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  1. Alright fellas, be at ease. A new guru has arrived. And before i get into anything, make sure u remember the name Caesar6! For all you real gamers, (online gamers) I will be kicking ur *bottom* online with the new PS3.Now! Let's just put the facts together. Comparing Revolution (Nintendo), XBox360, and PS3. Why all three at once? Not because it wasnt out at the time the forum began, but because they were all at E3 05'. Now if this forum started when the e3 began, then the revolution was already introduced. Now that we've discussed that, ill just come out and say that the specs on Nintendo's revolution are horrible. Not in the sense that they're horrible "persay", but in the sense that they dont come near touching XBox360's, let alone the all powerful PS3. After listening to the VP of Nintendo discuss his views on the revolution and its competition, he simply stated, when asked how he thought revolution would pair up against the competition, "In the end, its all about the games. Nintendo has been making greaet games since the very beginning, and that wont stop. When the games come out, you'll see that Nintendo will be on top!" Are you serious? Did u just say that to me? Nintendo, give up the charades. Yes, ur new system can download and play any nintendo game ever made, congratulations. Your one recent success (that i never actually spent the time to actually play, nor do i know anyone who has) Resident Evil 4? Congratulations. When ur new console comes out, the only thing i will congratulate u on, is hopefully u've moved from cartridges, to discs, and i suggest you cater towards the kid crowd. Atleast then you'll make some money, Seeing as how i doubt PS3 will hardly touch that area. Then it will seem that your only competition would be XBox360. Also, another word of advice. Next time you come to E3, do NOT just bring a damn console case! What the hell?XBox lovers, hey how you doin. Don't get me wrong, i love and appreciate loyalty, i have it myself. However, there is a thing called reality. Realistically, XBox out of the box (Please read carefully, and notice i said OUT OF THE BOX) Does not compare to Sony's PS3 out of the box. And the comment made earlier about graphics being equally great... please go stick your head in a toilet and flush it for me. (no offense) But graphics can never STOP getting better. Matter of fact, it can start SLOWING down, once it reaches the point that i walk into a friends house, and mistake his gameplay for an actual tv show. Gettin back on subject matter. Although the specs do not meet PS3 (out of the box), they are however, making the XBox360 COMPLETELY customizeable. If everyone takes advantage of this option, no two Xbox's will look alike. EVERY SINGLE GAME TITLE will now have custom soundtrack capabilities, and the controllers, i have to say, though im not an xbox fan, are pretty remarkable. If you dont already know, PS3 and xbox360 controllers are all wireless now. XBox360's controllers will light up a number indicating what player you are. No more lifting up the controllers and following the wire to the port with your eyes, trying to figure out what player you are. Whats more, its major hope in competing with PS3, is the simple fact that just about every game put out on the market, will have online capabilities. Meaning, its catered to the ultimate game! And the controller has a button in the center which allows u to find any of ur friends, on any game, at any given time. As well as lights up whenever a game invite comes to you. I will say, that this is a MAJOR selling point to the XBox360. Now that i've boosted XBox lovers hopes, its time to shatter their dreams with reality as well! At the press conference, VP of XBox was asked, how does he think the specs of XBox360 will match up with PS3 once theyre both put out there, his response was simply "I don't think it really matters." You don't think it really matters? For all those that don't know how to debate, thats simply a way of saying, "they have us beat there, but..." and yes there was a but. The but is the customizeable capabilities and the online game play. Along with the awesome controller, and the any game customizeable soundtrack, there are interchangable faceplates for your new XBox, as well as the option to purchase, YES PURCHASE, Xbox clothing for your character online. And when i say XBox clothing, i mean clothing with XBox logos on it. (If i see anyone with this clothing on, i will be sure to destroy you, whether i can kill u repeatedly in a game, or make u crash in a horrible way in any kind of driving game.) Neway, XBox is definately going the route of a true salesman. If you cant beat your competition, give the public more options than the competition can provide. The good old glamour and go move. Personal tip for Xbox at the E3 events? How about, MORE IN GAME DEMONSTRATIONS. Almost ALL their demonstrations were cgi. For those who arent