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Posts posted by Neverseen

  1. Glad you are set up with your new hosting site. One of the reasons that I asked about the form was if autoglobals are turned off or possibly you are using a server that has incorperated PHP5 some of your old scripts might not now work. So to fix that in the form lets say you have a value of

    in an input field, to make it work with PHP5 or autoglobal settings that you can not control then you would change it to
    this will ensure that your code works.


    I run two servers on my local machine one running PHP5 and one running PHP4 and the reason for this is basically to test and be sure that any script that I write wil not only work on PHP4 but PHP5 also. Anyway I am glad you have your problem solved, but I am sure that as hosting sites start running PHP5 then there will need to be some code tweaking going on.


    exactly, on my new hosting I can choose and switch between php4 and php5.. I don't know which one is better for me, but now I'm on PHP5 and everything works without any problem.

  2. There is a reason for wanting to see the form because that is where the sendmail.php is getting its values, most likely the config.php merely connects to the database and selects the database, but showing the program that processes the information it not of much value especially if the problem is not within that program but the program that tells it what values it is working with.


    Basically speaking seeing what you have right now has nothing to work with and will do nothing because it depends on another program to tell it new information to process, if you have three programs and only show one of them it is hard to determine what is happening to the process as a whole.


    Man, you know what ? You're 100% right ! It's all about form.php ! ;)


    First of all, I'm happy to announce that I've solved the problem ! :P


    In fact, for some reason, my new hosting company decided that all their users should use the preinstalled script and shouldn't be able to use own ones and they were blocking my script (dunno how tbh), that's why it didn't work.

    So in my form.php file, instead of refering to sendmail.php I had to refere to their preinstalled script... and I also had to change some variables, because it changes a bit from my script.


    So now my last problem is solved ! :D But in any case, thanks a lot to everyone who was trying to help me lately :D



  3. Houdini, the form is in form.php file.. and I've only posted the sendmail.php code here.


    mastercomputers, thanks for your reply, although after I used <?php ?> the problem is still there.. and about autoglobals, to be honest I didn't get it very well... I don't even know if I'm using autoglobals or not :D I'm a total n00b with php, really!

    Could you please explain where I should put this $fname = $_POST['fname']; line in my code ? By the way, the metod is POST indeed...

    Also, something which looks very strange is that it worked very well with Xisto hosting and now with the new hosting it doesn't...

  4. So, now when I completely moved to another hosting and transfered all databases and stuff, I still have the LAST problem to fix. It's about the PHP contact form script

    So I explain..


    I've got a very simple contact form script which is composed of 3 different files:


    form.php - which determines the layout and which I have to include into my contact page


    config.php - where I set up the email adress where I want to receive the messages.


    sendmail.php - here's its code


    <?include "config.php";if ($f_name <> "" and $f_mail <> "" and $f_message <> "") {mail("$email", "$subject", "From: $f_name\nMail: $f_mail\nMessage:\n\n$f_message");$msg = "Your message has been sent, thank you.";} else {$msg = "All fields are required, push the back button to fill out the rest.";}?><link href="forAll.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">CONTACT: <hr size="1"><? echo $msg; ?>

    So, this little script worked perfectly, when I was with Xisto... but now, when I moved to another hosting, I've just copied these 3 files from my old server and uploaded them to my new server, and when I wanted to test the contact form, I got the message as if I didn't fill all fields: "All fields are required, push the back button to fill out the rest. " :D But I DID fill them all ! I don't understand what it could be.. It worked very well with the other hosting and I didn't even touch to the code..but now with the new hosting it doesn't work..

    Any idea how to fix that ? Please don't hesitate to drop a message :D



  5. Thsnks a lot for your replies, everybody!! I really appreciated your help, but the winner here is CaptainRon ! Because his solution was the easest and the most effective ! Thank you very much, CaptainRon! :D But one thing I had to do is to copy my login.php file from my old hosting to be able to sign in on my forum. Maybe there are more files I had to copy from my old forum ? In fact, before importing the database I already had a new and EMPTY forum installed....

