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Alpha six

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Everything posted by Alpha six

  1. I started computing on an IBM 286 when I was 4 years old. But this was only a very little gaming... Later when I learned to read (when I was 6 years old) Windows 95 had arrived and I became firstly REAL interested in computers. When I was 12 years old (lol, 6 years later!), I started HTML. At the age of 13 I read the first book about JavaScript. My first language (after HTML). Even now I HAVE GOT MY FIRST FEW LINES OF PROGRAMMING!!! REAL THE FIRST! <html><head><title>Test HomePage</title></head><script language="JavaScript"><!-- var neu= new Date(); var jetzt= neu.getTime();function timer() { var neu, sek1, sek, min, std; neu=new Date(); sek1= (neu.getTime()-jetzt)/1000; std=Math.floor(sek1/3600); min=Math.floor(sek1/60)-std*60; sek=Math.floor(sek1)-min*60-std*3600; window.document.timer.timer2.value=std+':'+min+':'+sek; window.status='Besuchzeit: '+std+':'+min+':'+sek; window.setTimeout ('timer()',1); }// --></script><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="window.setTimeout ('timer()',1)">Besuchzeit:<form name="timer"> Â Â <p><input type="text" size="5" name="timer2"></p></form></body></html> Sorry, the names of the variables are german. I think you see that my English isn't very well ... Later I started to learn Java, but I found it to comlicated. So I improved my JavaScript and HTML. Then I started Java a secound time and now I am able to write some programms (at the moment i'm working on the Reflection API). I learned in that time PHP and SQL, too. I plan to learn C++ next. At the age of 16, you think you will have plenty of time in your live... And if I won't have enough time when I'm working, I'll maybe have time for it, when I'm on pension... But that will be (I hope so) in 49 years...
  2. I think, eclipse is a very good programming tool... It's an open-source project and some friends said it wouldn't be good because it's free . What do you think? I like it very much ! More information on Eclipse - official page!
  3. what for a file do you want to insert? I myself have installed "phpmyadmin" on my pc and use it to edit my sql database for testings. you only have to download it from https://www.phpmyadmin.net/ and then you have to configurate it by editing the "config.default". Least you only have to upload all files on a php supporting webspace. Open it and have fun with a very good database tool!
  4. Java and Javascript are two COMPLETE different languages!Java is an object-oriented language which is nearly 100% compatible with any machine if the VM (Virtual Machine) is installed. It isn't one of the easiest language and has nothing to do with scripting. It's for programming.Javascript is a scripting language, which is easy to learn and is very handy. You can't write programms with it and it isn't object-oriented. It's an imperative language. But without js, the web would be boooring .
  5. Firefox is also supported by linux. I've got an link to a page where u can download old versions of IE for testings: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. 'ave fun!
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