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Posts posted by Cagefighter

  1. sorry this is so long.

    If you havent heard of nox before and you are interested in knowing or understanding more about it I will place a link below to a website that has a full review of the game and if you can read japanese then you can go to the official nox site that still exists in japan....lucky for them.

    Nox unfortunately did not last long due to the fact that it was released at the same time as Diablo II and they had not really advertised it to anyone so the only way you knew about NOX was stumbling upon it browsing through games in walmart or by word of mouth. the game was only about 49.99 for like 6 months then it had already dropped to 9.99 thats when I realised that was the end of nox for all of us that loved it so much so I bought a copy to save and still have it now. But Nox died and they never made a 2nd Nox which in my oppinion was a terrible mistake they would have made millions upon millions. but there loss.

    Nox came out in 2000 I beleive. I started playing the demo version first at my friends house who had downloaded it from the westwood website, the creators of the game. my friend wasnt to into the single player part of the game he was all into the multiplayer. He introduced me to the game in a deathmatch form of multiplayer where you can play one of three classes a warrior, wizard, or conjurer. In the demo you were only able to play as the conjurer. Which was fine with me. each class comes equipt with armor and weapons already equipped and the very best weapons and armor that you can aquire in the single player version of the game were strewn throughout the maps. so once fully equipped with these weapons you were the strongest your class could be, but no class was stronger than the other each had its weaknesses and pros and cons. you have a birds eye view of your char like in Diablo II another RPG game. but Nox unlike Diablo II had very fast paced intense action when you fought. so it kept you going and going, cause you would die respawn run for your equiptment and fight to survive, The only downfall for me was my freind only had a 56.6k modem so there was alot of lag and I would get stuck running into walls. but I had calbe modem so when I got the game I bought at the store for 49.99 I never had any problems with lag.

    after about a year of playing this game everyday after school hoping to win the free trip to las vegas which I Was #11 out of like 3000 people that they listed if you werent in the 3000 i dont think they listed your rank.
    People started hacking the game servers to cheat and westwood eventually stopped repairing and updating the servers and eventually the only servers I could play on were som different europe servers and those were over run by koreans who hacked the crap out of the game and it wasnt any fun to play with them cause they changed everything values of weapons and things so I stopped playing it and never played it online again. But I still play with friends networked. I dont know if the servers are still up but I know that westwood just left them and they were there for the longest time. but Im not sure if they are down yet or not. if anyone takes the time to read this and actually knows something more than I do, please inform me cause I really loved this game and would love to hear anything you have to say about it

    if you want any info about the game itself I would encourage you to read the full reveiw on this site
    NOX Full Review
    Or if you are want you can check out the japanese site for Nox, I myself cant read japanese but I understand most of whats on their from playing the game so much before it died and I the website is set up exactly the same as the english one was.
    Japan's Official NOX website

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