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The Bob

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Posts posted by The Bob

  1. I would say Get it for him. Its a very solid game and the bonus games are fun but arent required to progress and get new tracks so he wouldent have to play them if he didnt want to.I think its just now getting an american release(its been out for almost 6 months in europe) and im fairly certain they have added new stuff to the game in that time. The only thing im concerned about is that they may have localized the soundtrack. The exsisiting soundtrack is very Britt-centric, but it fits the game perfectly. I just hope that when I pick it up for Xbox it wont have godsmack or some crapp....or even worse, some hip hop or rap. That would ruin it for me. Everyong on there was new too me and I enjoyed them all(accept the Killer Barbies or whatever.....I dunno what they were thinking with that one :P ). So ya, if you have any other questions go ahead and ask. Ive had a few months with the game know so I can go into detail about some things if you wish :D

  2. I have yet to play DDR. My friend loves that game and can't stop playing it. I havent played it yet but I like to watch people play it. Seems a little hard for me but I would definatelly would like to try it, but not in public im not big on crowds. If I get it I want the metal pad thingy and all so I can enjoy it more and get the better experience.

  3. Definately PSP. Eversince DS came out I was like nah, it doesn't look all that great to me anyways. I do in fact like nintendo games and all but I prefer PS games far more. DS doesn't have that much to offer anyways. PSP on the other hand its just great. I love it and I will get one soon enough. It just rocks. There is no comparison and I have enough with my gameboy advanced sp. PSP is just better in everyway.

  4. 5. Guilty Gear Series: Well what can say, A few years back I would never guess I would include this line on a top ten fighters list but here we are. Guilty Gear is not on here becouse its all that great, but becouse they did alot to advance the genre. Other companys(capcom, im looking at you) should look to GG for inspiration. That did a bang up job in making a competant fighter from nothing.4. The Last Blade 2: Easily the most complete 2d fighter to date. this game had complexity that is a chalenge even for those who have mastered the 2d fighter genre. Easily one of the most overlooked fighters in years.3. Capcom Vs. SNK 1 + 2: Taking the best of both worlds and adding in some of the more fighting game n00B elements from the (horrid) VS. series from capcom gave this title a solid, almost pick up and play party game feel. The only games of this nature that are actualy worth playing for Fans of better fighting games.2. Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution: Tight personified. Makes Tekken 5 look like a joke(still)1. Dead or Alive 3: A game with enough thats uber deep if you actualy have the skill to get deeper into it. True players of Doa3 laugh when people call it a button masher with no depth, and trully there is no n00B that could beat a pro. Not even with luck on there side.My Bottom 55. Mortal Combat Deadly Alliance: Absolute trash game. Deserves no more comments.4. Capcom VS. Games: With the acception of a few, these watered down Street Fighters are too easy, and rely to much on flash. There good for 5 mins of arcade fun but nothing more.3. Mortal Kombat Deception: Take a crap game, change the chars around a bit, remove halph the animations and moves, and toss in a lame quest mode to put the users to sleep. Great one Boon, You realy have a knack for killing the series now that Tobias Is gone.2. Mortal Kombat 3: WTF happened here? You have MK 2 and its great, then you screw it all up....twice. This game is actualy only lower than the atrocious 3d MK games only becouse it was our last 2d Kombat and it realy sucked.1. Tekken series: Most likely my comments on this one will get many boo's and dath threats but im sorry folks, Tekken has barely evolved since it was first introduced. The game still has the clunky mechanics of the early 32 bit fighters. Were others evolve, Tekken takes a nap an dthen wakes up a moment before release day and crams something in that the compeditors are doing.....only to remove it in the next game. Like Battle Arena Toshinden and the other "Im 3d" fighters from PSX's early years, Tekken shoud just go away.

  5. I dont think FF7 was good enough to get classic treatment. Great game but not nearly classic.....well maybee if you look at it from a sales perspective. For me Id much rather see a proper FF7. They should do a multiplatform remake of FF7 with a fully fleshed out story and the bits from these sequals as new content for FF7. Inlcuding the movie as a sort of bonus follow up game that lasts only a few hours.

  6. SC2 is a fun game for what its meant to be.....and that is a rather light and fluffy fighter thats marginaly better than a button masher. My biggest issue with SC2 is that they actualy took away many of the coolest features of the DC origanal. I do prefer the origanal hands down(as do many MANY fans of the series) for more reasons than I care to list. Out of the 3 console versions of SC2 I would say the GC version is the weakest due to poor controller design and Link being to cheap in the hands of a scrub. I did however get alot of enjoyment out of the xbox version wilst I waited for DOAU to be released. I give SC2 a 6 out of 10.

  7. Microsoft realy took some steam from sonys sails with Forza. Not only did they make a sim that was GT4's equal on the first try, but its also more than equal. Infact its quite a bit BETTER than The GT series has ever been. My vote goes to Forza "Teh win".Toca 2 was an acceptional game aswell but im fairly shure it was a 2004 game....wasnt it? Also it had some huge problems that kept it back from being a bigger game. Another example would be R: Racing Evolution. Another fantastic racer that could have been top ground instead of just chuck. GTA series should realy not be on here, as its not a driving game. Its a Murder simulater that is aimed towards the lowest common denominater....sex and violance. Funny how people gobble it up :P Bunch of corperate whores the GTA fans are :P

  8. Im sorry but anyone that thinks the Underground series is the be all to end all in racing games has prolly never even played the series before Underground. There is litteraly nothing in underground that hasnt been introduced in other games in the series(besides things that are not important like vynals and light kits). In fact Underground 1 add practicly nothing to the series but a hip hop soundtrack(trendy) and ricers dream quick kits(also trendy). Not that U is a bad series, but its realy not much more than NFS has been since the 3rd game and up. I would much rather see them combine the U series with the exotics that Belong in the NFS games. Until then I will play U and to a lesser extent U2 but I will spend most of my time with the last true NFS game, HP2.

  9. does anyone know if nintendo makes or plans on making the old games for gamecube? mario, duckhunt, hogan's alley.. you know it's practically impossible to get a game to work on NES because it's so old and dusty.. they need to make the exact same games, nothing different, for the gamecube so we can relive the classics again!


    To answer your question.....


    No, dont expect much else to come from the gamecube. Any remakes that they would be planning would be headed to revolution at this point as the gamecube is a shelfwarmer in most countries. The actual Revolution will play Classic Nintendo games, so you will get a chance to play the older versions again(you will have to pay for them again aswell) but they wont have updated gfx or gameplay out of the box. Its been said that some games will also be free with the newer Revolution games, this is still a rumour and some of the comments nintendo made recently have helped me decided that I realy doubt they will give away very many free games. Likely just with AAA titles.


    Last bit of info for ya....non Nintendo classics are not likley to all be available and if they are they very well may costs an arm and a leg to purchase.

  10. I realy hope that people arent getting too cought up in Revolution. Despite how much I want it to succeed and be "A Revolution" in gaming, its just not going to happen. Im shure there will be some great games over its lifespan but its realy not going to come close to being actual competition to the other 2 consoles. The biggest downfall for Nintendo is its own "revolution". The controller is going to hurt the console if they dont have a standard controller out of the box. Also if they focus too much on the retro gaming aspect they will hurt themselves. Having access to all the old games is great but it wont sell consoles to anyone but the handfull of retro gamers out there. Not to mention that games will require purchase from the Revolutions network.

  11. I used to be a huge DBZ fan and so when it came out my sister bought me the first game. I coudln't stop playing it and then I beat it and I haven't really played it at all. I was too busy with school and stuff to keep up and get 2 and 3 but I was recomended 3 so I will probably get that one.

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