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Posts posted by Halfway2Anywhere

  1. I've wanted to switch to Mac OS for a while now. I finally convinced my mom to let me, but I can't get it until at least June. I am so sick of windows. Like every virus and spyware and everything..all written for Windows. Especially IE users. I use MSN Explorer, but same thing. The only reason I haven't gotten a new browser is because it's much easier to get to my verizon and MSN stuff from the one I've got. But the second I can prove to my mom that I deserve a new computer, this things out the window. I still can't get rid of some of my spyware. Even my anti-spyware doesn't work properly! It keeps trying to scan my computer out of nowhere and won't let me stop it. I got so sick of it I shut the thing down, and now my computer's not protected properly anyway. :P

  2. By the time I got interested in creating my own sites, I was already a hopless internet addict. Or Nutrinopets addict, to be more specific. But anyway, I had already tried to create a site using like, website builders and stuff, but I just couldn't get what I wanted. So I of course talked to my dad(the computer expert of the family), and for my 12th birthday he got me a couple HTML books(that was only the start of the geekiness). So I read the books and I learned the basic stuff, and made my first(horrible) website about wolves. I still haven't read the whole book, I just go back and look up the things I need to here and there. And since then I've moved on to PHP, and am in the process of creating my own [hopefully] awesome virtual pet site. So there's my story. :P

  3. As a hopeless computer geek who spends most of her time on the computer or thinking about the computer, I would say phpbb. As has been stated, it is easy to use, but it is also fun to mess around with. I am going to be using it in the virtual pet site I'm working on, and I have to say, it really is fun trying to make my own skins. But I use Invision for the temporary forums of that site, and it's also good software. It has a lot of options to customize the forums, but I personally prefer the look of phpbb. So, you now have my opinion. :P


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