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  1. I have crossed at one point in my life as with many others of us the need to believe for ourselves those views (or lack thereof) instilled in us from childhood. I firmly believe that all people should try to be open to those views shared by others. It was Saint Exupery, Antoine de who said " A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born." And within each of us is born the adult we become. I intend not to argue the existence of god, or its proof. But merely point out the power of faith. I had renounced my religion to seek out a truth of my own. Yet in each I found the same end, faith. We must have faith jesus was the son of god, or faith that god ( in so many names ) had spoken to or charged so many with holy quests. Faith is power. Dating back to the earliest poeple it is fait that unites and faith that destroys. In a large group it is intoxicating, how comfortable you can feel leaving so many fears and issues to a higher power. To this day i have not found a "religion" but i do not doubt the power of faith. to overcome obstacles mentally and physically the very idea that your struggle is shared. That your burden is not only yours, that you are loved. Who wouldnt want that? Personally, i feel to each their own, but I wil never doubt or question the great personal fulfillment of so many have had in their live because of it. Sain Augustine said "faith is to believe what you do not see, the reward of this faith is to see what you believe"
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