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Sly Fox

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Posts posted by Sly Fox

  1. I played PSO Episode 1, 2, & 3 on the Nintendo Gamecube. The game was very fun and addicting. When the codes came out it kind of got ruined. Now I admit I was excited about the codes when they came out, but I think the game would have lasted longer if they hadn't. I have a friend that still plays it and I hear the game is more like a chatroom now. And do to FSOD codes most of Vega is uninhabited. PSOBB sounds like its going to be good though. I think I'm going to try BETA testing it and see if I get addicted.

  2. Wow. When I first played Guild Wars it seemed pretty cool. But after going through the entire game and reaching max level within a week, I didn't know what to do. Most MMORPGs take a long time to reach the max level and most people never even reach it, but in this new type of MMO you reach it right away. Arenanet is focusing on the PvP aspect of guild wars, and guild warfare. Lots of people are complaining about the lack of roleplay involved, but Arenanet just keeps telling them this isn't a game that focuses on roleplaying, it is a game that focuses on PvP and cooperative game-play. This new type of game takes some getting use to. I'm not really sure how long this game will last, pure PvP is only fun for so long. I hope they are working to think up new ideas to keep the game alive. But so far the game is staying fun, competition for guild ranks is always active. The game could use some more armors and weapon variations. Each class has about 3-4 different types of armor. As you get to places to buy new armor, it looks the same, has the same name, but just has more defense. I think new graphics and names would spice it up a bit. But if you are a hardcore roleplayer and like to maybe hang out on games and go fishing or do side activities, this game isn't for you. There are no activities you can do besides PvE, PvP, Trading, and /dancing. But if your just into fighting other people and kicking butt in team battles (not to mention various types of battles like king of the hill, and capture the relic), this game is what you've been waiting for.

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