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Posts posted by onlyregret

  1. gmail without a doubt the best free email service provider i have ever used. with over 2.2gb of storage space who can resist, i have a gmail account and i love it, although i have been getting spammed alot by russian people and someone named gemma brown, it does have some security issues but as long as you dont open emails that arnt familliar you should be fine, other that that on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, i give gmail an 11.

  2. there is alot of controversy about file sharing programs and whether they should be legal or not. Although in the contract that users must sign before being able to use the program the company promises not to give out any personal information or sell you out to spyware. but recent developments have been arising that users that are using kazza have been being sold out to spywhere and are now facing multimillion lawsuits. has anybody else heard of this happening to people? if so is there any way that you acn keep from being sold out to spyware?

  3. Microsoft is now releasing new information and statistics on their powerful new xbox 360. This xbox blows away all expectations. It uses 3 parralell processing chips running at 3.2 Ghz each. thats right, i said each. It also now has an upgradeable hard drive which sits ontop of the machine, it goes up to 20 gb compared to the 5gb of the original xbox, this is an incrediable machine, graphics are amazing and its super fast, along with the new look and speed xbox live will also change if you are using the 360. There will be two levels of xbox live, silver and gold, of course gold being more expensive. With silver you still get online gameplay, one on one video messaging service, and a ton of other stuff. But with gold you get alot more, exclusive downloads, like demos, demo clips, and new walpaper for the background of the desktop is even customisable, although an official price hasnt been released yet it is expected to hit the marked at a whoping $500.

  4. yall are way off, there are three types of internet exploring, there is surfing, hacking, and cracking. "Hackers" are just people who know what they are doing and like to mess around on the internet and get enjoyment out of looking at the infrastructure of certian web pages, hackers arnt the ones that steal your credit card numbers and such. "Crackers" on the other hand are the ones you have to look out for, they are the ones who like to figure out people passwords and go in and change the source code of their webpage to make it say something vulgar. There is a way to hack somebodies aim account using php where aim will send you the password instead of the intended person, but i wouldnt kno :(

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