fully knowledgeable, cgi is movie time. I don't want to see, what i've been seeing in the games that i play now, wishing it was ingame play. I want to see what ill be purchasing. So Show Me, and no im not from Missouri. I'm in Maryland. And finally, don't plant people that work for xbox in the crowd and have them clap as soon as the word Tomb Raider pops up on the screen. It fooled no one. Your people were the ONLY people clapping.And last but not least, the ALMIGHTY, GOD GIVEN, PLAYSTATION 3! My God, where in the hell were they hiding ALL this technology. The tech specs on this monstrous machine are ridiculously sick. Not ONLY did PS3 show demonstrations of the new powerful CELL chip and how REALISTIC EVERYTHING looks on the new system, but they showed IN GAME CLIPS! GRAPHICS GRAPHICS GRAPHICS!!! My GOD! They told their new launch titles as well, and theres more to come. The Killzone video was unbelievable! You can see every strand of hair, every freckle, pores on someones skin! Its ridiculous. Im so excited its hard to gather my thoughts and actually type it all down for you all to review. If you guys havent seen the KillZone video u MUST check it out. Tekken 6? Holy ****! Lemme catch my breath here. Back to the system. Alright, now the new NVIDIA graphics card theyre workin with is so advanced, it is the equivalent to 2 GFORCE graphics cards priced at $500 a piece. That might clear up a few things for u guys. There are so many specs to this thing, ill let u look up the rest. Wireless controllers as i said before. No they dont tell u what player u are, or have a button to find ur friends online like Xbox controllers. atleast i havent heard or read that anywhere, however, no more multi tap purchases! The PS3 can handle a maximum of 7 PS3 controllers. OUT OF THE BOX!!! Theres just so many great things, i really am having difficulty here. U can remove its already strong as **** hard drive and replace it with (God forbid) And even BIGGER hard drive. U are all FOOLS if u choose an XBox360 over a PS3. And those of you who plan on buying both, report back once u have seen the difference.Now i realize some of u have strong prayers for the XBox360, and no they will not flop, BUT... it is NOT the better system. Nintendo has no chance however. Like i said earlier, in order for them to survive, they need to go for the kids (which theyll more than likely do) and then will only be competing with XBox. Now i want to clearify what i've been saying about OUT OF THE BOX!! You see, XBox does have the POTENTIAL to be molded into the better system. LOL now i have u people wondering right? I have a die hard XBox fan as a friend of mine. Whats worse is, he knows so much more about computers than i do. He deals with hardware and programming, and after we both did our respective research, i have listened to his plan on how he can make the XBox atleast 5 times greater than it actually is. And i am sad to say it is possible. Where i could probably only double the capabilities of the PS3. (I just need to figure out, is it because of my limited computer information, or because thats what i've been limited to by Sony itself). So those of you who love XBox, and know computers a great deal, and would even consider yourselves hackers... I can by no means stop you from purchasing an XBox, or try to convert you to buying a PS3. If you know what you're doing, i say go for it, and lemme know how it turned out. But these consoles will be quite pricey. A price was announced for PS3 in Japan, and after it was converted to US dollars it showed a price of $462 dollars. So that is the educated guess i was given from a very reliable source. And since the XBox isnt far behind the PS3 in technology, i imagine it will be in the low $400's high $300's itself. PS3 i've heard is also giving the option of financing its system through dell! Damn wtf? So if you buy an XBox, and try tampering with it, it is no longer OUT OF THE BOX, so your warranty will no loner apply. And if you BREAK it, looks like you'll be shelling out more hundreds of dollars. If you REALLY want an CUSTOM OUT OF THE BOX setup for your XBox, i suggest waiting to see if anyone posts how they tuned up their own xbox online. The funniest part about all this comparison between me and my friend. XBox = American PS3=Import He likes american cars (Ford) I Like Import Tuners (Mazda, and Infiniti/Nissan) Go figure. Please respond to my mini article! Oh, by the way. Another reason nintendo is crap. I was just informed that Nintendo was just bought out by Sega, or was it Sony. It was bought out by one of them, so if you grab a revolution, ull be wasting you're money waiting for them to come out with some for real! It's kinda like their starting over with a brand new Nintendo system. And will have to work their way back up to a 64 standard. I personally don't feel like taking that time to test out their little revolution right now.
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