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Posts posted by sirknight

  1. Thanks...you're understanding from my post is right..Actually that was i want to do, access the database i will create here in Xisto.thoug not in the other site but in my local computer so that its easy for me to backup my database here in Xisto in the future. Because i cannot guarantee that i can backup regularly my database here. Anyway is there any way to automatically backup my database and can send tru my email?

  2. Before you can write data into a file this should be existed:
    Here is a sample code on how to read/write into a file.

    Create a new php file then type this:

    <?php$myFile = "test.txt";$filehandler = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");$stringData = "You're text here \r";fwrite($filehandler, $stringData);$stringData = "Another Text here \r";fwrite($filehandler, $stringData);fclose($filehandler );?>


    Var $myFile on the first line declares the filename of you're file.If its on different directory please specify that directory where it is located.

    The second line creates a variablle that will handle the file..That is why i called this file handler. fopen() is a function that will open that file. 'w' is for you to write..If you only want to read it just make it 'r'

    $stringData variable is the string or character you want to write on the file plus a carriage return.

    The fourth line will actually do the writing. fwrite() function.It takes two parameter the filehandler and the string you will write which is $stringData.

    And everytime you open a file you will also need to close this using fclose() function.

    Hope it helps.

  3. Nice thread..Maybe this is a good place to post all you're experiences to different free webhosting who is claiming that they have the very best free web hosting service. I have so many list of this bad webhost..I will just compile this and put my comments on every webhost and will put here for the benefit of all of us.

  4. Hi..I want to ask if its possible to automatically mirror my mysql databases into another mysql server?or create a small php script to do this?The reason is because, we all know that database is very improtant if we have dynamic website.I have my forum hosted and i want to automatically mirror this or backup into another mysql server(free). Like in freesql.org. So that im not afraid that i forgot to backup my database..also i have one central backup database.Thanks for the help..Im looking forward for this posibility.

  5. HI, I try to install the Ultimate shoutbox. Everything is successfull when applying the MOD. But when i edit the index.template.php and modify as stated above, it give me an error..it looks like this:Fatal error: Call to undefined function smfshout() in D:\home\jascdemolay\community\Sources\Load.php(1040) : eval()'d code on line 284

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