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Posts posted by maxdeath5

  1. Has anyone here ever played Spyro Ripto's Rage? If you're familiar with the Spyro series, it is my favorite. If not, I'll explain.


    Spyro is a purple Dragon that goes on wild adventures to rescue either his fellow dragons or someone else. He dashes quickly and can blow fire at his enemies. However, even though this game is for kids, I like it a lot. It is a 3D platformer game, very similar to the Tomb Raider series. The graphics are almost always cel-shaded, and there is a lot of humorous scene in it.


    Now, about Ripto's Rage. You, Spyro, were trying to go on a vacation with your trustworthy firefly friend named Sparx. Meanwhile, in the world of Avalar, the Professor and his friends are trying to find a dragon to put an end to the riot Ripto has been causing over in this world. Just when they're about to get a big dragon, little baby Spyro comes.


    In this world are three mini-worlds, all having several levels. In these, you must help the people and they'll reward you with what you need to advance. You collect many gems and orbs, meet many different people, and blow fire on many different monsters. Overall, Spyro is one of the best kid game series... (That doesn't include Zelda and Mario, though)


    So, has anyone played Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage? I know just about everything about it, so ask me anything.



    I've played it but i just can't beat Ripto. He's one hard Mother F*cker

  2. This war(not literally!) has been waged with some of my friends lately. I like to see your take on it. So what gaming platform do you think is the best? Xbox, PS2 or PC?


    P.S. I cant seem to find a box to set up a poll?


    Notice from qwijibow:
    Moved to gameing: The life discussion board if for more serious topics.


    I think Ps2 is the best system out on the market. But the new slim Ps2 looks really stupid. And besides, you can't even use a hardrive with it!!

  3. I think FFX has to be the best in terms of graphics, sound, battle system, Video clips and animations. About the storylines, haven't anyone noticed that almost every single FF has the same story plot, a great evil is taking place, must find and stop the villain from reaching the secret evil weapon before it is too late,in the end the weapon gets activated and have to destroy it... Its all the same... So cliche! They should come up with something newer...


    Dude I think you are totally right. FFX is the best but FFVII has a better storyline then FFX!!! :)
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