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Hattrick The best OL football management game
zinthink replied to zinthink's topic in Computer Gaming
PowergamingPowergaming is a term used to describe a particular approach of a player. Powergamer tries to squeeze everything that's possible from a game. When playing RPG, he'll use every possible method to gain character's experience, skills and equipment. Role playing, or simply having "regular" fun is not that important for him. When playing Civilization, he'll try to get as many points as possible, or finish the game ASAP, etc., instead of playing 'regularly' (having wars going on, playing a certain diplomatic strategy, playing around with governments). There are several powergaming techniques in Hattrick. It's up to you, whether you want to have: a nice time, a strong team or something in between. Just choose your way. Obviously I can't tell you how to have fun in HT, so naturally most of this guide is about powergaming. About squeezing the last drop from Hattrick. Well, (luckily, believe me) Hattrick-developer has not provided us with precise values and formulas, so we, at least at this point, can't find exact best solutions for every situation. You'll have to improvise most of the time, that's the real beauty of this game. Usually all I can do is to draw you an image of certain mechanisms and a VERY comprehensive clue on what you could do. You might like and use some ideas and disregard others. That's exactly what I do. I'm trying to be 100% effective when it comes to training, but I don't daytrade. You decide who you want to be and get the most out of it. -
Hattrick The best OL football management game
zinthink replied to zinthink's topic in Computer Gaming
Hattrick is a massively multiplayer game. What makes it cool is that you don't win just by having a good long-term strategy, good knowledge on tactics and a bit of luck. Here comes human factor. Convince people to buy your players at high prices ("man, he has a great set pieces combined with decent scoring... you just must buy him and watch him score long shots!"). Convince others to PiC against you and MotS against your enemies. Make your league enemiest your best buddies - you're not only have many nice folks as friends, but also league enemies who are more likely to play PiC and avoid MotS against you (but no, don't think of them as tools that make your team stronger... after all you're a decent guy, right?). Learn how your league enemies think, how they set up their teams, what influences their decisions, what mistakes they tend to make. Be smarter (but not a smart-*bottom*).Master those two natures (mathematical and psycho-social) of hattrick and I assure you -- you'll take your team to the top. But having a successful team is just one part of hattrick. I know many people in LOWEST divisions, who are very successful hattrick players, simply successful at enchancing this game, by co-creating it's spirit. Examples? Some guys make great statistics (around the end of the seasons makes weekly promotion tables. Just look at them and you know which league you'd play if the season ended now, or who'd you play against in qualification games. Some make conference talks a lot more colorful, some spend a lot of time watching that everythings going all right (for GM), some organize great federations, some help newbies a lot, and so on, and so on. Be nice, be helpful, be imaginative. Life's 10x more fun if you are. -
Hattrick The best OL football management game
zinthink replied to zinthink's topic in Computer Gaming
Start from now on, i will give some step by step explanation about Hattrick, hope everyone could get advantages, especially for newbie.Digital superstars...Beneath graphics, sound, cool text, and the whole fun, computer games are nothing more than mathematics (well, that's not always true, but we'll come back to that). No matter if you play arcade, RPG or strategy games. Digits and formulas. It's all about them. Your character doesn't shoot, doesn't run, doesn't eat. Whenever you do something, computer just gets some values (e.g. your current health is 17), finds an appropriate formula (e.g. "whenever a character touches a health pack, he gets 25 health") and calculates it ("17 + 25 = 42, wchich is character's current health"). A bit simplified, but I just wanted to say what I have in mind.There's exactly the same situation in Hattrick. You don't have a cool wingback, who is quick as hell and is irreplaceable in your team. You just have a database entry with your team ID and certain values in several fields (e.g. playmaking 4445, passing 2461, experience 9765, health 2455, etc.). Now, if you order this player to play as offensive left wingback, he'll basically add (might be more complicated, but it's irrelevant here) x*winger skill value to your left attack value, y*defending skill value to left defence and q*defending skill value to the central defence value. After summing up all players' influence on all sectors and counting all other relevant factors (coach being defensive/offensive, team spirit, confidence, etc.), total strength of all your sectors (left defence, central defence, etc.) is finally set. During the game... bang! It's only an introduction to the guide. Generally, I just want to tell you: "if you want to win, learn to see everything as values and formulas". There are 10 kinds of people: those that understand binary and those that don't. Be the one who understand. Be the one who knows why Team X won 7-1. -
Hattrick is an online football game where you trade players and coach your team in competition with hundreds of thousands of simultaneous opponents from all over the world. Hattrick is free of charge. You run your team using a web browser. Matches are played a couple times a week. You can log on at any time to check the status of your team, issue orders for training, trade players on the transfer list - or just have a chat with the other Hattrick users. Hattrick is never ending so when (if) you win your league you qualify for promotion to a higher league the following season (each season is 16 weeks long). Are you ready? Ready to go for national and international fame? No doubt, it's the best multiplayer online football management game. Once you get into it, you'll forget your Championship Manager/Football Manager !!! Prove it yourself: https://www.hattrick.org/