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Posts posted by slapbass

  1. suicide wrote:I read several articals about java programming before downloading j2sdk1.4.2_05 to C directory. I wrote Hello World on wordpad and saved the program as HelloWorlApp.java. But when I tried to compile itI got this message " javac is not recognized as an internal or external comand, operable program or batch file". Please help what am i doing wrong?Thank you[if you have read some articles than You should know about setting JAVA_HOME(points to java main catalog) variable ,and adding to variable PATH %JAVA_HOME%/bin.If you do this, then your command line will see javac compiler

  2. Should be C++ or Java first.


    C and Java have just a few simmilarities. While C++ (or any other Object Oriented language) is more similiar to Java.


    Although C++ is OO lang, it still is mix of OO and non OO. While in my opinion Java is pretty tight Object oriented lang.


    I'd vote for Java first


    If you want to learn some languege, then I can be only for java. Java is more claryfied than c++ and more oo of course.

    Knowing java is better than c++ when it comes to salary in work:)

  3. 1/JavaBeans: Developing Component Software in Java


    2/Java I/O


    3/Java Network Programming


    4/Java in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference for Java Programmers


    5/Thinking in Java


    I would add some design patterns java book but which one you can choose from below:

    - head first design patterns

    - design patterns java workbook

  4. see java and flash are totally different in my view...

    Flash is just made for how the web would look like...

    but java is something deeper and you need to explore...

    you can divide java into flasy part and dumb part...

    this much for today...


    I'm java programmer and for today I was thinking like you, but when I saw laszlo framework, i've changed my opinion about flash



    now I have more respect for flash:)

  5. I'm primarily java programmer, but some years ago I used c++ as my primary programming language.I can list some(not all) features which are big adventages in java:1. garbage collector (you don't think about empty pointers)2. numerous libraries (especially open-source libraries)3. almost full object programming4. cross-platform programming and running5. you can write programs and pay nothing for licences(free IDE, free frameworks etc.)6. very big community

  6. Eclipse lovers could have their own reasons but I have read it somewhere said that heaps of Eclipse developers are moving to Netbeans or use both products at the same time.


    What do you think?


    I don't know anybody who used eclipse and then switch to netbeans... for me netbeans have too many features which I don't use , but this is only my opinion and someone else would prefer this situation.

    I have found information that next jbuilder wil be integrated with eclipse platform.


  7. I use eclipse on my studies and in work and I'm totally satisfied. dungsport has wirtten about Netbeans, this is good tool too. In my opinion next good IDE for java is IDEA(http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/) . You can use it for free when you create some study work or open source project.

    When I've worked with eclipse
    Big disadvantage with eclipse is that this tool doesn't have good web plugin, but latelty I have found some good plugin for html/xml/jsp editing and for struts and jsf:


  8. "is java an easy to learn language"it depends what you want to do. basically java is one of the most easiest languages which someone can learn. It's my opinion. Ealier I've learnt some other languages like pascal or c++ (it was more than 10 years ago) , after that , when I was on ma studies I discover java, and from this time I cannot image to use another language. In my opinion beginning can be hard, because you must learn something about java virtual machine and bytecode, and of course about object programming, but later it should be better.

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