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Posts posted by kalaap

  1. Ok, i wanted to install McAfee, so i know i can't install two anitivirus at the same time (the pc would go crazy!!!!!!!  :( )


    So, i unistalled norton antivirus... (so i thought)... i restarted... when i tried to install mcafee it said that another antivirus was installes, so i checked the install programs list..

    and for my sorprise... there was the Norton Anitivirus...


    I tried to unistall it and it says the is a newer version installed and that i have to remove it... on and on...


    WAHT CAN I DO!!!!!




    PS: I can't reinstall norton either...




    did you try this link:


    Symantec Support

  2. Go to System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\

    {4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000] and create a new DWORD value called "EnableUDMA66" and set it to "1" to enable UDMA66. This will increase your computer's performance by a slight margin but it's better than nothing. This tweak only works on Intel chipsets that support UDMA66 mode.


    how do you tweak for udma100? or is it the same?
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