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Posts posted by insanity10117

  1. Sim City is a god of a game. The creators should be very proud of their accomplishment. I bought SimCity 4 recently (month ago) and I love it. Tho, if they do create another Sim City they should make the graphics a tad better and the in-car stuff interesting. Example...School bus job missons, garbage truck job missions, etc.

  2. Aye yes. Life without a computer is indeed possible but now, in the age of such great technology we ask ourself: do we ever WANT to live without a computer? lol. As I read these posts I see alot of feedback and I thought I would reply again. I think everyone should be made availiable to a computer. We live in such an age of technology that computers shouldnt cost $500+. And the internet is a wide source of fun and information. I will bet if every child had access to the internet, test scores and grades would slightly rise. And now all these computer classes in schools and such, proves we live in the age of computers. We will only invent more knowledgeable and ingenious tools thruout the century.

  3. Well, Im not sure where you can find those but I can give you some links that might help.

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Seems to be a basic HTML template site.
    http://www.templatemonster.com/ - I've never been able to find free ones but you can try.
    http://sakura.unixuni.org/simple-graphix/start/index_en.php - Weird site but you may find something of interest there.

    I hope those sites help.

  4. I learned HTML about 2 years ago. I surfed online and found http://www.draac.com/. I think its a very good beginners HTML site. They explain EVERYTHING and I mean everything. I learned over 75% of my HTML from that site. I recomend it to ANYONE starting out. I kinda just looked at it for a few days and taught myself. Now Im an excellent HTML designer and Im working on mastering PHP, which is a LOT harder than HTML but now that Im learning it...it helps my site out ALOT.

  5. i would recomend using google caches, if they have them. i can get on an IRC chat applet with the caches. my school even blocked the loophole to the firewall since some "genious" bookmarked it on a school computer. but if anyone else has any way of getting past them, im all ears lol.

  6. so i've been posting and reading things on this. what do you guys think. can we really live without computers? i know i CANT lol. i just think about how long im really on my computer and how long i'd LIKE to be on my computer. i swear i do EVERYTHING on my computer: talk to people, surf, play games, reports, research(duh lol) and such. i just cant think about how much technology advanced in the 16 years i've been alive and how much its going to advance in the next couple years. what do you think were gonna start seeing? and what about this Internet-2 thats been the buzz around the internet. can anyone provide more of an explanation somewhere?

  7. oh man this is my story lol. i spend almost ALL of my time on my computers. i use it for irc, aim, yim, surfing the internet, building my site, etc. i CANT live more than a few days with out a computer. i would seriously go nuts lol. my parents have also tried to keep me off my computers by taking my wireless antenna off. but i found another one *evil grin* and kept using it when i had to. i guess i can say im a computer geek lol. but hey, computers are the future and knowing more and more can get you a really good job someday. i just cant believe how much technology has advanced in the 16 years i've been alive. its so amazing to think about what we'll come up with in the near future. i cant wait. and as pertaining to the topic, we have a few fairly new teachers to my high school, and we asked them one day if they could do with out a computer and most of them said "oh god no". so there you have it...most people cant live with out one. some people dont even have one! whats up with that. we need a PFC: 'puters for charity' lol. so what are your guys stories about your 'cant live' without a computer?

  8. hi there tarun, im from ohio, in the united states. great to see some diversity on this website. good to know so many people know about Xisto. i wish you well in your hosting. i am pleased so far with it, and im sure i will always be pleased with it. greetings to the board :(

  9. i run two computers with monitors side-by-side: one runs aim/yahoo/msn, the other runs mIRC and internet/games. pretty neat set up i have but i really want an LCD monitor. with 2 bulky CRT's on my desk it leaves me little room for accessories for two computers and i'd think an LCD for the aim/yahoo/msn computer would be really nice. what is your feel on LCD monitors? my feel is as long as they work good great, i'll use em. im also thinking about getting one, which one should i get, if anyone has recomendations.

  10. thats horrible...all these crazy people doing this just cuz its fun. the internet is supposed to a fun place, and with all these new viruses and stuff the you have to watch your every move. i do download songs every once in a while, but have never heard of such a thing like that. i would go crazy if that happened to me. yes, good job in stopping it and i hope it doesnt happen again. and whats up with this legal crap. its not like theyre gonna stop people from downloading anymore. its always gonna be out there...we download cuz most of the time, we only want a song or two, and not have to buy the entire cd, ya know? and i cant believe or government anymore: guilty till proven innocent...what a load of crap, imo.

  11. I think Mac's with OSX are fairly good. Im a Windows person, and even though I dont normally like Mac's, the school I attend used eEacs w/ OSX in the new lab that the programming class was held in, and though you can multi-task fairly well, I still think Windows is far better. But as for safety and security, I would use an iBook. I love our schools iBooks. :(

  12. Lets see here. Im 16 and sophomore in high school. I started programming HTML about December 2003, and have progressed to JavaScript, and then onto PHP. I've been trying to learn ASP and stuff. I've been looking around at C/C++ stuff but i cant find anything good! Anyone know of something that can really help me with text based progs, at least to get started. I've also taken a semester of HyperCard and TrueBASIC, which i did kind of like. All in all, I've been programming for about a year and a half. Again, I need serious help with C/C++ and if you know ANYWAY to get started, let me know via PM or reply or even e-mail. Thanks a bunch and as I'm looking at these posts, great job guys. Future programmer here hehe. Looking into that field going into college.

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