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Posts posted by isma2012

  1. Now thats is one of the weirdest things I have ever seen hahahaha, Well to me thats kind of interesting due to the fact that I didn't know this. Wow I didn't know skids could reach that height, and the pictures are very cool. But I mean to me the fact thats is so mysterious it seems amazing to me and nobody has seen it alive seems intersting to me.

  2. Why do they develop such things ? Really weird isn't it, there is actually no need for development of such weapons. There are no really BIG wars going on and if we're trying to have peace, why then create bombs?


    SLIGHTLY OFF TOPIC (but the topic reminded me of this)


    I can't really understand why governments decide to have such weapons created and developed further. I think that if for example USA decides to drop an neutron bomb on Iraq, the whole US population and the rest of the world would protest against it and bushy would be in great trouble.


    I presume the americans are still developing those bombs, but then they accuse the iraqis of creating 'weapons of mass destruction', but those are just toxic bombs, and way less dangerous than nuclear stuff. I think they should also check the US for dangerous weapons.


    To me the US can do anything they want, I mean we are a hegemon in this world we have the power. There are other countries out there with Weapons of Mass Destruction, But it still doesn't justify what the US did to Iraq. What I think is we really won't use nuclear weapons because of the consequences. Which be nuking each other back and until we wipe ourselves out. :(

  3. Well I need with C programming, In my school we have a robotics team which each year we build a robot and compete. But we have a deadline and by the time the robot is complete we don't have time for the programming. So I want something to do thist summer. And Im interested in computers and want to learn programming, So can somebody please tell me a good site where I can learn it, or Tutorial. Thanks you


    -----Moved from Tutorials section to Programming General > C-----szupie

  4. I agree with all you say there are lots of angles to look at technology and the way is growing, I mean technology is our worst enemy yet our best friend(What I thought you were trying to say in your essay) But yea I do feel the same way about technology. But you see we are all taking a risk trusting computers everyday but the american public is willing to take this risk.. So to me is all about risk. Like Glockmeister said we nuked japan, But we didn't know what was to happen if we did, nuke japan it was suspossed to show us what would happen, the US didn't know the effects would last to today.. So just to prove my point, technology is a risk, just like going outside or driving a car.

  5. I was on this one place with some people I know, until these freaks came  in and started dissing gays, and calling them *BLEEP* and animals and stuff. I was so disgusted :(  , is there really anything wrong with being gay? What do you think?

    I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay.

    It's someone choice, and America/or  other country hasn't the right to take that away from people (religon pending). I'm not gay my self, but I wish people wouldn't be so ignorant and stupid about it. They are people too.

    And if it's not affecting you, why go after them? And plus, how does that make them a bad person? Yes, somepeople DO think the are bad persons, obviously, since all this is on the news and everything, and all these billboards keep popping that say 'Ex-Gays can play it straight' or something rediculous like that.  Why people are homosexual? I don't know, I don't see anything attractive in the same gender.

    What do you think of being gay?


    Hmm, I think this should be in the Debate section.. sorry


    moved to the debate section :D


    I believe there is nothing wrong with being gay. I mean It doesn't affect me, If a guy want to be gay Im fine with it(as long as he doen't hit me on me). So to me is fine as they don't make a move on me. I mean what so wrong with being with the person even if it is a man. It seems somewhat wrong to me but If they love each is fine by me.
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