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Posts posted by Amnzero

  1. First, I would like to say that no matter what your religious beleifs are, they do not have a place in this kind of discussion. Not trying to offend anyone, but when I hear somebody talking about how god created humans...blah...blah...blah, the first thing that comes to my mind is 'where is the proof?' In a conversation like this, proven facts rule the playing feild in my mind.On to the meat, and potatos. How is it that a human body comunicates with all of its different parts? Through electrical, and chemical signals. The brain, is the nexus of the human body, and this is where everything takes place. Everything here is based upon chemicals. The chemicals are passed along in a complex, and almost disorganised manner, sending different signals, and information. The chemical signals are then translated to an electrical current, and the information is further passed down the chain till it reaches its destination about a third of a seccond after the information was sent. To me this mimics very closely the way a computer works, only everything is sent by electric current. This makes a computer in fact able to think like a human eventualy.Here you have this debate. Is it not the same as any other form of racism? 'But it is not made of living flesh, it can not possibly feel the same way as we do.' you say, but lets look back a few hundred years at what people said about africans. 'Well they have black skin, they can not possibly feel as we do.' They said, and they treated them as savages. Not punnishing a robot for its crimes would be the same as you refusing to punnish your children. If your child does something wrong, do you punnish him, to let him know that it is wrong, and that he should not do that, or do you just look the other way, and say that he is just a child and does not know any better. Punnishment is a learning experience, and if your children dont know any better than it is because you have not tought them well enough. It is the same for robots. Technicaly if they are built ever they would most likely be made to learn in the same way as humans do.

  2. I beleive you have more of a hardware problem. This kind of error usualy only occurs when your hard drive is corupt, or is not recognised properly by your BIOS.I suggest, first, using a Windows 98/ME bootdisk, if you have one available to you. The bootdisks from those systems actualy load a version of DOS into your RAM, which I have found to be quite useful, especialy since they also load CD-ROM support.From DOS, after using the bootdisk, you can try reinstalling Windows 2000. You will need four formatted floppy disks to make the windows 2000 instalation bootdisks which are required for installation from DOS.Just insert the Windows 2000 CD after booting up with CD ROM Support, and type MAKEBOOT at the prompt. If that does not work, try switching to drive D by typing D: at the command prompt before typing MAKEBOOT again.Just follow the instructions from there, which will appear on the screen.If you dont have access to a Windows 98/ME Bootdisk, than the next best thing would be an installation diskette for MS DOS.If you go through the installation, but upon restarting your computer, you get the same error, than I would see about getting your BIOS Updated, before trying the same thing again. If again it does not work, than it is definatly your Hard Drive, and you will need to have it replaced.

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