Hi there...Canon Digital Rebel is an excellent camera. The new one is a 8 MP Digial SLR - which means that you can us any exisiting Canon Rebel EOS lens. This is handy for the prosumer crowd and has many advance features. There is one thing to note about this camera: you don't use the LCD screen to take pictures. You must use the view finder.
The best site on the internet to get info on digital camera's is https://www.dpreview.com/ You can do a side-by-side features look at multiple cameras.
When buying the digital camera, consider the following questions: What are you going to do with the pictures? Print them out? What sort zoom do you want (i.e. how far away is the subject of the picture going to be?). What type of photographer are you going to be (i.e. do you want to play around with the camera setting...adjusting the shutter speed and aperture range?)?
If you can answer these questions, then it will easier to find the perfect camera for you.