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Posts posted by chewetot

  1. I would also check to see if your motherboard has onboard graphics (I am assuming this port is attached to the m/:lol: if this is the case you may not be able to run it in tandem with your graphics card (if u have one)If it is on the graphics card check the make of card and google it this will tell you all the specs that particular card has. (you can find the make of card in your hardware profile through the properties of my computer)

  2. I am looking to replace my out of date 64mb graphics card (on my spare machine) with a new one of at least 128mb and have seen a few cards that might be ok.Can anyone tell me or know of a good place that compares the 3dClub radeon and the saphire radeon cards as these are 2 that i have seen. Both are Radeon 9800SE although if I can find somewhere that does the 9800Pro for the same price I may be tempted.Any help would be appreciated or if anyone knows of a good card at this sort of price please let me know.

  3. HI folks I have been playing SWG now since January 2004 and unfortunaltely not been playing much since the end of February this year. I have now got back in game (did not have internet at my new home). What do others think of the CU I think that they could have implemented this system in a bit at a time instead of the all new way to fight etc at once. Does anyone else agree or do people say who cares as I am no longer playing a game that the devs killed?

  4. I have Super Mini i-Disk Tiny 1GB World's Smallest USB Flash Drive had the 256MB and decided to upgrade

    these are really small and work great are usb2 compatible I bought mine from a UK web site called play.com really good prices for us brits

    you can find the write up for this here

    think the company that makes them are an american company so you should be able to get them there as well.

  5. what sort of details do u need the errors I have gotten so far are 2 or 3 times being told my graphics driver caused the problem and the last couple of times it has just been that a system driver has caused the crash.I have tried 2 different internal modems and after this weekend probably going to go with an external that one of my friends has given me. let me know if u need more details and what sort of details you need as any help would be appreciated

  6. Hi just thought I would say a hello to all the users of the boardsI am new to this site but not to the net and my name is from the star wars galaxies game I play and has nothing to do with chewing tots just b4 anyone asks:)

  7. I have had to sign up for dial up again due to my new place of residence not having broadband as yet. I installed a brand new modem purchased from PC World in the uk (yeah i know bad place to buy stuff from). Anyway the problem I have at the moment is that my machine keeps shutting down when I am online. Sometimes it happens often maybe after being on for about 3-5 mins and other times it takes a while.Could this be a heat issue? I took out my sound card just now as was not sure if it was too much power being drawn from the mb and that seemed to help for a while. When I reboot and XP wants to send the fault I usually get the message that it was a device driver fault. My graphics card and modem are both using unsigned drivers (graphics card drivers are the latest nvidia ones). anyone got any ideas or suggestions to help solve this?

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