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Posts posted by manymanymuch

  1. #!/usr/bin/ruby# hello1.cgiputs "content-type: text/html" putsputs "<html>" puts "<body>" puts "<h1>Hello Ruby!</h1>" puts "</body>" puts "</html>"

    I got this Ruby hello world code from http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.coolnamehere.com&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2300300503455222


    It should work if /usr/bin/ruby is where Ruby CGI is located at.


    Can you try this to see if it will run saxsux? Thanks in advance.

  2. Reliability comes with a price Flamy. These people are giving you something for free which they have had to work hard on to provide. They are nice people and nice people deserve nice words when you give your comments, don't they?

    Of course you must be able to express yourself, but why not use "just a little bit", instead of a blunt "very", that way readers can get your message and the people who provide you with things to play with don't feel so hurt for being generous with you.

    On the Main page Xisto guarantees 99.5% uptime, thats 43.8 hours which is less than 2 days accumulated downtime, out of the possible 365 day year.

  3. I was searching this forum to find out if Xisto actually support Ruby. It remains vague to me.


    I found Xisto from clickherefree.com when searching for webhosts featuring Ruby.


    But on Xisto's own page of complete hosting feature, there is no mention of Ruby. Also, on free-webhosts.com there is no mention of Ruby under Xisto's description..


    Q: Does Xisto - Support Ruby CGI programming? if so, what are the general specifications?

  4. do not call Ruby a scripting language; instead, call it a "dynamic object-oriented language."

    Quoted from http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=18225 by Yukihiro Matsumoto


    The maker of Ruby is concerned about how people would perceive the new language he had created. When you call it a scripting language, he feels it creates a limiting perception of what the language is capable of doing.


    In fact, Ruby's scripting capability is only a subset of what it can do. It is a genuine OOP language which can handle big tasks.


    If it's a question of whether or not Ruby should be hosted under the Scripting or Programming General forum, I'd say it can be in both places with different inclination.

  5. I'm new to Ruby. Years ago I did glanced through the Ruby manual from https://pragprog.com/no_js which was actually fully published on http://www.informit.com/ at the time. Since then, I've always wanted to try programming web pages in Ruby, but were not successful in getting a free webhost which has Ruby. Recently, I found out about http://rubyonrails.org/ while googling for new Ruby development progress, it looks to be an exciting framework to build websites on.


    Q: Xisto.com has full Ruby support on the server, right?


    For now, I'm interested in learning simple Ruby programming. I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough to start off any topics on the basics of Ruby yet.


    Q: Would anyone of you care to start something simple on the basics of programming Ruby, maybe something I'd be able to contribute as well?

  6. I guess there is sentimental value attached to the email which you have been using most frequently or the longest. Email has found its way into our rank of daily priority things to do, and it's quite a personal thing cos that's where some of your friends, your love ones and your life-lines comes through to you. Even the least computer savvy person will still know how to check their email. It's not surprising why people stick by their email brand and even feel a deep sense of loyalty and love for it. I like Gmail more and more now, it's a joy to use, but I suspect it will take about half a decade before it really anchors down to become a household name. Lots of branding to do yet, but the people at Google does seem to know exactly what they are doing, don't they? Especially in the way they plan ahead to unveal overnight surprises.

  7. I wonder if there would be a performance penalty when using the opendir function and iterating through each file to count them?Seems to me if it's not a time critical task, that the webmaster can schedule Cronjob to run the script once or a few times a day. and input the resulting data into the database, then query the static data each time those numbers are being presented.Anyway, does anyone actually familiar with the performance cost?

  8. Sounds like a job that can use web services namely SOAP protocol to accomplish. It's possible to call objects on the server. I'm not familiar with multi-platform connectivity though.

    Look at these few sites:


    Although, they look kind of complicated and new. Maybe you only want something simpler. Anyway, hope this helps.

  9. I use EasyPHP too. I think it's really quite good to have PHP enabled server right at your computer. That way, things happen a lot quicker, don't have to
    wait long at all for uploading scripts before seeing if they worked. One script here, one script there it all adds up.. can be frustrating. I learn better when I can immediately try out what I've just learned.

    EasyPHP's latest version 1.8 allow you to select between php5 and php4. I have given much thought about switching to XAMPP from apachefriends.org but have not come ot it yet, I was wondering if it's possible to have EasyPHP and XAMPP running side by side on the same computer? Anyone has have EasyPHP and XAMPP on the same computer before, care to share your experience?

    Regarding getting good at PHP, for me I liked this beginners tutorial from Zend's site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's fun to read and good for giving you a general idea of what to expect. Just read it quickly one time through.

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