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Posts posted by The_Element_Him

  1. Alright....I have a idea for my website but im not sure how to do it.Basicly i want to count my files and show it on the main page ... kinda likeBackground : 200 Scripts: 155 Tutorials: 325 Templates: 5 Total: 695like i said i dont know really where to start. any ideas?

  2. Well first off you dont need any one elses ideas thats the fun in designing you do what you want, if you take some one elses ideas ... not really your design. But any ways if its your first image you really need to spend some time playing and testing out you graphics programe. get the feel for it see what you can do , maybe read some tutorials, get the basics of it all. aThose cut outs horrible, ( just telling you , its a good thing ) , and second they are dark cut outs on a dark background, i can hardle see them. Try to imagin what you want to design instead of pointing and clicking with your fingures crossed. Although some times that does pay off. Basicly your new to making images so there gonna be crappy for awhile, no offence but a graphics designer is only as good as the knowledge about his proggy. The more you experiment, the more you read , the more time you spend with it it will show.Good luck, and that ones alot better than my first ... we wont speak about it.

  3. I dont think the layout has alot to do with the "STICKY" but the content or treating your home page as the only page on your site is a must. thats the way i have always been. I always have a bulletin board in the middle of my site in my mind its a must, containing all the news , the updates in detail with links to make it easy ,"some times even thumbnails is it calls for it". Also the community idea has got to be a plus. some where on my site rather on the top bottom or in a rotater i love to find other sites like mine , usually the ones that have alot to offer and talk to them and affiliate. we trade buttons. that seems to work wounders. i couple of other things i like to do is of course have a message fourm and for some reason or another i like to have a top site list of my own. a great way to see how your site is doing depending on how many people join it. Another thing i usually do becuase i have nothing better , or im never happy withit is change the layout. i usually dont touch the navigation because i dont want people to get confused because if they come back they like to know where to go to find what they want. but im always looking for new stuff to add, not in the matter or content but in appeal .... All in all the center and heart of a website is the content and how well the website is built on it. without content there is no point to the rest.

  4. Wow, would you suggest using xml or xhtml? meaning witch one would i be better off using on my website . I havent started building it yet, and i really didnt want to go html it then have to go back and convert it. I see you said it is possible to add html into a Xml page? the way i took your advice , kida like SSI. you store information on a xml file and call it up on your lets say .index page. Thats wounderful , but i would like to know how you can focus on visual with Xml , since xml is all about constructing and focusing on the infomation it self. Thanks for the help... id love more of it!

  5. ok before i conform and move over to xml and or xhtml i wanted to know somthing. this is a completley newbie question, because simply im havent worked with either of them before. if i was to creat a site in xml or xhtml, would it be like html? meaning the ability to add in, lets say java scripts, cgi scripts an php scripts? if any one could give me a few good refrence sites that would be wounderful. ive read a little bit on eatch of them Xhtml is just a steap up from html. but im still not quite sure what .xml is . can you created a website off of just xml? or do i have xhtml and xml confused? and one other thing, whats the pros and cons to both of them?

  6. oh hell its not even close to great.. i designed for a good 3 years but stoped ... decided to get back in. Im trying to get used to psp 9 ... back in the day i was using psp7 . by the way the singer is Dannie Filth from the heavy metal band Cradle Of Filth. so i will say ... yes this is my first siggy using psp7. im over all happy with it. But i have to learn some new font effect methods. thats the only thing i have to say abou it. thanks for your opinion. :D give me more!

  7. What are some good web host that arnt too expensive. and that can be paid monthly. The other day i singed up for one, looked to be a awsome host for only 7.70 a mounth... singed up ... at the end it said 90 dollars will be processed to you credit card.. thank you.. enjoy your service. that was crap! no where on the site did it say you had to pay a years worth up from.. .... ..... ..... any ideas? id like somthing with decent space and bandwidth and not to costly for extras such as .... bandwidth .... and space.

  8. theres a video i have i want to stream on my site ... is there a programe out that to change a mpg or a mpeg to a steaming format such as wmv.. for one mpg's and mpegs i have are a bit too big but im sure theres some proggy out there to convert them and lower the quality so there not so big and lumpy

  9. nothing is free... some one has to gaine somthing... alot like free websites... id probable go with one that has ads ... and you have to be careful with that. but the ones without ads. Well to say the least i havent found a good one yet. Either its rrrrrrrealy slow. Or you get like 1mb a mounth in bandwidth or somthing els that makes it as good as the word free on the internet. No matter where you go on the internet there is some sort of ad , somthing because every ones out for the oh mighty dollar.Honestly id pay for hosting. but i dont feel like it and i dont wana open a bran new site with no visitors on some server i have to pay for.. but you get what you pay for and i cant really b**ch about it after all .. it is free.

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  10. well content is key. but what i did is i went around and i look for other sites like mine.. my site was mainly graphics , backgrounds stuff like that.. so i found other sites like mind and convinced them to affiliate with me... know you find about 10 of them .. even if they dont get heavy hits ... trade buttons ... keep that going for awhile... know somthing els i did that boosted my traffic was creating a banner and button exchange.. and it worked , only after i had a constant flow of visitors, it was around 100 or so a day.. but people signed up . what i did was under the generator i had the link (BLAH BLAH BANNER EXCHANGE - MY SITE.COM) it was realitivly small and no one complaned. as the banner exchange grew so did my site... but what ever works! i do like the hot girl idea :D

  11. When i had my gfx site .. i had a couple of people helping out , they were good with gfx but had no clue about html or any thing like that ... so i tryed making my site where they could log in .. fill out a simple form with there update and it would update the site ... kinda like a bulletin board .. i cant remember what i was using , i would like to do it agin. it was a good idea and would of made things easy if i coulda figured out all the kinks... im not sure if any one understands what im talking about but if you do , what would be the best thing to do?

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