  6. Hello,So I've got a phpBB forum installed on my Xisto hosting, But now I'm moving to another hosting and would like to move my forum there, but I haven't got enough of knowledge about databases. In fact I've exported my database through phpMyAdmin to an SQL file and tried to import it through phpMyAdmin as well to my new hosting. But the problem is that my username for MySQL on my new hosting is different, so access is denied when I try to import it. Let's say my username at Xisto is neverseen@localhost and the database's name is neverseen_phpbb1 Now at my new hosting my username is.. let's say newuser@localhost So when I try to import neverseen_phpbb1, the message I get isError: 1044 Access denied for user: 'newuser@localhost' to database 'neverseen_phpbb1'I don't know what would be the easiest way to get ride of this problem... maybe I should create in my new database a user named neverseen@localhost ? or maybe I should grant all priveleges to newuser@localhost ? I'm not even sure about all that. Please correct me if I'm telling senseless things :D and if anyone of you already had this problem, please let me know how you have managed to transfere database. Thanks in advance !

  7. Damn, I'm having so much problems with my PC lately, you couldn't even imagine. And here comes the biggest one.
    In fact, I was running Windows98 since 1999 and some days ago I've upgraded my system with a new motherboard, new CPU and new DDR memory. So I thought it was time to move from Windows98 to WindowsXP. I've got 2 different hard drives, one of 40GB and another one of 160GB but divided in 4 partitions of 40GB.. So in all I've got 5 HDD (C: D: E: F: and G: ) My Windows98 was installed on C: . My drive D: was used to store different files. And I decided to install my WindowsXP to my E: drive. So I proceed with the installation, BUT my PC has shut down because of extreme CPU heating (as explained in another topic). Then after all I managed to install this WindowsXP, BUT now when I went to see my D: drive, I first saw some strange folders' and files' names .. something like сьъ2ОЛДк :D and decided to check this drive for errors. I loaded Windows98, because there I've got some good utilities.. I started Disk Doktor from Norton Utility and it was fixing "Tables allocation" during 14 hours !!!! When it finished to fix, it asked to reboot.. I rebooted, and what do you think I've seen on my D: drive ? When I click on it it says "4GB of free space" BUT when I enter, it's VOID !!!!! :D There's NOTHING in there ! And I had a lot of very very VERY important files there which I haven't made a backup of ;)
    My mate told me he had a lot of good data recovery software, so I asked him to bring it to me. He has got R-Studio, Recover My Files, GetDataBack,... I've tryed them all, and NONE of them succeeded to recover my lost files. Even the files, that were found, were corrupted after I saved them. So I'm really pissed off now and have no Idea how I'll do to bring my important files back. Now, some hours ago, I've noticed EXACTLY the same problem on another drive !! Not the whole drive, but just some folders with these strange filenames like ПФо;рхб... I guess this might be a virus (not sure tho). But if anyone of you already has had this kind of problems, please tell me how to recover my files!!! I hope that this is at least not impossible...

    By the way, my sistem is FAT32..

    Please help me! Your help will be highly appreciated!!

  8. Does anyone know what is the normal and maximum temperature for an AMD Athlon 64 3200+ ? A coule of days ago I've bought a new motherboard and a CPU... Installed them.. started my PC, all loaded very well e.t.c.. but when I started a software which needed a lot of CPU, my PC has shut down.. then I restarted the PC, installed 'Core Cell' to see the temperature, and the temperature was about 70 °C..then I started my programm again which forced the CPU a bit, and it raised to 80°C or even 85°C... I'm not sure that this is normal.

  9. Yordan, I really appreciate your advises, but one thing which is funny is that you don't read the whole messages I post :D Looks like you read only some of the first lines ;) If you read carefully, you'll see that "index.htm" couldn't have dissapeared, because my friends still can see the NORMAL website and now they have no problems with viewing it. BUT, some days ago I've completely reinstalled my Windows XP, and now I can see the website :P Funny, eh ?! And the stats work without any problem now. That's some really strange ****. I have no idea what the problem was, but at least the problems are gone... and also from 2006 I'll be with my new paid hosting so I hope this was my last problem at Xisto :D

  10. oh well... still having problems here. Now when I'm trying to access my cpanel by http://myDomain.com/cpanel it doesn't even let me in.. but if I connect through Xisto's IP there's no problems.. and by the way, now when I connected by ftp there was no counter problem ! But here comes another major issue. When I'm trying to see my own website, I see some cPanel message which says: "There is no website configured at this address. You are seeing this page because there is nothing configured for the site you have requested. If you think you are seeing this page in error, please contact the site administrator or datacenter responsible for this site." But when I send the link to some of my friends, they say that they can see the website and that all seems to be normal ! How is it possible ? Does anyone know what does this reaction of the website to different IP's mean ? Please help ! Well I'm transferring my domain atm and changing the hosting as well, but Im still with Xisto now and when I send the link to my friends , they see the site which is hosted here at Xisto.

