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Posts posted by tradeyourmedia

  1. Well its like this if it looks and sounds too good to be true it is just that too good to be true . I mean come on when have you ever known anyone or anything to give you something for free. I am 27 yrs old and in all of my 27 yrs i havent ever seen anything that looked like it was a good thing come out to be true.. I mean i once tryed the "free" credit report and they wanted a credit card and wanted to charge me $7.95 a year for a news letter. now come on how is that free.. and heres another one  you think when you get a new computer that you are getting "windows" for free well you are wrong they just add the price of windows to the price of the computer package. So its like this if it looks like roses and smells like poo .. its poo.. lol :(


    I watched a show on tech tv called "the screensavers" Im sure some of you have seen it. Kevin Rose, one of the hosts of the show tried the free ipod offer, and actually recieved one. several other members of the show also got theirs. I forget the terms of the offer, but one of them was to get 10 others to sign up for the offer. He used his webpage to sign people. ALso, you have to sign up for the netflix trial, along with purchasing some sort of netphone, and sign up for a credit card. I didnt want to do all this. Now, you have to complete 10 offers?


    I know he recieved his ipod, but really, is it worth all this? you just about have to bend over backwards.


    I have seen other offers, the latest for a laptop from gateway. As far as i could tell, you had to complete 10 offers, get three different credit cards, and pay for a trip somewhere. Its just not worth it...lol.

  2. When i had my gfx site .. i had a couple of people helping out , they were good with gfx but had no clue about html or any thing like that ... so i tryed making my site where they could log in .. fill out a simple form with there update and it would update the site ... kinda like a bulletin board .. i cant remember what i was using , i would like to do it agin. it was a good idea and would of made things easy if i coulda figured out all the kinks... im not sure if any one understands what im talking about but if you do , what would be the best thing to do?


    again i would suggest you all use the same editing, or ftp program.


    Make sure they all log in with your username password. there really shouldnt be any problems, unless they are trying to log in at the same time.

  3. Hi,

      I have just been accepted for a web account and I have uploaded a template. Now I don't know how to work on it. Please help me out here. Thanks. Sean.


    I would like to suggest not using the editor. There are so many good programs out there, with built in ftp clients. I use dreamweaver mx, usually gives me no problems. Im sure there is a demo of dreamweaver at the macromedia web site. try it out, and when you are finished just ftp to your web site.
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