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Jaden Imbroglio

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Posts posted by Jaden Imbroglio

  1. I'm trying to figure what I'll need so that when people are registering they'll get the colour-avatar that they chose. I'm just going to try to get the basics programming down first then look for people to help with graphics. Thanks for the help!I need to get space here before I can do what you suggested, though Saxsux. Thanks for the demo, microscopic^earthling.JXI

  2. I remember seeing something fall into the mountains to the east. I actually don't know if it was a meteorite, but it was pretty cool.I think it would have been awesome to see that. The whole study of the solar system and universe in general fascinates me. Too bad we're running out of time in Astronomy to study more.

  3. Hey! I'm planning to make a chatsite. It's going to be a graphical chatsite, so there's a lot having to go in it. It's going to be a first experience with MySQL, PHP and the lot. It may seem a bit advanced, but I've always been one to tackle something advanced for a beginner.

    The chatsite will be a lot like http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.furryocity.com&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2300300503455222, only with less features in the actual chatting (they have a lot of features.)

    I'm just wondering what I should look up to work on first. Javascripts, PHP, MySQL or what? I think I'll only be needing MySQL, PHP and Javascripting to get this functioning basically.

    Any advice for a newb scripter is appreciated, thanks!


  4. Hello, I'm Jaden Imbroglio; High school student leaving my junior year and about to enter the final year. Ahh, actually a little frightened, but I'll make it through. I've been thinking of starting a graphical chat for my website, so I'm looking around. So far this seems the coolest place. I'm 16, going on 17 this June. I love music, movies, friends and books! I'm straight edge (sXe) which means that I don't do drugs, drink and I'm not promiscuous. Sometimes I'll sign off my posts as "JXI" the "X" between the initials is a part of my straigh edge/hardcore life. I like a lot of music, not just hardcore, but my favorite band is a hardcore band; Littlegirllost. I like The Cure and AFI a lot, as well as Joy Division, VNV Nation, Aphex Twin, The Stone Roses and Blondie. I'm sure I'll find a good place to keep here. :(JXI

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