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Posts posted by Artluo100

  1. i would not bring the body kits and the really wacked out accessories from need for speed into the game. what i'd like to bring is the whole free roam from need for speed and the cop chases from it. car selection would definitely come from gran turismo also i would like to see real parts from real companies in the game. last but not least i would take the realistic driving simulation from GTR2.

  2. move out of there asap. that's my advice. you better tell your parents, they'll pack up and move out the next day. i used to deal with these problems all the time as a kid, luckily i wasn't a gang member, but i knew some and when they were in deep doo-doo their parents moved out the next week to some state out west like Tennessee or whatsoever. there's not much of these gangs around anymore, mainly because those kids grew up, got locked up, or moved out. i'm telling you, the whole idea of a gang is stupid. what's its purpose? you get killed over stupid stuff. you guys kill each other for other territory that's not even yours. i hear people saying how they have a gang to back them up whenever and how loyal they are. i bet you if those people ever get in trouble and needed a way out, they will rat you out in a second. i've seen this happen to too many guys. so if you were smart, i suggest you move out of that place.

  3. Even though Google is successful, I don't think they can pull of an OS. If they do, I wouldn't try it for a year or two so that they can work out the bugs. They need to build their reputation too. Also the performance and reliability. All these things are considered by me in order to test an OS. I don't think this is the right market for Google considering, there is already Macs, Windows and Linux. I doubt any of the people using these OS's are willing to make the switch.

  4. Good Job! I first learned how to install a graphics card (for a matter of fact, any other cards) back when the TNT2 dropped and I had to buy it to play the newest games. It's pretty easy though, kinda like legos. You just slide it into the slot and screw it in. It's funny how people are paying technicians $50+ to install something that can take 10 minutes of your time and a little bit of experimentation.

  5. I think the MacBook is worth every penny. I'm a PC user myself and I'm about to make the transition from Windows to Mac. When I do, I probably won't have any regrets. One thing about the new Intel Core Macs is that you can run Windows on it through Parallels or Boot Camp, this is a big plus and is maybe one of the major reasons for people to switch over. Not only will they have a Mac, they can also have the advantage of loading up the Windows OS and do whatever the Mac OS can't do. I'm waiting a couple more months until Leopard drops, hopefully by then the Santa Rosa chipset releases.

  6. Check the warranty of your laptop (if you have one). Like some of the guys said, it may be time for a new laptop. I think it's something with the backlight. Not sure what it is though. If your laptop manufacturer has a customer support line, give them a call. Doesn't hurt to try.

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