  11. First of all, the IP for MySQL Access (@Xisto) is


    To connect to the database at Xisto, you must set something in the Xisto cPanel to enable access from outside.


    1.Go to MySQL Databases

    2.Look for Host (% wildcard is allowed): at the bottom of the page

    3.Type the IP of your new host to the box and click Add Access Host


    thank you!! thank you so muchh !!!!

  12. Although your feedbacks were not usefull, thanks anyway for your time. First of all, it doesn't matter if my university has only one IP or more than one IP. As I've explained in my first post, I've sent the link to some of my friends and they all live in different places, and some of them even in different countries, so it has nothing to do with my university's IP. And EVEN if my university had only one IP, it wouldn't be the reason, because I'm 100% sure that there's a lot of people all over the world that are visiting my site everyday, and I still have 0 visits on my counter. Now about the sitemeter. Thanks for suggestion, but I know that this kind of thing exists and I would already install it longtime ago if I wanted to, so there's nothing new or useful for me either. What I was expecting is a solution of this cPanel problem to get it working correctly as it was before. I though there are some experienced people on this forum (because Xisto's target is to make a QUALITY forum with QUALITY users and QUALITY posts), but it looks like I was wrong. So for now I'm still at the same point and almost hopeless to find a solution here. Just a little bit of hope is left that some nice and intelligent guy will read this and will give me some usefull advises. :huh: Pease out.

  13. Hello there,
    In fact I've got some strange problems with my hosting. A couple of months ago all worked (almost) perfectly and I had about 30 or 40 unique visitors per day showed in Analysis and Log files / Web/FTP Stats of my cPanel.. then one day I was on my cPanel to check how many visitors I had and it showed ZERO :D That's just impossible that noone visits my website anymore, because I stil have new entries in the guestbook and I stil receive the emails that people send from my website's contact form... So I visited my own site myself and the stats showed "1 visitor today" then I sent the link to some friends and asked them to visit my website to check if their visits will be detected, and what do you think my stats showed ? "1 visitor" ! Next day I tryed to access my website from university PC, when I got back home I've checked the stats again, and there was ZERO visitors :huh: So this means that my visit from university wasn't detected by the stats system and only the visits from MY HOME PC are detected :) And this problem is not only with "Web/FTP Stats" thing, but also with "Latest Visitors".
    Also another problem but that I think is related with the one above. Let's imagine I've connected to my FTP using FlashFXP , created a folder and uploaded a rar file (or whatever extension you want). So the direct adress would be http://myDomain.com/myfolder/myfile.rar Now when I'm trying to access this direct link (or even the folder I've created) from my PC, there's no problems, but if I send this link to someone, or try to access it from anywhere else than from my home, it will show "file not found" :P By the way, if you access the site itself (I mean http://www.mydomain.com/) from anywhere it will be showed normaly with all images e.t.c..
    I have no idea how this could have happened. If someone knows how to resolve that, it will be much appreciated.
    And yeah, also another thing. Some months ago I've created a subdomain and redirected it to my little free hosting I have from my ISP. It worked perfectly for about 2 or 3 months, and now it refuses to redirect :P

  14. I've seen some huge flash websites, although I don't know if their size was as big as your's.. but anyway if the visitor has to download all the 100 MB on EACH visit, that would be very convenient, and you can forget about having any visitor with the speed less than ISDN one.. Now if your site will load part by part.. for example when you open the main page there's only 1MB loading, then you click on a link, there's some more MB's that load... e.t.c.. or for each song you've got a loading.. so that would be fine.

  15. Ok. Here we go. I've got a website, and some lame spammer uses my domain name to send his fckin SPAM. Now I'm only receiving "Delivery Failure" messages from the adresses where this mofo has sent spam but that doesn't exist. I was told that with some software, it's possible to send an email, and to put whatever you want in the field "From:" so, even if you're sending the message from blabla@hotmail.com you still can make people believe that you send it from any other adress (ex: admin@Xisto.com) and when they receive it they really think that it was the admin who has sent them this sh*t. Now my question would be: is it possible to prevent spammers from using my domain name ?? Is there any way to block them ? Please let me know, because this really makes me sick :) Thanks in advance.

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