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Everything posted by power1405241498

  1. You can also use some CMS (content management systems) like mamboserver or drupal or xoops ( i love xoops) . You can make a quality website for your group in no time . You get everything readymade and their forums offer great support for your problems . drupal- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/- not sure of url just type mambo cms in gogole
  2. No memtest wont even touch ur harddisk it wil just check ram chips so u can be 100% sure ur files wont be messed
  3. well .. Zip the file using winzip or winrar or whatever prog u use ( suppose 4.zip) then from cpanel file manager uplaod it to ur public_html directory . Suppose u kept file name song.zip .. then just go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and u cna dload easily . Hope it helps . It will save u from prob that ie playing it directly in media player instead of download
  4. Use nod32 antivirus if u have some reallt slow pc's .. good and Least resource taking firewall/av combo according ot me isNod32+Look'n'stop firewall or jetico firewallAnd if u have top notch computer thanKaspersky av+ Sygate firewallalong with log of spyware scanners
  5. This iste offers some quality freeware softwares must to keep ur pc clean and for lot more things . Rotokit detector, Process explorer and many more https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals . I will post abt more good freeware programs in this topic later
  6. You can also get telnet proxies to directly use that instead of socks5 .
  7. Did u tried a reinstall of av software?? then stop its firewall again .
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