and don't feel like searching through my files to find something i watched recently. the important thing is to have that codec thing on your comp and just close your eyes and pic which player you want to use. i do have the new divx, and i have to say that i'm impressed with it.

  2. Being gay is not what you 'are'.

    It's what you 'do'!


    God gave us the gift of choosing what we do.

    It is entirely your decision whether you are gay or not, it is not god's decision. That's all I have to say.

    Edit: or maybe not.


    I believe that the cmmandment is 'thou shall not murder', or at least that's what I think when I think about it. Murder is maliciously killing someone with harm in mind. A criminal put to death is not usually malicious, unless he is falsely accused and the court is corrupt.


    you can't choose whether or not you are born with blue eyes or what hair color you have. nor can you choose whether or not you are gay. what a person CAN choose is whether or not to act on those feelings.

  3. i use memorex cds and don't have problems with them. what program are you using to burn them with? if you have a bunch of media programs, sometimes they bash against each other. i'm not saying this is your problem, but you never know. i agree with cleaning the burner. that never hurts.what type of cds are you burning? when i had my old comp, it used to funk up during burn sessions at least 45% of the time when i made audio cds. mp3 or data cds weren't a problem.

  4. I haven't bought an x-box yet, but i'm planning on getting one shortly.i recently bought a 3d0. it came with a bunch of games including Night Trap, which i'm really happy about. it's pretty cool playing wolfentstein on it. i haven't used a 3d0 in years, so i've been having a blast messing with it.on the ps2 i got the complete gta series, the getaway, couple of racing games, a few sports games (including madden). sad to say, i don't have many games for the comp. i just have bloodlines (for now). my last comp was a pos, so no games. the new one is a lot better, so i'll be messing with comp games soon.

  5. i found it on myspace too. someone was listing hosting sites and this one was rated as the best. i live in queens, ny. right on the beach, so it's pretty cool.punk is the most dominant music i listen to, but i like all types. my latest hobby is collecting game systems. i just got a 3d0, and i'm about to buy an nes. toodles

  6. i believe that there are other lifeforms out there. if you think about it, the human mind is extremely primative. it took us thousands of years to get to this point of advancement and to figure out that there are other galaxies out there. our planet being the lone one with lifeforms on it is pretty unlikely in the scheme of things. i don't think we're going to encounter them anywhere in the near future, but if we continue to advance, perhaps in a couple of thousand years. if we don't blow ourselves up first of course.

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